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LK Hunsaker

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

**all background photos © LK Hunsaker**
Hello and welcome to my space.
I'm the author of Finishing Touches and Rehearsal, both of which are literary romance. Literary means I emphasize characterization and societal issues. Romance means, in this case, actual romance as far as building relationships and struggling through them, not the lustful, quick-read romances the genre typically forecasts. My novels are meant for 15 and older, although there is nothing gratuitous to alarm parents of those younger than 15. Future plans include work for only 18+ but they will be well-marked.
Currently... I'm in the process of converting Rehearsal: A Different Drummer and Finishing Touches into hardcover format. FT will also be available as an ebook. Rehearsal may be available as ebook sections (still pondering that one). I'm also completing the first draft of a story that's been in my mind for several years, and getting back to final editing of Rehearsal: The Highest Aim, now scheduled for early 2008.
I have been published in two poetry ezines alongside some very talented poets and have short stories in Wanderings Magazine (Spring 2007) and The Oasis (Summer 2007). There are also free reads on my site:
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On Our Own is my indie publishing group meant for authors putting their works out there without going through commercial publishers to network and share information. The image link is below.
Since I'm music obsessed and supportive of independent artists, I've also begun interviewing indie musicians for my site. Here's the list so far:
Adam's Attic
(check back for more!)
*** : My professional site (currently under renovation -- excuse the mess) : My writing portfolio (somewhat restricted access) : My official site blog (updated occasionally) : The site I designed and maintain to help showcase the amateur and indie arts (currently down for complete revamp)
My novels: (click cover to go to info on new page)
Finishing Touches Excerpt
(Featuring lyrics by Duncan Faure)
Rehearsal: A Different Drummer Excerpt
(Featuring lyrics by Simon Steadman)
If you click on the drawings of my characters, you will find their Myspace pages created and maintained by a fan of Rehearsal. Many, many thanks to all who support my work. ((Hugs!))


"...charming, with skillful prose and compelling characterization; a book you won't want to miss."
-- Writer's Digest judge

"I'm amazed that such a complex person and story can be created, and told in such beautiful, thoughtful detail. I feel like I know her now, like I've been inside her thoughts and her life."
-- Lynda

"I felt Jenna's deep love towards Aaron from just feeding him, touching him, and little things she does for him. I was sad and happy with Jenna the whole time. My life has no resemblance with Jenna's life, but somehow I felt as if it is mine." -- K. Kikuchi

"Jenna and the men around her represent all the affection, passion, and love, not simply for the opposite gender but for everyone and everything in everyone's life, in different shades. Within a few pages, the readers will be reminded of their own past and present relationships with others and their inner selves." -- Alex

"Ms. Hunsaker has created a cast of characters that captivated me, had me on the edge of my seat, not even wanting to close my eyes at 4am. Though I am known for not wanting to stop reading in the middle of the story, I can scarcely recall a time that I have become so engrossed in the lives of the characters so totally."
-- Dee

"I LOVE IT!! ... Thanks for taking me on a wonderful journey and introducing me to characters that I now know and love! Not many books actually do that!"
-- Tanya

"The scenery descriptions paint a clear picture in the reader's mind, making you feel you are witnessing the scenes, rather than reading about them. This is a hard-to-put-down book."
-- Dorothy

"Rehearsal is about the soul of an artist -- about the choices and struggles made by young people. Set in the 1970's it has the flavor of that era when rock bands were a part of every day life; yet it has a timeless theme."
-- Mary

"The plot flow steadily increases as the story moves on adding just enough twists and complications to keep the reader hungry for more. The well-developed characters, even the more minor ones, are the power of this work, and what makes it memorable."
-- Kara

"Once I started reading it, I had a very hard time putting it down until I had devoured every page!"
-- Kathi

"Really classic, soul-moving stuff. It is unforgettable... The romance was described exquisitely - gorgeous, living-eternally writing! ... you have created a masterpiece ... I absolutely could not put it down."
-- "Marilyn Savage Gray, author of "The Real Shakespeare"

I wrote a story several years ago as a gift for my children, complete with artwork, and decided to put it in print to share with others:
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~helping families visit their wounded service members~

Writing, Art, Literature, Music, Dance, Theatre, History, Travel. Also, playing on the web and meeting people from everywhere; dabbling at web design when I can find the patience; riding on the back of my husband's Harley; swimming; boating/water; learning to play my new acoustic guitar. And definitely, chatting with good friends.

