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Liz Carroll

Irish-American Composer & Fiddler

About Me

We're placing a round-robin of edited writings about Liz in this space. Enjoy!
Los Angeles Times, June 24, 2005
by Andrew Gilbert
As a female, American-born fiddler who insists on honing an expansive repertoire of original tunes, Liz Carroll has become a revered figure in traditional Irish music despite what many on the scene consider three strikes against her.
In an art form long dominated by men, she's an instrumentalist with such technical poise and unbridled energy that her concerts are thrill-inducing affairs. In a field where a player's sound is often defined by his county of origin in Ireland, Carroll, the child of Irish immigrants, is a product of Chicago's vibrant Celtic music scene. But her most unlikely achievement might well be that Carroll has composed more than a dozen tunes that have become standards among her peers.
Judging by the work of her colleagues, Carroll's tunes are as intoxicating as a stiff shot of whiskey, as musicians throughout the Celtic world have included her music on their recordings. Irish accordionist Sharon Shannon digs into a Carroll reel on her new album "Tunes." Cape Breton, Canada, fiddler Natalie MacMaster interprets Carroll's trademark arrangement of "The Silver Spear" on her latest CD, "Blueprint." Scotland's Battlefield Band covers Carroll's "The Sisters Reel" on the 1999 album "Leaving Friday Harbor." And fiddler Darol Anger opens 2004's American Fiddle Ensemble album "Republic of Strings" with a blazing version of Carroll's "Lost in the Loop," the title track of her acclaimed 2000 album.
"Liz is one of the most intense Irish fiddlers on the scene," says Anger, who first gained notoriety as a founding member of mandolin master Dave Grisman's "Dawg Music" Quintet and went on to create the jazz-oriented Turtle Island String Quartet. "She's playing with such heightened emotional and technical concentration that every note is like a dart aimed at the heart, and her compositions reflect her intensity. You can see her thinking, 'How can I stretch this? How can I play something even more amazing?' She'll pursue an idea until she's completely run it down and mastered it."Liz kicks off this set of tunes with the String Sisters
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Member Since: 9/22/2006
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Band Members: Luck fo’ the Irish: Liz Carroll at the Midwest Folk Festival

Check out this article from the RC Reader, dated August 02, 2006.

by Jeff Ignatius

Although born and raised in Chicago, Liz Carroll has found a stunning amount of success in her ancestral homeland of Ireland. In 1975, at the age of 18, the fiddler won the Senior All-Ireland Championship - the first American to win that title in nine years, she recalled in an interview last week.

And a quarter-century later, in 2001, Irish Echo named her traditional musician of the year - its highest honor

Carroll will be one of nine main-stage acts at this weekend's Midwest Folk Festival in Bishop Hill, about 30 miles southeast of the Quad Cities. The free two-day event focuses on Midwestern talent but has an international flavor because of artists such as Carroll, who still lives in the Chicago area.

Carroll is one of most respected fiddlers in the world today, and is an acclaimed tunesmith to boot. The Living Tradition Web site ( called her "the original female Irish-American fiddle prodigy," and she was awarded a National Heritage Fellowship from the National Endowment for the Arts.

It's important to note that none of this would have happened if her immigrant parents didn't live in an apartment building with narrow doorways on Chicago's South Side.

Formal music lessons at Carroll's Catholic school started at age nine, and she chose piano. Her parents "did buy me a piano," she said, "and they could not get it into the house. It was an old upright; we were in a second-floor apartment."

So she picked the violin instead. "I was bummed," she said. "Until I got it. And when I got it, I liked it right away. It just basically never went in its case." It was also fortuitous that Carroll's school was one of the few on the South Side with a violin instructor.

"It's just like immediate understanding," she said of her kinship with the fiddle. "You just get how it works. I don't think I ever made a scratchy sound out of it. ... I never was horrifying anybody at home."

And that's more than she can say for her piano skills. "I don't think I ever would have made a good piano player," she said. "I'm still really bad at it. My hands miss the ones [keys] I'm headed for, or they don't know where to go."

Carroll got some hints that she was good with the fiddle in the form of awards at Irish dance and music competitions in the Midwest. But the trophies weren't much of an accomplishment, she admitted. "I rarely had anybody to compete against at all," she said. "I wasn't a very good dancer, so I'd come home with a medal in something."

In her first two years at the All-Ireland Championship, she took second and first places, respectively, in the under-18 division. And in her third year of competition, she took home the adult crown.

Carroll said that she starting composing at about the time she started playing, and she now has roughly 200 tunes to her credit, nearly all of which stand comfortably next to traditional Celtic music. "Everything that I write, it has an Irish feel to it," she said. "It's just in my bones. I can kind of make anything sound Irish. Anything."

Anything? "Rolling Stones, Beatles songs, commercials on television, Mozart," she said. "My big dream would be to do the national anthem during a Bulls game, for St. Patrick's Day, specifically. It's totally got rolls, and cuts, and grace notes, and everything that would make it sound Irish-y."

Although she's a prolific composer, her recorded output has been sparse. She released albums in 1979 and 1988, and her next solo effort - Lost in the Loop - came out in 2000. The reason, she said, was that as a musician who didn't tour much, she didn't need to have new material. "I was on the 10-year plan," she said.

But Lost in the Loop sparked a love affair with recording, and she followed that with Lake Effect in 2002 and last year's In Play, recorded with guitarist John Doyle.

"I just had so many tunes that I felt like it was time to throw them out there in the world," she said. For the first time, she hired a producer, and emphasized creating musical accents in the studio rather than just recording the melody.

But don't expect a crossover attempt by Carroll. Rather than trying to meld genres, she prefers to work within the parameters of Irish music. "What I like to do is to mess around with the tunes themselves," she said, "and within themselves, and to find new notes."

About the closest she came to mainstream success was a tour with Don Henley roughly four years ago. It wasn't the breakthrough moment you might expect - her role was minimal, to put it mildly - but Carroll sounds as if she wouldn't trade the experience for anything.

"We went [on the tour] for one song that was in the encore," she said.

"You'd just be out there, us Irish musicians, have a beer, go backstage, play a few tunes, then say, ‘Well, I guess we'd better get dressed.' And we'd get dressed, and then we'd go out and do our tune, come back, change, and go, ‘Where are we going tonight?' It was brilliant, because every town we went to was a big town, and every town has Irish music sessions. ... Just go and meet all our friends from town to town."

And with refreshing honesty, she added: "It was just really easy."

Influences: Read Liz's interview with Fiona Ritchie of the Thistle & Shamrock radio program by clicking here !
Sounds Like: Like the music you're hearing? Liz's most recent duet recording with John Doyle, In Play, is available at Compass Records (click here) , and her best solo recordings are at the Green Linnet web site (click here) !
Record Label: (click here)
Type of Label: Indie

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Posted by Liz Carroll on Fri, 14 Sep 2007 06:56:00 PST