J Erwine-Author/Editor profile picture

J Erwine-Author/Editor

He had grown up in a country run by politicians who sent pilots to man the bombers to kill the babie

About Me

I'm a freelance writer/editor, currently trying to sell my fourth book, and working on a screenplay for it. To learn more, or if you're interested in hiring an editor, please feel free to visit my homepage at http://www.jalanerwine.com .

I also do a lot of editing for Sam's Dot Publishing. Please feel free to visit us at http://samsdotpublishing.com . And please visit my publisher, Nomadic Delirium Press .

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A note about adding me as a friend: If I don't know you, and you aren't involved in the speculative fiction field in some way, please send a message as to why I should add you. Sorry if that sounds difficult, but I'm not trying to build a huge friends list...I'm here to network. Also, the only bands on my friends list are bands that I've chosen to add. I will not add your band if you send me an invitation. I've now made it possible for you to order individual stories from my website. Simply go to http://www.jalanerwine.com/stories/index.htm and you can order stories in groups of three or five. It's $2 for three stories or $3 for five stories. The stories will be delivered to your e-mail box as PDF files.
America as a fascist state, soldiers driven to terrorism, insane computers, insane humans, insane aliens, these are just some of the things waiting for readers in the pages of this new collection from prize winning science fiction author J Alan Erwine.
Seedlings on the Solar Winds contains sixteen stories that will have readers question what reality really is, and wondering what the future of humanity might be.
"J Alan Erwine is a master at placing believable characters into plausible, and often dark, futures. In the process, he unflinchingly explores what is both base and noble about humanity." - David Lee Summers, editor Tales of the Talisman and author of Heirs of the New Earth.
"...Erwine always presents a banquet of plots and characters [not all of them human], generously seasoned with pith. You can relish him as the main course in your reading, or save him for dessert..." - Tyree Campbell, author of Nyx and The Dog at the Foot of the Bed.
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A collection of my early stories, all bound into one volume. Microbes on Mars, Taoists under attack, geneticists taking over America. It's all here, and everything in between.
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After a near miss of a giant comet, the American people fall under the control of a radical right-wing fundamentalist Christian government, ruled by the Grand Patriarchs, that slowly strips away their freedoms and establishes a rule of law that even the dictatorships of the 20th Century couldn't have dreamed up.
Forced into virtual seclusion, Edward Silverberg, a former English Lit professor, finds himself on a path that will lead to either his destruction or the destruction of the Grand Patriarchs...or maybe both.
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Do humans control their destiny, or are they merely victims of the circumstances that surrond them?
A new collection of short stories from prize winning SF author J Alan Erwine examines whether we have freedom of choice, or are merely puppets on strings subject to the whims of the universe. Marionettes on the Moon features 13 short stories, including the never before published title novelette.
Order Today! The re-release of my illustrated short story. Understanding aliens will be difficult, but what if those aliens use a language that involves more than the spoken world, and what if the other aliens you meet bow down to the difficult to understand aliens. Originally published in Alternate Realities, A Problem in Translation is now available as an illustrated storybook from Sam's Dot Publishing. With wonderful illustrations from Teri Santitoro and Janis Marshall. This story is also the inspiration for the novel I'm currently working on...
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Also, now available...Ecotastrophe edited by me.
A collection of short stories and poetry that examines futures we could face if we continue to damage Earth's ecology.
The oceans are dying and only despearte measures can save them in Jan Mortimer's "The Empty Ocean."
Michelle Mellon's "Undiscovered Horizons" questions whether we can truly find the answers out among the stars.
Or can we only hope to change the future by changing the past as Rebecca S.W. Bates postulates in "Walking the River"?
Also featuring the works of JE Gurley, Bruce Boston, E. Catherine Tobler, Kristine Ong Muslim, Adam Banks, and others. Ecotastrophe is a grim but illuminating view of several possible ecological futures for humanity.
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Crime has always been with us, and probably always will be. Future Syndicate looks at what the future of crime might be, and what criminals might be like in the future.
Featuring the works of Jason Sizemore, Bret Tallman, Jason Andrew, Rebecca S.W. Bates, J Alan Erwine, Lavie Tidhar, Bruce Horner, and Rebecca M. Senese, Future Syndicate gives you eight distinct views of what crime might become...
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The best stories and poem from the 2005 on-line editions of The Fifth Di..., The Martian Wave, and Aoife's Kiss.
Featuring the works of: Benny Grezlik, Daniel C. Smith, Tyree Campbell, Terrie Leigh Relf, Abby Goldsmith, Bruce Boston, Gail Kavanagh, JE Gurley, Marsheila Rockwell, t. santitoro, Mikal Trimm, Scott Virtes, Aurelio Rico Lopez III, Adam Banks, Kristine Ong Muslim, Nicholas Scipior, Philip Reyth, J Alan Erwine, Jennifer Schwabach, Ian Brazee-Cannon, Adam La Rusic, Edward Cox, and Nancy Bennett.
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Most of these titles are also available at The Genre Mall , The Underground Shoppe , and most on-line bookstores.
J A Erwine
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My Interests

Writing, writing, writing, and did I say writing?