Susie Brooks: dance teacher, band assistant ... and protagonist of the Rehearsal series. Click her image to go to her Myspace.

I'd like to meet:

I would love to meet other indie artists and art/music lovers who believe in the value of hard work and responsibility and being true to themselves.

I would also love to meet Eric Faulkner, Johnny Depp, Paul McCartney, Laura Bush, Marilynne Robinson, Mikhail Baryshnikov, Maksim Chmerkovsky, Chad Kroeger, and the writers of Pirates of the Caribbean.

Duncan O'Neil: Scots-Irish guitarist who lands in Lakewood, Massachusetts with his friend ... and a captivating lead character in the Rehearsal series. Click his image to go to his Myspace.


I'm music obsessed. I listen to a lot of different genres, including pop, rock, classical, musicals, country (country-rock, not the whiny stuff), Celtic, and anything done well that doesn't include screaming or rapping or "woe-is-me" lyrics. Suggestiveness is okay; outright vulgarity is not.

Two of my fave singer/songwriter/musicians are Duncan Faure and Eric Faulkner. I tend to be biased toward those musicians who write their own music, especially when they not only excel at one instrument, but two or more! I'm also in tune to the lyrics, as I'm a word fanatic. I love word play and deeper meanings.

Because of this some of my other faves include the Bay City Rollers, Matchbox 20 (and Rob Thomas solo), Meatloaf, Melissa Etheridge, Nickelback, Sister Hazel (thanks Mary!), Goo Goo Dolls, Kenny Rogers, Tim McGraw and Faith Hill (aren't they cute together?), Elton John, Paul McCartney, Beatles, Chuck Berry, Buddy Holly, Elvis, Steadman, Eagles, Bon Jovi, Genesis, Phil Collins, Donny Osmond, Travis Tritt, Sawyer Brown, Collin Raye, Leanne Rimes, Andrew Lloyd Webber, Tim Rice, Mozart, Tchaikovsky, Gershwin, Satie (thanks Kaori!), and the list goes on.... I love hearing live bands, especially in small clubs, but they have to be non-smoking clubs, which tend to be hard to find.


Anything with Johnny Depp, except for horror: Pirates 1 & 2, Charlie, Benny and Joon, Don Juan DeMarco, Neverland, Secret Window, Edward Scissorhands, The Libertine, Chocolat, The Man Who Cried.... He is, in my opinion, the hands-down best current actor and deserves much more credit through the years than he's been given. I'm glad he's finally getting it. A celebrity with the heart of an indie artist: have to love that.

Another rising favorite is Gerard Butler (Phantom of the Opera, 300): a very versatile actor with a heart of gold that shows in his face and charming humility.

I also love My Best Friend's Wedding, My Fair Lady, Fiddler on the Roof, Bridget Jones, and any well-written romantic comedy or good historical film.


Friends and Dharma and Greg. I occasionally watch Charmed and Jeopardy and HGTV, especially enjoy Paul James (haven't found him recently, though). I can't stand most "reality" TV, which is anything but reality. In general, I'd rather use the time to write or research or chat with friends than be glued to the television. Except, I do like Dancing with the Stars; not the judging melodrama, but the actual dancing.

Evan Scott: guitarist, bassist, gym manager ... and one of the main characters in the Rehearsal series. Click his image to go to his Myspace site.


