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South of Strange


About Me

I wasn't born with the name "Matt Osborne." It is an alias to protect me and the secretive organization from which I have retired: The Sinister Men In Black — SMIBs.

SMIBs have been with humanity for thousands of years. They have appeared in every culture, usually following significant supernatural events. Their speech is otherworldly, their behavior strange. Witnesses are threatened, coaxed, and cajoled into silence — or driven insane. Since the 1950s, the SMIBs appeared after many UFO and alien events, slowly rising in the public consciousness until an explosion of media attention in the 1990s. Then their already-rare visits came to a sudden, mysterious end, with the last reported sightings taking place shortly before September 11th, 2001.

Who were they? What is their agenda? Where were they from? How are they connected to the conspiracies and cover-ups of our time? Why do they always wear black?

For the answers to these and many other questions, subscribe to my blog . For while I can never reveal the facts, I can use lies to tell the truth — which is always more important than facts. Truth made of lies is called a "story;" and where all of them are true, some of them even happened.

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My Interests

It was just a Worker's Comp case...
It wasn't supposed to end in murder.
The job: catch a redneck survival-nut cheating the system. Scary work for a city-boy recovering from a nervous breakdown, but nothing Joe can't handle. Except for the black helicopters, flying saucers, and haunted forests, of course...

Suddenly, Joe's missing several days. It turns out he's been working all along for The Company – a sinister shadow at the heart of every global conspiracy. Bizarre characters appear, evoking strange new memories. Did Joe forget that he learned Gun Fu from former CIA assassins? Or did the Sinister Men In Black (SMIB) program him to remember? And who called the FBI into the mix? As if that wasn't bad enough, Joe's fallen in love with Cindi. The heir to an extraordinary birthright, she's gifted with great powers – and cursed with a supernatural stalker. Is Joe supposed to defend her from a dark past, or has he been turned into the perfect patsy in the ultimate contest of good and evil?... Joe's stumbled into a twilight world of contradictions – a place where angels and demons gamble for human souls, where the very land is haunted by its history. Where you can meet the Devil at a moonlit crossroads, or raise a ghost just by speaking of the past. A place that's South of Strange... Inspired by the southern gothic humor of Flannery O'Connor, the eclectic supernatural of Neil Gaiman, and the magical surrealism of Gabriel Garcia Marquez, South of Strange is where old and new worlds collide, complicating our sense of self...threatening to drive us into the depths of despair and paranoia.

I'd like to meet:

READERS. Lots and lots of readers. Also, an AGENT looking to take a chance on a very, very quirky sci-fi/mystery novel set in the American south. Also, I'd love to meet these people:




Basically, I'd gladly meet anyone who has ever posed for the world's most informative publication.


is the soundtrack of my life. Some really incredible bands and artists have kept my courage up in the ongoing war against my daemon. Here are some samples:


Yeah, I did a movie once.


is the tool of Satan. That brain-box is the New World Order's main weapon against freedom. KILL YOUR TELEVISION!


I've only written one...
On a hot June evening in Alabama, a man dressed for a funeral entered a State Police station with evidence of a gruesome murder... His own.
Joe Abraham is just a Worker's Compensation investigator, a city-boy recovering from the destruction of his entire family on 9/11. The case is simple enough: a redneck survival-nut living out in the woods. But then the forest starts talking, black helicopters appear overhead, and Joe falls out of the real world forever.
Suddenly, Joe is missing several days. He learns that he's been working all along for The Company™ – the sinister shadow at the heart of every global conspiracy. Bizarre characters appear, evoking strange new memories. Did Joe forget that he learned Gun Fu from former CIA assassins? Or did the Sinister Men In Black (SMIB) program him to remember? And is his boss working with, or against, the FBI?
As if that wasn't bad enough, Joe's fallen in love with his suspect's neice – the heir to an extraordinary birthright, gifted with great powers and cursed with a supernatural stalker. Is Joe supposed to defend her from a dark past, or has he been turned into the perfect patsy in the ultimate contest of good and evil?...
Joe has stumbled into a twilight world of contradictions – a place where angels and demons gamble for human souls, where the very land is haunted by its history. Where you can meet the Devil at a moonlit crossroads, or raise a ghost just by speaking of the past.
A place that's South of Strange...
Inspired by the southern gothic tradition, South of Strange is where old and new worlds collide, complicating our sense of self...threatening to drive us into the depths of despair and paranoia.
You can read it as soon as it's published...


T.S. Stribling. Neil Gaiman. Ray Bradbury. William Faulkner. Terry Pratchett. Charles Williams. Flannery O'Connor. Charles Bukowski. Gabriel Garcia Marquez. Isaac Asimov. Naghuib Mahfouz. J.R.R. Tolkien. Robert Heinlein. Margaret Atwood. David Weber. Arturo Perez Reverte. Rumi. David Lynch. Homer. Umberto Eco. Stephen King. David Mamet. Alan Dean Foster. Omar Khayyam. Eric Flint. H.P. Lovecraft. Too many to list...

My Blog

These, I Believe

In the wake of the Iowa Caucus, I am responding to my daughter's tagging with a list of Ten Things I Believe. Please note that I believe these things for better or for worse; they aren't value judgeme...
Posted by South of Strange on Mon, 07 Jan 2008 10:42:00 PST

More Human Than Human

A scene from Blade Runner. The arrival of Blade Runner: the Final Cut is not just a great moment for sci-fi fans, but an opportunity to talk about the consequences of our 21st Century biotech...
Posted by South of Strange on Fri, 04 Jan 2008 10:05:00 PST

Christmas Message

is this all you know of me?then you don't know me at all.for: I was a stranger and you did not invite Me in I was hungry and you did not feed meI was in prison and you did not look after Meyou st...
Posted by South of Strange on Tue, 25 Dec 2007 11:01:00 PST

ACME® Zombie-Prep Kit

EVERY HOUSEHOLD SHOULD BE PREPARED.ACME® Zombie-Prep KitRepublican or Democrat, rich or poor, fat or thin -- no matter your race, color, or creed (and let's not even get into sexual orientation!) -- n...
Posted by South of Strange on Wed, 19 Dec 2007 03:35:00 PST

Yojimbo’s Last Fistful

I can't even describe this. You'll just have to see it for yourself....
Posted by South of Strange on Fri, 07 Dec 2007 06:17:00 PST

That Will Smith Movie (SPOILER WARNING)

NOTE: This essay contains plot spoilers. You have been warned.A plague has wiped out every human on the planet except Will Smith. But the disease doesn't just kill everyone  some of its victims turn ...
Posted by South of Strange on Tue, 04 Dec 2007 03:42:00 PST

Babylon is HERE

My fellow Americans, the troops are never coming home. The permanent occupation of Iraq is here, dressed up as a happy "relationship" between Iraq and the United States.Don't say nobody warned you, th...
Posted by South of Strange on Tue, 27 Nov 2007 06:19:00 PST

Pornographic! NSFW

The website has declared Fox News "porn" according to its policy. I am NOT making this up.Here's how it happened: Brave New Films took a number of racy clips from the wingnut news channel and...
Posted by South of Strange on Fri, 16 Nov 2007 12:56:00 PST

Thats Sir Red Mouth to You, Sir (music blog)

The incredible diversity of American popular music grew from a single root. Speed up a blues lick, you have rock'n'roll; slow it down, you have country. You'll hear the whole spectrum on Eric 'Red Mou...
Posted by South of Strange on Thu, 15 Nov 2007 05:13:00 PST


Me, too.Have a great weekend, everybody. ...
Posted by South of Strange on Fri, 09 Nov 2007 06:54:00 PST