Students Against War profile picture

Students Against War

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About Me

OK So youre still in school. You might not be able to drive yet, might not be able to vote yet, and might not really be able to even stray from the opinions expected from your parents. But, in any event, you are pissed! I know I am. This whole war thing could possibly be the dumbest thing you have ever heard. And yet, its totally real. Its happening. Its a few years before you might have to fight it, but youre not sure whether your older sibling, neighbor, friend or heroic stranger will be returning alive. In any event, its pretty disgusting what you see on the news. But you arent quite sure how to change it. Well, my friend; just by visiting this Myspace you have forwarded the cause of peace, at least a little bit. And guess what, there are things you can do. . . VOTE If you can vote, do it. Honestly, is it that difficult? EMAIL YOUR CONGRESS And dont just complain. Give them a suggestion. Odds are they wont personally read it, but your opinion counts. Somebody will read it and record that you feel that way. Enough letters equals enough votes. You can vote pretty soon. The congressmen know that. Take five minutes and drop them a line. SENATE, HOUSE, LOCAL, MAKE SOME NOISE Get out your guitars, pianos, drums, saxophones, harmonicas, synth machines, bag-pipes, steel drums or vocal chords. Any idiot can write a song. Even if you cant play or sing, you know you have friends who can. Cant write; play a cover. And I dont care who you are; get your butt in that mosh pit. Support the people adding harmony to peace. GREAT PEACE SONGS, GUITAR TABS USE YOUR MYSPACE A crapload of people come through your myspace. We both know it. And what's cool about that is you can show them anything. For the few seconds they are on your page, you control everything they see and hear. Why not send them a peaceful message and show what you believe in. HTML isnt really that hard, and you can throw anything from the internet up on your page. I mean, i know a total of two commands and i set up this whole page. EASY HTML,READ/WRITE I know you have either read or written strong oppinions. Spread em around and read more of them. Thats the way minds can be swayed. Click on the link below to show us your favorites and read new ones. WRITINGS JOIN OR START A PEACE CLUB Does your school have a Students Against War? If so, join it. If not, talk to your principle and see if you can start one. PETITION You can sit there and browse hundreds of petitions for every issue. You can do it sitting right there. God knows you spend enough time surfing your friends Myspace pages ONLINE PETITION ADVERTISE Its pretty easy to get peace on shirts, stickers, buttons, internet icons, your cat, etc. And nobody wants to see the same peace slogan a million times. A white shirt and a sharpie can be your best defense against a good offense. And there are always shirt printers CAFE PRESS PROTEST Ah, protest, the glorious way to get your word out. No more sitting on your butt. This Myspace will be displaying upcoming Cincinnati protests and events in our Upcoming Shows segment. And if not, check your newspapers and the internet PROTEST-NET . . . . . .Feel free to send us your own catchy pictures. We try to keep this Myspace upbeat and friendly to contrast what war is not. Enjoy these icons and slogans. If you come up with an idea for one, pitch it to us. We can make it for you and put it up here. . . Check out the pages of our friends and allies in our top 8. Add them and support their causes as well. God knows they need the support.

My Interests


Member Since: 8/30/2006
Band Website: ...
Band Members: All the youth of America who, in throught or in voice, in deed or in creed, in protest or in proposition, who walk that walk or talk the talk. We are the Students Against War, the students for peace and for social justice. Though We are based out of the Clark Montessori music room, we represent the majority's oppinion on this matter: STOP THE WAR Please, add us to your top 8, spread the word, join us in our battle against war and rumors of war.Please, set up a peace candle in your myspace. Let it burn for the cause.
Influences: Mahatma Gandhi Martin Luther King Mariah Montessori Nelson Mandela Bob Dylan Mother Theresa Elenor Roosavelt Jesus Christ Mother Jones Jimmy Carter Bob Marley John Lennon Al Gore The Beatles Bruce Wiel Our Concious Injustice Justice Cable News Coverage George W. Bush's buttox Every human being, big or small, striving for peace in their life and in the world.
Sounds Like: Peace, love and harmony for all the creatures on the planet.... O... and sex...
Record Label: Peace is Patriotic
Type of Label: Major

My Blog

Cool Writings, etc.

'THE MOST IMPORTANT THING YOU CAN EVER READ!' 'Enter the Monkeysphere' Starcruis November's Myspace Blogs Vital Information for Peace     ALWAYS ADDING MORE (please) Know of a cool writing f...
Posted by Students Against War on Sat, 30 Sep 2006 12:39:00 PST

Great Peace Songs

Here are some great, classic peace songs (Updated Regularly)(In ABC order).      A Perfect Circle-Passive Anti-Flag-911 for Peace Beatles-Revolution Belle and Sebastian-I fought in a w...
Posted by Students Against War on Thu, 31 Aug 2006 09:02:00 PST