The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas; Housekeeping and Gilead by Marilynne Robinson; The Kent Family Chronicles by John Jakes; The Agony and The Ecstasy, Lust For Life, and Love Is Eternal by Irving Stone; The World According to Garp and The Cider House Rules by John Irving; Shakespeare's Plays; Little Women by Louisa May Alcott; The Hardy Boys series by Franklin Dixon; Did I Ever Tell You How Lucky You Are by Dr. Seuss; Sacagawea by Anna Lee Waldo; Ireland by Frank Delaney; Walden by Henry David Thoreau; The Sun Also Rises and For Whom the Bell Tolls by Ernest Hemingway; Anything by Mark Twain; The Prophet by Kahlil Gibran; The Bible; Bullfinch's Mythology; Gardner's Art Through the Ages; Rock and Roll Year by Year by Crampton and Rees** I'm sure there are many more I'm not remembering at the moment! **
Rehearsal: A Different Drummer Trailer


All those who stay true to themselves while following, and working for, their dreams, without taking others down in order to do so.

My heroes tend to be regular people making their way through the world while trying to help others along the way, without expecting praise and adoration.

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My Blog

RSVP -- It’s only polite

So when someone takes the time to invite you to a gathering of some kind, for pity's sake, RSVP as they ask!! Say yes - no - we're trying -- something! It's incredibly rude to just blow it off without...
Posted by LK Hunsaker on Sat, 03 May 2008 01:13:00 PST

I’m Featured Author today on...

Coffeetime Romance's Chatters List: / This is a Yahoo group you have to sign up for, but if interested, put LK Hunsaker as a reference so they kno...
Posted by LK Hunsaker on Wed, 30 Apr 2008 09:21:00 PST

Just Saying...

I wouldn't mind knowing what "spoiled" feels like ... only for a few days. I want someone else to take care of everything instead of my taking care of everything for everyone else for a while. W...
Posted by LK Hunsaker on Sat, 26 Apr 2008 01:57:00 PST

Wet Thoughts

When your house suddenly decides to make no water available & it begins to pour rain all around outside it's like the universe is taunting you
Posted by LK Hunsaker on Wed, 23 Apr 2008 12:10:00 PST

Spring Thoughts

Feet tickledby wet, cold, fresh, lusciousbladesgreen and feather-likepreciousI never knewbefore working with sweatfrustrationand sighshow lusciousgreen grass truly feelsbeneath my feet...
Posted by LK Hunsaker on Mon, 21 Apr 2008 08:07:00 PST

$2.00 worth of Literature

(You knew this was coming, right? ;-) ) In the 1974 entry, Tanya and Catron pointed out that paperbacks at that time cost only $2.00/$2.50. Today, most Ebooks run at least $5.00 and paperbacks are gen...
Posted by LK Hunsaker on Sun, 20 Apr 2008 04:17:00 PST

$2.00 worth of Art

Those little tubes of acrylic paint run $1.00 each, or at least they did last time I checked. It's been some time since I bought any. They lasted forever, though, given they were kept well sealed when...
Posted by LK Hunsaker on Thu, 17 Apr 2008 03:27:00 PST

$2.00 worth of Seedlings

A few times before, I've played with trying to start plants from seedlings. It didn't tend to work well. I get busy and forget to keep them moist or to thin them or to replant them soon enough.Well, t...
Posted by LK Hunsaker on Wed, 16 Apr 2008 07:43:00 PST

$2.00 worth of Memories

Thank you to all who played the $2.00 game Friday and Saturday! Mary, the joke was hilarious! And appropriate. ;-)I remember my first $2.00 bill. When they came out, Grandpa went and got a bunch of th...
Posted by LK Hunsaker on Tue, 15 Apr 2008 07:22:00 PST

$2.00 in 1974

In 1974, $2.00 bought:-- a can of Folgers coffee, with a dime to spare-- 24 cans of dog food-- 2 pounds of ground beef-- 6 frozen dinnersAlso in 1974, the MRI was invented, Daylight Savings Time began...
Posted by LK Hunsaker on Sun, 13 Apr 2008 07:12:00 PST