I'd like to meet:

Writers, fans, readers, and others interested in speculative fiction.


Trans-Siberian Orchestra, Savatage, Jon Oliva's Pain, Chris Caffery, Circle II Circle, Doctor Butcher, Queensryche, Beethoven, Mozart, Tchaikovsky (even though he's Russian), Pink Floyd, Genesis, The Police, WASP, Iron Maiden, Armored Saint, Queen, Carlos Nakai, Douglas Spotted Eagle.


2001, Star Wars, LotR, Mind Walk, Smoke Signals, Night on Earth, Delicatessan, Good Will Hunting, Black Robe, Dead Poets Society...


Please...TV sucks!


Far too many to list, but I can list a few authors...Heinlein, Asimov, Simmons, Campbell, Willis, Kafka, Shakespeare, Camus, Bear, Benford, Brin, Brotherton.


Anyone who refuses to buy into the crap that is our society, unless they're a hobbit.

My Blog

You can now order stories directly from me

I've now made it possible for you to order individual stories from my website.  Simply go to http://www.jalanerwine.com/stories/index.htm and you can order stories in groups of three or five...
Posted by J Erwine-Author/Editor on Fri, 15 Feb 2008 12:04:00 PST

The Locus Awards

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE FROM SAM'S DOT PUBLISHING: Tyree and J continue to tilt at windmills. This time we're thinking it would be worth the effort to try and get some nominations for the Locus Awards. ...
Posted by J Erwine-Author/Editor on Thu, 14 Feb 2008 09:34:00 PST

Anthology Builder

I now have six stories available through Anthology Builder They are... The Galton PrincipleIn a fascist state ruled by eugenics, one young man realizes he's not as perfect as he thinks...nor is his so...
Posted by J Erwine-Author/Editor on Thu, 17 Jan 2008 10:19:00 PST

The Hugos

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE FROM SAM'S DOT PUBLISHING: We realize that the odds of this working are pretty slim, but we here at Sam's Dot have always prided ourselves on tilting at windmills. Since many of ...
Posted by J Erwine-Author/Editor on Wed, 09 Jan 2008 11:25:00 PST

The P&E Poll

I really hadn't planned on participating in this year's Preditors & Editors Poll. In the past, they've had numerous problems with it, and don't even get me started on the debacle that was last yea...
Posted by J Erwine-Author/Editor on Thu, 03 Jan 2008 04:29:00 PST

Seedlings have arrived

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE FROM NOMADIC DELIRIUM PRESS:Today is the official release date of Seedlings on the Solar Winds!!!America as a fascist state, soldiers driven to terrorism, insane computers, insan...
Posted by J Erwine-Author/Editor on Sun, 23 Dec 2007 12:22:00 PST

Wondrous Web Worlds Vol. 7

It's finally here. Sam's Dot has announced the release of our annual best of anthology Wondrous Web Worlds, which just happens to be edited by me...The annual Wondrous Web Worlds series presents the ...
Posted by J Erwine-Author/Editor on Sun, 16 Dec 2007 08:04:00 PST

Seedlings on the Solar Winds

Nomadic Delirium Press will be releasing my new short story collection on Dec. 22nd. America as a fascist state, soldiers driven to terrorism, insane computers, insane humans, insane aliens, these ar...
Posted by J Erwine-Author/Editor on Sat, 08 Dec 2007 04:52:00 PST

The new cover

I just got the first look at the cover for my new short story collection, so I thought I'd share it will all of you...
Posted by J Erwine-Author/Editor on Sat, 01 Dec 2007 04:39:00 PST

The Title

There was no clear cut winner in my quest to put the title of the new collection to a vote, so I've decided to go with one of my favorites.  The title will be Seedlings on the Solar Winds and oth...
Posted by J Erwine-Author/Editor on Tue, 27 Nov 2007 07:32:00 PST