Ishtar in Love :-) profile picture

Ishtar in Love :-)

When I am Good I am bad , but when I am bad I am better :-)

About Me

This is usually the part of the profile where you are allowed to indulge in shameless self promotion about how you for example are a multitasker , able to cook you a great meal while painting the kitchen , able to study the effects of stem cells on atherosclerosis while using words from the dictionary to make other people feel stupid . well I am not going to do that , instead I am going to do a little thing I like to call " The Truth " , Let me know what you think ( Or not , up to you really :- )Apart from being able to cook reasonably well ( my chicken parmigiana has not given anyone the bird flu yet , no matter what they cl..-) ) and cooking while painting , hmmm I don't know , dizzy from the fumes and flecks of paint in the food , not a good I idea I reckon . My knowledge of stem cell research is limited at best as I have not needed such information as of yet , not much call for information on stem cells in Astronomy .I can be a thoroughly annoying person , if your not being bombarded with a hundred questions or unimportant random facts a minute your being subjected to my childish jokes or hyperactive outbursts as I go supernova with energy .I always forget to put the cap back on the toothpaste tube , get bored too easily , I never admit to being wrong! , instead I will start a long speech , with tons of made up facts so that at the end of the speech you have probably lost your will to live :-) I hate being late to appointments but yet always end up notoriously at least 10 minutes late to anything , and will very likely be late for my own wedding and probably my own funeral too :-) I use smily faces in e .- mails , letters and sms..s way to much and it annoys the heck out people ( hmmm perhaps there within lies the answer to why I do it :-) :-) I am otften arrogant for no particular reason at all , I have also noticed that I have pesky tendency to be a bit selfish . I get bored to easily and have even been known to be lazy . I am also rumored to be a bit of a buttinsky , I eavesdrop on peoples private conversations .I have too many interrests when I probaly should focus on a few things at a time , I bite my nails when I watch scary movies , and cry like a baby when I see sad ones , I lie too often ( NOT big lies just little white ones , but still ) I write silly detailed " To do lists " EVERY day , and I always get the Sunday blues ( have no idea why :-) ) I get pissed off when there is nothing good on TV , I buy lots of shoes that I never wear , I just like to look at them cause they are pretty , I buy too many books , I visit the pet shop several days a week to cuddle with the animals , which pisses off the pet shop owner because I never buy anything , I get disappointed when people are not as passionately interested in history , archeology ,science ,astronomy and the gizillion other topics that interest me , I use comma far , too, much , hate spelling mistakes but make thim al tha timme myself :-) Got sent home from sunday school when I was seven and asked to not return until i had taken anger management lessons ( BUT why cant Christian people just answer simple questions like " if Adam and Eve were the first people on earth ,and they then proceeded to have children , " whom took woman as wives " , where the heck did all these woman come from ????? huh ? seriously But all in all I think despite all these apparent faults and flaws I am suffer from the pleasant desease known as being HUMAN , and thank god for that , and although I seldom learn from my mistakes I give a lot of people more than enough chances , and quite frankly most of them are more than worth it , So here I am A NUTTY NUTTY NUT , take it or leave it , this is me :-)

My Interests


I'd like to meet:

William Hogarth " london 1730 , For Want of you, we spend our random Wit on The first we find with Needham, Brooks, or Briton. " Watch The Tv adaptation of " A Harlots Progress " then wonder why woman are pissed of with men and what they should expect as their fate in life "






... Bones , Greys Anatomy , CSI , Lost , Medium ,ER, Discovery channel , National Geographic , sleeper cell , Stargate .


My favorite books ( I have read to many to list them all here :From Lucy to Language ,Fingerprints of the gods ( Graham Hancock ) , Travels in four Dimensions ( Le Poidevin ), Past lives ( Ian Wilson ) ,The universe next door ( Marcus Chown ) When the sky fell ( rand flem Ath ) ,The seven daughters of Eve , ( Bryan Sykes )The book of Lillith (Barbra black Koltuv )The seventy great mysteries of the ancient world ( Brian M Fagan ) akehenaten the heretic king (Donald B Redford ) Myths and legends of Levent ) The Perfume ( Patric Suskind ) A brief history of time , The seventh scoll , pet cemetary , from the ashes of angels ,space , time , continum , hominids , humans , hybrids , thunderhead , Boudecia , Angels and demons .


