Twinhead Theatre profile picture

Twinhead Theatre

About Me

Photo by Jason Reed
Twinhead Theatre and Performance Group is comprised of 13 actors and artists who love to produce and develop pieces that ask audiences not to leave the event or performance at the door, but to take it with them for creative fuel. We’re interested in re-envisioning existing plays and taking on brand-new work yet to be seen in Atlanta.
In the past (almost) 5 years, you may have caught us sitting in cakes for a food drive, spinning fire at Freedom Park, running downtown as a band of Yeti...and even performing a few shows. We are getting into our sixth season, and we are stoked!
(Click images below to view members' profile)
1. Loaded Guns Vol. 3: The Movie!
APRIL 5 @ The Plaza Theater, 1049 Ponce De Leon Ave. (404) 873-1939
Some of our older (and sexier) fans may remember Loaded Guns and Loaded Guns Vol. 2: A Loaded Guide to Parenting, a series of sketches written and produced by Twinhead. Well, Loaded Guns Vol. 3: The Movie! is the same filmed and filled with all new material written by yours truly! Through film, we plan to expand our horizons and blow your mind even farther than we've ever blown them before!
Directed by Eli Banks, Jamie Gaar and Julian Modugno
**WARNING** This show is for mature audiences. Not recommended for children. Includes nudity, mature language, sexual situations, innuendoes, blood, fart jokes, etc.
2. Pterodactyls by Nicky Silver
Thursday-Saturday, April 17th-26th, at PushPush Theatre, 121 New Street, Decatur, GA 30030. $7-$12
A full-length dark comedy about a dysfunctional family whose constant denial--of sexual urges towards each other, of latent homosexuality, of death--leads them ever onward directly to--hence the name--extinction.
Directed by Kristi DeVille
Learn more about Nicky Silver and his works.
3. Choose-your-own-Adventure: The Play
Late JUNE, Location TBD
Remember these beloved books from your childhood? Twinhead has taken one of the most successful book series of all time and turned it into an interactive adventure play where the audience gets to decide where the story will go next. Does Twinhead enter the Mayan temple of doom, or do we turn back and take our chances in the Egyptian pyramid??
4. Twinhead Turns Five
AUGUST, Location TBD
We're officially 5 year olds now! Maybe we can graduate to poo poo jokes.
5. Donkey Punch!
Various dates and local bars

This is our traveling 1 hour salute to politics. Since this year is an election year, we're fully taking advantage of all the wackiness and making a Twinheadian style political show... or maybe apolitical, or maybe some other shit all together; who knows?? Come celebrate your right to vote with Twinhead!

Have you registered to vote yet?
6. Shake 'n Bake 2: Electric Boogaloo
SEPTEMBER @ Cabbagetown Amphitheater, corner of Tye St. and Kirkwood St.
Due to the unbelievably HUGE success of last summer's Shake 'N Bake, Twinhead will attack the Bard again!! This time we're using different plays and a different device to bring you another awesome evening of Elizabethan hilarity you've never seen before.
Bring your blanket and some picnic goodies! Oh, and take this tab of acid; it'll help.

A scene from last year; Shylock was a hit!
7. Forks, Knives, and Murder Weapons
Mid-NOVEMBER, @ Manuel's Tavern, 602 N Highland Ave. (404) 525-3447
Twinhead takes a STAB (oh, you know I had to) at Mystery Dinner Theatre! You won't want to miss what our demented little minds can come up with.
Food + Alcohol + Murder = Twinhead.

8. Cakesit 4
JANUARY 2009, Location TBD, admission $5 or 5 canned good
Omigod, we're back again! This annual fundraiser is slowly becoming an Atlanta tradition! The tentative themes for this year are as follows:
** Lil Debbie Does Dallas
** Are You There, God? It's Me, Cakesit
We've got a lot in store for you in 2008!
Check back regularly for updates, new photos and videos and other random musings!
Feel free to contact us: [email protected]


We Are For Hire For Singing Telegrams!

My Interests

Would you like to see the MySpace page for this event?

By Nicky Silver
Directed by Kristi DeVille
PushPush Theatre, Apr 17-19 & 24-26

This dark comedy wowed audiences once again proving that Twinhead still has the aptitude for the dramatic. But what would a Twinhead show be without the mention of fisting?

