"I Will Never give up my fight for free Speech and freedam and Justice around the world."
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..I'm searching for a country that would be wiling to have me and my family, (that doesn't belong to America ,I mean the government not the people) I am not seeking special treatment; we just wish to live a quiet and peaceful life without harassment. Any offers? Contact me please
Sorry, but you must understand how happy in IRELAND ? to make this public,Best regards to all .Check out my blog.
Click here to go to my BlogJews, Muslims and Christians cross the Sahara for peace .*FREE THE WORLD FROM THE NEW EMPIRE*
I'm a citizen of the world..
I work for peace around the world, with people who believe in peace and humanity. I am Fighting for freedom,I am Fighting for free Speech,I am Fighting for people not to be tortured,I am fighting for Justice around the world.
I have written a couple of books, the first titled ( I was Saddam's son ) in 1994 have sold over one million copies worldwide in twenty languages. and the second ( The devil's double ) in 2003 , and my New Book ( THE BLACK HOLE ) in 2006-2007 This Book has been banned in USA and IRELAND and I LIVE THERE, and all because I didn't say nice things about the CIA .. The Black Hole ordered from this site.@ *****www.arcanum-publishing.comThis Book has been banned in Ireland and USA ?
Buy it Now! Free Shipping Worldwide !or from AmazonFrom the Publisher :
Latif Yahia now lives in Ireland with his Irish wife and children, they are raising Latif's niece and nephew who lost their mother in " Shock and Awe " during the American invasion of Iraq in 2003. This was a deciding factor in Latif's decision to donate the proceeds of " The Black Hole " to the children's Hospital where his children were born in Ireland.Book Description :
The Black Hole has been banned USA and in IRELAND .. is the next chapter in the extraordinary and chilling life story of author Latif Yahia. Having escaped the brutal Iraqi regime through Northern Iraq with the help of the CIA in 1992, Latif touched down in Austria. Having family in the pristine and picturesque city of Vienna, Latif is somewhat reassured that his life will be calmer now without Uday Saddam Hussein and his hedonistically violent lifestyle. Alongside Latif is Nusa, a hired girl, a plaything and ego boost for her Baghdadi clientele, although she has never been mentioned in Latif's past works the reasons for her concealment become apparent as the story unfolds. Unfortunately life was never to become the idyll that Latif desired, his knowledge or perceived knowledge of the inner Iraqi regime was to become his saviour and his tormentor. This, left him chained and unable to move forward, as much as he wished to forget, his handlers wanted to know more. Latif became almost a prized item in the world of International Intelligence with nearly all of the world's Intelligence agencies vying for his allegiance, his pleas for neutrality and normality unheard. Ultimately Latif was to pay the price for his uncooperative stance; ten and a half months were spent in a covert Austrian/ CIA prison cell in solitary confinement, until by chance his freedom was assured by a visiting judge. One would think that after such events Latif's life may take a quieter turn, this was not to be the case, the game of cat and mouse that played out across the breadth of Europe was interspersed by the tragic death of Latif's beloved father, several assassination attempts and the murder of his first real love a Saudi Arabian Princess Latif Yahia's previous books have sold over one million copies worldwide in twenty languages.From the Author :
Firstly, I would like to take this opportunity to thank
everyone that has supported me with my previous works and especially with
" The Black Hole ".
This book has possibly been the hardest for me to write so far, my other
works were written to save my life by bringing me into the world media's
focus, whereas this book was written to throw the spotlight on the WesternDemocratic Regimes.
When I first touted my idea for writing this book to friends and family
they were cautiously supportive, they knew that what I was proposing to
write was accurate but were only too aware of the possible consequences,
Guantanamo being the most notorious.
My other works " I was Saddam's Son " and " The Devil's Double " were widely
used during 2003 as a further justification of the West's intentions
towards Iraq. It has never been understood in the West how I can be
anti-Saddam and his regime and not support "the war on Iraq", I agree that
Saddam ( who as we all know was the son of America ) needed to go, but
believe that the Iraqi people should have been the ones to depose him and
no matter how well intentioned the Americans were, I do not believe that
they have done Iraq any favours, in fact, I believe the opposite to be
As you will read, if you choose to buy " The Black Hole " I was offered to
become a part of The Iraqi Opposition, a position should I have chosen to
pursue it, would undoubtedly have given me a position in the Interim
Government in Iraq, but as I learned then and it became blindingly clear
once this opposition government took hold in Iraq, is that it was never
about the Iraqi people, the stark fact of the matter was that many of these"ministers" were completely unknown to the Iraqi Public, no matter how many
supporters they claimed to have when they were in negotiations with the
Pentagon or the CIA .
This book however, does not focus firmly on Iraq, although the threat from
the Iraqi regime was a constant in my life during the days, months and
years after my flight. This book expresses my shock and disbelief at the
treatment that I received from supposedly democratic European countries, itpoints out the differences but more so the similarities between the
governments of the mid-East and the West, thankfully, there are still a fewcountries that are strong enough to hold their will and not be swayed by
the "coalition of the billing". To these countries, most notably Germany Igive my sincerest thanks.
As you are aware " The Black Hole " is the continuation of my life story from
" The Devil's Double " although I do have other works in the pipeline, so tospeak, that are not related to my life story, " The Black Hole " is not the
last chapter, I am in the process of writing my last instalment, I am
hopeful that it will have a happy ending, although by now I should be
prepared if it does not.
It does not have a title as yet but chronicles my time in Ireland the land
of a thousand welcomes, I did indeed find Ireland welcoming but soon afterit became a nightmare. I hope to be able to look back and describe my time
in Ireland as a black comedy. I do love the Irish and their warmth, but I
find their ties with America suffocating and most open minded Irish will
tell you that for all intents and purposes that Ireland is the 51st state.Maybe herein lies the reason that after nine years in Ireland I have been
refused citizenship.
Is there any country out there that would welcome me with open arms? I do
not need or want special treatment; I just want to lead a quiet and happy
life with my family.
I have never thought of myself as a victim, I have always fought for what I
believed to be right and if that meant fighting against Saddam Hussein then
that's what I did until the day he was toppled.
But it also stands to reason that if I was willing to fight Saddam Hussein
for my rights, then I would fight anyone else who threatened me.
My sincerest thanks,
Latif Yahia.
My Books!
Trailer of my forthcoming documentary Film.Our journey from Jerusalem to Tripoli,with breaking the ice,5,800km,through the Sahara_desert .Debate that I took part in, the Title of the debate was "One man's Freedom figher is another man's terrorist". The debate took place in Trinity College Dublin-Irland on 4th April 2007.Reunited with my Family in 2004 After 13 Years..With Sir Trevor Mac Donald on ITV 2003 UKRyan Confidential RTE TV Ireland 2007.FOX NEWS 2003...This is an interview that I did with the Fox channel a few days after the invasion of Iraq 2003, I will admit to being naieve, each time I , wanted to state that I was against the war they would cut me off I have learned my lesson though and I always check the agenda of the station that I am doing interviews with and as much as possible only do live interviews, it means that they can't change my words around to suit their needs...Arabic TV MBC 1994 in Austria.
With CBS 60 Minutes 1995.
www.arcanum-publishing.comI Make Love and Peace Not War.From20/January/2008.