Hypathia ( genoius mathematician of Alexandria ) Pentesileah ( amazon warrior queen , defeated only by achellies who fell in love with her when he removed her mask , sadly she was then dead :-(Marie and pierre Curie , Nicola Tesla , Pythagoras , Socrates ,Aristoteles , sapho ( ancient greek poetresse ) Queen Elissa Dido First Queen of Carthage ( Legend or myth says she was given a cow..s hide and as much as it could encompass would be her land, she cut the hide up in to thin little strips and it encompassed a lot of land The "isoperimetric problem" ) Queen Hatshepsut ( She reigned Egypt for 22 years ( 22 years of PEACE ) Einstein ( pure Genious ) Stephen Hawking ( simply Brilliant ) But most of all Leonardo da Vinci omnipotent reinassance man , he still has people scrathing their heads :-)

My Blog

Two Little Prophets

By Lisa Menezes Their mothers knew there was something different about these children , something great that would change everything , but what they didn't know was just ...
Posted by Ishtar in Love :-) on Wed, 27 Feb 2008 03:22:00 PST

Why Men hate woman

Is this what many men think of us ??From ,THEE HOLY WOMEN DOCUMENTThe Ultimate Woman understanding document_ Remember, to Pretend to understand women is bad manners, to really ...
Posted by Ishtar in Love :-) on Tue, 26 Feb 2008 12:30:00 PST

Attila the Hun: Why does his destruction of a civilisation have parallels with today?

Attila the Hun: Why does his destruction of a civilisation have parallels with today?By WILLIAM NAPIER - More by this author ยป Last updated at 01:07am on 13th February 2008Never before had the citizen...
Posted by Ishtar in Love :-) on Tue, 19 Feb 2008 10:59:00 PST

Islam prohibits neither images of Muhammad nor jokes about religion.

Bonfire of the PietiesIslam prohibits neither images of Muhammad nor jokes about AMIR TAHERIWednesday, February 8, 2006 12:01 a.m. EST"The Muslim Fury," one newspaper headline screamed. "T...
Posted by Ishtar in Love :-) on Thu, 31 Jan 2008 08:52:00 PST

Islam is Paganism In Monotheistic Wrapping Paper.

Islam!Muhammad chose one god, from among hundreds of pagan gods, to be his one monotheistic god.Islam is "Polytheism with a monotheistic veil". Islam is Repackaged Polytheism. Islam Is Paganism In Mon...
Posted by Ishtar in Love :-) on Wed, 30 Jan 2008 03:26:00 PST

online FBI files which are mysteriously disappearing:

Found on www.dailygrail.comTHE STRANGEST SECRETS"Strange Secrets: Real Government Files on the Unknown" (written with Andy Roberts) is Nick Redfern's study of official documents on weird, X-Files-st...
Posted by Ishtar in Love :-) on Tue, 11 Dec 2007 12:24:00 PST

Comedic relieif :-) The big bang theory

Geeks and nerds around the world enjoy .... The big bang theory , I Love it ...
Posted by Ishtar in Love :-) on Tue, 13 Nov 2007 02:55:00 PST

Hiroshima , killer of thousands dies at age 92!

Greg Mitchell, writing about Tibbets today in Editor and Publisher, says: (Tibbets) scoffed at the notion of shedding any tears over the bombing. "I've got a standard answer on that," he informe...
Posted by Ishtar in Love :-) on Fri, 02 Nov 2007 11:21:00 PST

Study Finds Jews Are Genetic Brothers of Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese

By University CommunicationsMay 11, 2000Contact:Michael Hammer, 520-621-9828, If a common heritage conferred peace, then perhaps the long history of conflict in the Middle East would have been resolve...
Posted by Ishtar in Love :-) on Tue, 30 Oct 2007 04:04:00 PST

America " Land of the free ...and The weird !

Weird drive Thrus rus.htmlI am surprised they dont have drive thru " Giving Birth " and drive thru " Drive by shooting and Ga...
Posted by Ishtar in Love :-) on Sun, 21 Oct 2007 07:48:00 PST