naked, hungry, screaming people
Word porn
Teletext and http://www.maverickpress.org
Poetry, poetry, poetry, but not half the absolute shit that hits the shelves, no more tired old voices, no more "mwa mwa oh I loved your poem about the twig", no more Mr Nice Poem
Flan O'Brien, Dylan Thomas, Rimbaud, Baudilaire, Wilfred Owen, Bosco, Batman, Big Bird, Kermit, Oscar Wilde, Mary Shakespeare, Breanndan O Beaglaoich, Patrick Sarsfield, Paul O'Connell, Ole Gunnar Solskjaer, Cantona, Greg Delanty, Roy keane, Roger McGough, William Butler Yeats, Angela Carter, Frank Miller, George Orwell, William Blake, Maya Angelou, The Detroit Poets, The bohemian ex pats of Prague, the gypsy princess' of Budapest, the naked ravers of Vienna, Nick Powell, the verse junkies of Graz, the alcoholics of Galway, the ordinary decent criminals of Melbourne, the junk sick homeless of New York, The Green Mill Poets of Chicago, Marc Kelly Smith and EVERY UNPUBLISHED MOTHER F@CKER WHO EVER GOT A REJECTION SLIP FROM ANYONE BE THEY PUBLISHER, PARENT, EMPLOYER, LOVER OR ALL OF THESE THINGS