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About Me

Yep, I'm an Obama man.See more funny videos at Funny or Die - Watch more free videos ************************************************************ Former Marine, pro-choice, anti-death penalty, pro-strong defense, pro-guns (with states having the right to register/regulate - Carsonville, Nebraska doesn't need the same gun laws as Los Angeles, CA), pro-gay marriage (they can have it!), strongly believe the races need to mix more (so we can finally wipe out the skin cancer that seems to plague my peeps). Into: Keynesian Economics (not that johnny-come-lately Neo-Keynesian bullshit!), strict separation of church and state, strict separation of corporate and state (I know, "good luck with that one!"). Used to play the violin, was an old school hip-hopper and I believe "Joe vs the Volcano" is an underrated movie. I don't do surveys, quizes or tags. I think people who spread chain-letters/emails are weak minded individuals. I like quality chocolate...seriously, no Hersheys!--------------------------------------------------- -----------CYNIC'S OBSERVATIONS:-------------------------------------"WE NEED A PRESIDENT WHO WILL ANSWER TO AMERICA'S SHARE-HOLDERS"---------------------------------------------- ------------------------ "TWO WRONGS MAKE A RIGHT-WING ARGUMENT" -------------------------"THE ONLY THING BUSH IS COMPETENT AT IS FINDING NEW WAYS TO BE INCOMPETENT"------------------------------------------------ -------------"FIGHT FIRE WITH BACK-FIRE" ------------------------------"CONSERVATIVES ARE LIBERAL WITH THE LIVES OF OUR SOLDIERS"----"LOWER MIDDLE CLASS REPUBLICANS ARE WET DREAMERS" -----------"THE CHRISTIAN RIGHT ARE USUALLY WRONG"-----------------------"THOSE WHO HATE GOVERNMENT ARE UNABLE TO RUN IT"-----------"REMEMBERING OUR FALLEN HEROES SEEMS TO BE MORE IMPORTANT THAN KEEPING THEM FROM FALLING IN THE FIRST PLACE"---------------"WHEN THE TRUTH IS CUT-OFF AT THE KNEES, REPEATED LIES HAVE MORE LEGS"------------------------------------------------------- --------- "POLITICAL CORRECTNESS IS COSMETIC SURGERY FOR SOCIETY (IT ONLY FOUCSES ON THE WORDS, NOT THE THOUGHTS BEHIND THEM)"----"CALLING SOMEBODY "GEORGE BUSH'S BUTT-QUATO" IS EVIDENTLY GROUNDS FOR BLOCKING" ----------------------------------------------- "THOSE BORN INTO WEALTH ARE THE FIRST TO TELL THOSE BORN INTO POVERTY TO PULL THEMSELVES UP BY THEIR OWN BOOTSTRAPS"-----------"CONSERVATIVE JINGOIST WHO WEAR THEIR PATRIOTISM ON THEIR SLEEVE ARE PROBABLY HIDING SOMETHING!"..

My Interests

Freedom - I'm for keeping it!"gobierno del pueblo, por el pueblo, para el pueblo."

I'd like to meet:

Anyone that can think for themselves; inappropriate wordsmiths, raunchy raconteurs, lascivious ladies, Ex-pats, Jonathan Swift, people who list made-up answers in their profile, agent provocateurs, the Yes Men, people from "2nd World" countries and Kate Winslet * * * * * * * * *# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #"Those that make peaceful revolution impossible make violent revolution inevitable." - John F. Kennedy..


Bitch School Dropouts, The Xperiment Xperience, The Nasty Back Molar Situation, Douche Patrol, Bush Beaters, The Dry Drag Rags, Peter Caught-n-tail, Bumpin' Uglies, The Jim J. Bullock Five, Fro-Yo Boyz and Styx


All The President's Men, Conspiracy, The Manchurian Candidate (original) and Look Who's Talkin' II (Electric Coochy-Coo)


Meet The Press, Face the Nation, C-Span I & II, and that channel on DirecTV where they display six news channels at once!


Contact the FBI to view my library records.


People who stick it to "The Man" and those who do not stick it to me.

My Blog

Apathy, The Bradley Effect, The Obama Effect and the Anonymous Voter (UPDATED)

There are many people who believe voting is a waste of time...either because they think it won't count or they think it just doesn't matter."And even if we win, if we win, HAH! Even if we win! Even if...
Posted by CYNIC on Mon, 20 Oct 2008 02:33:00 PST

Kevin Sullit: Black Republican...The Finale? *updated*

FINALLY!!! If anybody wants to catch up on all 8 episodes, you can find them here: you to all who have pimped this blog out. If you want, pimp-out Devil Dog TV...
Posted by CYNIC on Mon, 11 Aug 2008 10:18:00 PST

Female Suicide Bombers & Right-Wing Killers

"Three female suicide bombers killed at least 57 people and wounded 300 in Baghdad on Monday as Shia pilgrims flooded into the Iraqi capital for a major religious event, police said. Al Qaeda has inc...
Posted by CYNIC on Mon, 28 Jul 2008 11:46:00 PST

Kevin Sullit: Black Republican - Iowa Caucasian

THE CONTINUING ADVENTURES OF KEVIN SULLIT: BLACK REPUBLICANIt's a shame Kevin's campaign never got the national attention it should have, who knows...he might have even beaten McCain for the nominatio...
Posted by CYNIC on Thu, 17 Jul 2008 10:10:00 PST

Kevin Sullit: Black Republican - The Next Installments

We now have a total of FIVE Kevin Sullit videos up.  3 and 5 are the new ones (don't ask): on the photo right beneath "The Dog House") Or just watch these:    ...
Posted by CYNIC on Wed, 09 Jul 2008 12:06:00 PST

KS:BR - The 4th of July Launch *IndepenDANCE REMIX*

As we go into the 4th of July weekend, many people will be talking about the upcoming presidential race.  The two major parties have chosen their candidates and we should hear about V.P.s pretty soon....
Posted by CYNIC on Tue, 01 Jul 2008 12:32:00 PST

When Liberty Goes Bad *Now with less typos!*

***This is an edited repost from the archives ***   *Originally posted July 2007*   The situation between the Dems and Repugs is kind of like "The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance."  If D...
Posted by CYNIC on Fri, 03 Aug 2007 09:24:00 PST

What Did Your Senator Say? *2nd VIDEO UPDATE*

I thought you would all get a kick out of seeing how your Senators responded.Cynic***********************By The Hill Staff The Hill asked all 97 senators who are not running for president the same que...
Posted by CYNIC on Tue, 13 May 2008 03:08:00 PST

The Silly Season

Some people seem to think that this guy is still the key to keeping Obama out of the White House: What really upset some people, is the fact that he said this only weeks after 9/11. Well, ...
Posted by CYNIC on Tue, 22 Apr 2008 01:22:00 PST

NO COUNTRY FOR OLD BIGOTS *update**update*

big·ot       (big’?t)  Pronunciation Key  One who is strongly partial to one’s own group, religion, race, or politics and is intolerant of those who...
Posted by CYNIC on Wed, 12 Mar 2008 03:02:00 PST