Pterodactyls was Kristi DeVille's last show with Twinhead Theatre. Kristi, Seth and baby Neva are moving to Vermont for greener pastures (quite literally). We wish our favorite lil' family the best of luck and we'll miss them dearly!



theatre, collaboration, the United States, vaudeville, singing, clowning around, tambourines, parades, vamp, comedy, tragedy, history, general marauding, cross-dressing, wacky monarchs, witches and crones, jesters, the Blob, shorting the counselor's sheets, Chubby Bunny, snake handling (but only when the spirit calls me), speaking in tongues, drinking strychnine, laying on of hands, and praising the Lord

I'd like to meet:

the Bard, Suzan Lori-Parks, theater enthusiasts, people who like to sit in cake, Chef Boyardee, at least one hippie, erotic Communists, Alexander Hamilton, Necessity and Invention, Nanny Jo, Jon Stewart, Paul Bunyan, several Mormons, Psychic Zara, and anyone who looks at a Rorschach test and thinks of spidery butterflies or vaginas.


the digeridoo, the sound of wind or whales forever, Carol Tulloss, the Beatles, barbershop quartets, Colonial American ditties, minstrels, camp songs, "My God is an Awesome God", hymns, hymns, other hymns and some real foot stompin' knee slappin' Jesus tunes just sure to move your feet.

Some Favorites ~ Sorry no Ferrari, Club Awesome, the Coathangers, dwarfstarr, Club of Rome, My Siamese Self, Luigi, Partisan, Tiger!Tiger!, Hope for a Golden Summer, The Marsh, Telegram, The Selmanaires, King Congregation, Anna NicoleMiner's Daughter, Hubcap City (from Belgium), the Woggles...

Our Own Venture Into Radio:

East Side Story, a hipster soap opera. We'll keep you updated on the seven-episode first season, coming soon!


Workin' on that.

My Blog

Wow. 2007, yall.

Let me just tell you, I don’t know what kind of year you had, but Twinhead’s year was kick-ass. We did twelve productions--twelve! I know, I couldn’t believe it either--and each was ...
Posted by Twinhead Theatre on Sun, 17 Feb 2008 05:08:00 PST

LOADED GUNS Vol. 3: The Movie (Teasers & Trailers)

Our editing team has been working night and day to put together our very first movie! We can’t believe they have the time to crank out some delicious teasers and trailers!!More will be added as...
Posted by Twinhead Theatre on Thu, 13 Mar 2008 10:15:00 PST

Our awesome week of 365!

From the Atlanta 365 Plays in 365 Days Myspace page:Week 20: Twinhead Theatre and Performance Group Twinhead Theatre brought 365 back into the Push Push lobby with a well conceived staging ...
Posted by Twinhead Theatre on Tue, 08 May 2007 08:02:00 PST

Rob Mosca loves us!

Rob Mosca was kind enough to repost our bulletin about our week of 365 Plays in 365 Days, and when he did, he added some wonderful comments about us that will probably be emblazoned on a shirt sometim...
Posted by Twinhead Theatre on Tue, 27 Mar 2007 07:07:00 PST

Guess what we're up to NOW...

Hello, dear Friends! Twinhead is embarking on our next project, fresh off Loaded Guns and ready for action! (As per.) Laura Krueger has cast nothing but lovely ladies in Twinhead's week of Suzan Lori...
Posted by Twinhead Theatre on Fri, 02 Mar 2007 11:13:00 PST

Pics from Loaded Guns Vol. 2!

These pictures were taken by Friend of Twinhead Eddie Ray! He is the bomb. He actually left them as a comment on, but I deleted it because it was just too big. But tha...
Posted by Twinhead Theatre on Tue, 13 Feb 2007 12:12:00 PST

Cakesit Pictures!

For those of you who could not attend the Great American Midnight Cakesit, I'd like to personally inform you that you missed one hell of a good time! Just to rub your face in it, here are some delight...
Posted by Twinhead Theatre on Thu, 01 Feb 2007 01:46:00 PST

The Sundance Kids

Twinhead buds Anessa Ramsey, Steve Westdahl, Justin Welborn, Michael McReynolds and oh, so many more were involved in the making of "The Signal," a crazy-awesome horror movie filmed right here in Atla...
Posted by Twinhead Theatre on Thu, 25 Jan 2007 07:42:00 PST

365 Plays in the New York Times

Twinhead is in on this. We're doing our week March 26-April Fool's Day. Come out and see it! It will undoubtedly rock hard, like granite. Or a harder rock than that, even. We're pretty sure it'll shak...
Posted by Twinhead Theatre on Sun, 12 Nov 2006 09:52:00 PST


On the first day, God was playing around with his space toys. Some were planets, others moons; there were meteors and asteroids and stars and black holes and his personal favorite, the diamond of his...
Posted by Twinhead Theatre on Wed, 25 Oct 2006 09:21:00 PST