Illustration, Animation, Experience Design, Architecture, Technology, Bioethics, Human Factors, Cognitive Psych, Techno, Emerging diseases and their vectors of infection, Books, power tools...
Narrative, storytelling, dj sets, anything that requires the 4th dimension...
Here are characters I created for an edutainment web animation on school bus emissions. I will post screen shots and other images as they are completed.
People who love good design of any type, other djs, tech-heads, MCAD students, industrial designers, furniture fetishists, futurists, architects, and nerds.
ATTENTION marketers and scammers, don't bother trying to add me. I already work from home legitimately, I already have an iPod, and I'm not foolish enough to believe that you're giving away iPhones or any other product for free.
Blips, bleeps, and bass. Electro, techno...
Naqoyqatsi, Powers of Ten, LOTR, Frida, Star Wars Trilogy, Spirited Away, The Cook the Theif His Wife and Her Lover, Ghost in the Shell, Akira, Kill Bill volumes 1 and 2, Europa Europa, Delicatessen, All About Eve, A Clockwork Orange, Children of Men, Pan's Labyrinth
Project Runway, The Tomorrow People, Aeon Flux (original animation series), Connections (BBC Docs with James Burke),
The Tipping Point, Virus Hunters of the CDC, Silent Spring, Gehry Speaks, Samuel Mockbee and an Architecture of Decency, Affluenza, Pattern Recognition, Art and Physics, Breakfast of Champions, A Man In Full, Neuromancer, Count Zero, Mona Lisa Overdrive, Holy Fire, A Pattern Language, The Visual Display of Quantitive Information, Envisioning Information, Visual Explanations, Guns Germs and Steel
My parents for all the help they've given me.
Others: Wendy Carlos, Joan d'arc, Tina Turner, Samuel Mockbee, Richard Feynman, Watson and Crick