Sunshine, 14 years old, is a member of the Quinault Indian Nation. She has been read to all of her life, was never given coloring books (just blank paper and crayons/pens) and is such a creative person! She is a seasoned library visitor, has been drawing real images since age 2 (one day when she was in her highchair, her mom went to see what she was drawing and it wasn't her usual colorful scribbles- it was little ladybugs-- and dozens of them!), she made up stories and songs before she could write and when she finally started putting words on paper phonetically, she was creating entire stories (her mom literally has file cabinets full of drawings, story ideas, completed stories, etc.. and who knows how many filled art pads?).
Sunshine had her own one person art show at age 10. This is also the age where she made up her book "Silly Sentences ABC". She recreated the images at age 12 and her mom self-published the book through (where it is available for purchase). At age 13, she was the first Grand-prize winner for the Mid-Columbia Reading Foundations author/illustrator contest for a poetry book she created. And now, she reads her ABC book to children at local libraries. She is also in the process creating marketing packets to send out to different publishing houses (*a note to whomever is self-publishing books out there- a standard children's book size is 32 pages and make sure there's the title on the spine! Also, if you know computer graphics- deal directly with a printhouse and eliminate the middleman).
Her book illustrates the ABCs while using some complex words to challenge younger readers and encourage development of their vocabulary.
Her book is also appreciated by older readers as well with its fun alliterations and personification.
Sunshine is also a member of The Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators (SCBWI). Sunshine has been on two T.V. stations and in 5 newspapers regarding either her ABC book or her poetry one.
"This marvelous keepsake of ABCs by emerging new talent, Sunshine, will enthrall children and adults alike with its quirky humour. Filled with witty alliterations and lyrical illustrations this upbeat book is engaging, entertaining and thoroughly amusing. The author/illustrator is to be highly commended for producing such a fine quality book at the age of 12. Watch out world, here comes Sunshine!"
- J. Wilson, B.A. , cafe owner, mother of three, Melbourne, Australia
"Silly Sentences ABC is a fresh, FUN take on alliteration. Each page boasts captivating creatures involved in purely silly situations... from an apple that ate asparagus to a zucchini that zigzags on a zany zebra!The distinctive art is complemented by the silly alliterative text. Sunshine has created silly read-aloud fun for all ages!"
- Kara Fennell, Children..s Librarian, Mid-Columbia Library System, Kennewick, WA
"The images in this book are amazingly creative, funny and beautiful! I just wanted to keep looking at them!The sentences are equally creative, and what wonderful use of the English language! This book will definitely appeal to a wide age range. Sunshine..s outstanding creativity and colorful, imaginative artwork leaves a lasting impression, making this book one of a kind."
- Corinth Y. Day, B.A., photographer, poet, Seattle, WA
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