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Born in Hempstead, Long Island, New York. Childhood spent on Long Island and in New York City. Attended Art Students League, New York.
Hilary Knight writes, "I attribute any abilities I possess to the fact that both my parents are artists and writers. My father, Clayton Knight, is well-known for his aviation paintings and books. My mother, Katharine Sturges, has done fashion drawings, fabric designs as well as many children's books." His own career began when several of his humorous drawings were published in House and Garden and Mademoiselle.
His famous illustrations for Eloise by Kay Thompson came out in 1955 followed by three sequels. One of his first books lie designed and illustrated for children was Hilary Knight's Mother Goose, for which he selected the text. He also wrote Where's Wallace? and The Christmas Nutshell Library. He comments, "I like to work in different mediums and have done books in a variety of styles. Very often the type of book suggests a medium. Charles Dickens' Captain Boldheart and The Magic Fishbone was done in pen and ink with color washes somewhat in the manner of Thomas Richardson. Beauty and the Beast - one of the few non-humorous books I've done - was purely decorative illustration, done in flat color with a bold pencil outline. I've done pen and ink, as in Eloise, and several books in a hard wax pencil on both a cold press board and on dinobase. I avoid doing separations whenever possible, finding it a very limiting way of working." Mr. Knight who has his studio in midtown New York spent most of 1966 traveling in Europe. An article about him appears in the March 1963 issue of American Artist.
( from 'Hilary Knight Biography' Illustrators of Children's Books 1957-1966 The Horn Book, Inc Boston, 1968)
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