long lost relative profile picture

long lost relative

who can fill the void

About Me

The album mainly consists of instrumentals(totalling 9) with a kind of reflective and mood altering tones to it. Most of the production was done by DJ WERD who is originally from the SF bay area but has been living in Berlin, Germany for about the last five years. Not long after his arrival there, he became a part of the Phaderheadz Dj crew. The crew originated from Dj Hype, winner of consecutive European ITF DJ Battle Championships in the mid '90s. The crew composed the opening track on the album. Most of the beats are sample based from an MPC 2000 or computer programs, however there is also some live violin and didgeridoo on selected tracks. Along the way, Montags Dust (Squil and Kenji451), a production team from Berlin added a different style element to the production. Sick also made a contribution with one track. As far as the songs, there is a total of five. Thailan, departing from the SF bay area, offered one track adding a feminine twist to the album/ project with her lyrics and vocalizing. There are 4 other songs from Sundiata originally from San Jose. The musical history includes being a part of Kaotic Souls which grew to a large number eventually leading to the spawning of members falling under the umbrella of the Audiopharmacy label. In general, I would say the topics are of a struggle between an outside world and internal experience and attempting to make some meaning and harmony by seeking a balance in experiencing the extremes. It is a kind of constant departure and arriving to an experience of life.

My Interests


Member Since: 7/15/2005
Band Website: long-lost-relative.com
Sounds Like:
Record Label: goalgetter.at
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

levels of consciousness

carrying the weight of the world the power to shape the land(mind)scapemountainous regions leading to deserted desert drylandsi found the mirage of a natural springthe nature captured inside the desir...
Posted by long lost relative on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

conceptualist wheel

pluck the string as if it was the umbilical cord outstretched beyond any means for survival instinct is the template to be introduced and indoctrinated; assimilated into proper etiquette graduated to...
Posted by long lost relative on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

www.cdbaby.com(long lost relative)

where does love come from? where does it go when it's gone
Posted by long lost relative on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST