Nic-D profile picture


Floating on Sound...

About Me

Coming from Celtic Folk and Medieval Song, by now I have developed different styles, making my voice float on sounds of experimental artists such as Lealoop or getting the Blues and Soul with other musicians every now and again; shaman incantation, harmonising improvisation, Gershwin songs or just weird, that’s all within my range. - English, Irish, French, Italian, Spanish and Russian, Pashtu and Turkish are the languages I can deal with singing without doing harm to listeners or myself - which does not mean, dear friends, I speak them all ;o)

I used to have bands-projects (independent/cross-over/rock/trip-hop) and studio recordings once in a while, yet now focus on artwork and my own songs or compositions; recently I prefer working at home with my files on the computer (if it works...); nevertheless I very much enjoy performing in front of/with a real audience!

Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor - Image Hosting

My Interests


Member Since: 5/31/2006
Band Website:
Band Members:


I am influenced by every sensation that comes to me with the moment -
the approaching spring outside, the birds in the early morning hours,
a smile on the train, the light of the sky...
I keep singing all day - about the tea kettle, the cat litter and the socks I cannot find,
I sing about the broken cup and the bus I missed again, I sing about a phone talk with a friend and the job I have...
...everything leads me to a tune and guides me through an arrangement which is created during a process more owed
to intuition than intellectual consideration.

I was deeply touched and stirred at the age of 8, listening to Kate Bush's Wuthering Heights on the radio the first time.
Since that very magic moment I dote on her and thus forgive some video clips of surprising bad taste and her last album ;o)
She is beyond this, a rare ingenious mind.

The next woman in music that made me feel like inside out and head over heels is BJÖRK, many years later, in the early nineties.
She spoke the truth I always had aimed to speak myself in music, and, looking around on MySpace,
I see how many women, especially women, have recognised the power of authenticity and playfulness she brought to us;
with time, she became more and more elaborate in her work, gorgeous joint ventures with equally exciting people followed.
These are probably the most audible influences from music, but I listen to many other great artists,
from experimental to traditional and from hardcore and death metal to classical music.
Music is my drug and the only drug I have in life.
It keeps me going, makes my day, makes me cry and laugh, and often both.
I still have this very old slightly damaged digi-cam :o)) and no possibility to show my art work sufficiently, so I tend to put up my digital art here,
the hand made ones are left behind, but one day you'll find them on my other website, promise.
Until then, I'd like to point you to
the website of Wolfgang Lettl, a great surrealist who only died a short time ago.
The work he left is remarkable. Please, take the time and go there...

Besides music, it is humour, an incredibly powerful cosmic tickle, and often pitch black like a raven's feather, that keeps me alive and kicking.
I've got no measures for this, but a day without a nice laugh attack has yet to come,
and I've seen a lot of shit happening, to me and others I love(d); still....I keep it with Alexis....

John with a chewing gum in his blessed bold mouth - the only way to deliver the message without being too cheesy... ;o)

The Swan - Carmina Burana!

Take this for authenticity!! :o)

Found it, loved it - watch it, we don't get it here in Germany :o/

All I'd like to say and show for now - until I change my layout again,
which is bound to happen every few weeks :o))

Enjoy what you find - or click on to my regularly swapped TOP list of inspiring friends...

Nic-D aka CorvusCantans
(One day I'll let you know what the "D" stands for; it is NOT "Dorothee" :o) )

Sounds Like:
Spontaneous outcomes of the moment :o)

Record Label: CorvusCantans
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Thank you out there!!

Some of you have been very supportive all this time, and especially during the past weeks and days!I have no idea to whom exactly I have to say thanks, but I just went over to take a look how the Tara...
Posted by Nic-D on Sat, 26 Apr 2008 08:54:00 PST

TARA - an update (Sign The Save TARA Petition- blog + Tara Pixie)

M3 protesters focus on Gormley's Unesco plan Category: News and Politics ...
Posted by Nic-D on Sun, 20 Apr 2008 06:31:00 PST

8-year old wife gets divorced...

April 11, 20088-year-old girl seeks divorce in YemenThe would-be divorceeYes, child marriage, and hence child divorce, does happen. The Qur'an even envisions the prospect of divorce for prepubescent g...
Posted by Nic-D on Wed, 16 Apr 2008 04:08:00 PST

Böse Zellen - Free Radicals - a film by Barbara Albert n.htmlIt is five years old, and I only discovered it last night :o)These Austrians! Why do they know so perfectly well how to make a good fi...
Posted by Nic-D on Fri, 11 Apr 2008 08:51:00 PST

SpringTime Promise and Pan By My Side :o)

Yeah, that’s the full title :o)This time Samplitude let me down several times, and if it was not Samplitude, it was my singing, and I was getting impatient - if I have an idea for a song, I want...
Posted by Nic-D on Mon, 07 Apr 2008 08:14:00 PST

The TARA-CDs are waiting for you.... (update)

I’d like to bring to the minds that meet herethat there are two Tara-CDs,and it would be most helpful for the Vigil-Camp folks if they were mentioned equally by all supporters of the cause,as th...
Posted by Nic-D on Thu, 27 Mar 2008 06:19:00 PST

BERLIN: Murray’s Bar, Kreuzberg

Although it is obvious that nobody knows advice where I could go tonight - or simply no one was interested in the thread I brought up in my previous blog, I have to spread happy news among the Berline...
Posted by Nic-D on Mon, 17 Mar 2008 06:52:00 PST

News about Rath Lugh Tunnel Protest

Tunnel protest fails to stop M3 work qg=ireland-qqqm=ireland-qqqa=ireland-qqqid=57747-qqqx=1.aspB y Vivion Kilfeather14 March 2008A HIGH Court bid...
Posted by Nic-D on Fri, 14 Mar 2008 02:38:00 PST

Very mundane: Where do I go in Berlin on St.Patrick Day? Need advice...

Whenever I provide my humble share for the Tara campaign, I’m getting furious.Imagine me typing along in my Catweazle chamber, red-faced, swearing, shouting, and sometimes, in face with some vid...
Posted by Nic-D on Fri, 14 Mar 2008 05:49:00 PST

It seems, finally the case TARA receives some more attention and additional minutes for video footage and report.Where in the past months the media mentioned the ongoing protests for half a minute, ma...
Posted by Nic-D on Thu, 13 Mar 2008 10:55:00 PST