HighlandLady profile picture


People spend a lifetime searching for happiness; looking for peace. They chase idle dreams, addictio

About Me

"In the depth of winter, I finally learned that within me there lay an invincible summer"
"Cuimhnich air na daoine o'n d'thaining thu"

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Myspace Falling Objects

My Interests

I have so many interests, the mind boggles. Essentially, I am a lass of many facets, I prefer the outdoors to in, I prefer a camera to a makeup brush, and I prefer hiking boots to stillettos. I am enthralled and obsessed with the Aurora Borealis and with a good thunderstorm (you will find me experiencing either with camera in hand, or dancing with abandon). Photography is a passion that I am allowed to entertain and to provide an added income with. I love to fish, hunt (learning the art of bow hunting whilst still using my firearms), horse-back riding whenever I can. Another of my many passions is hiking, whether in the forest or on the many Historical Trails I have encountered; the Oregon Trail is also an obsession. Which leads to metal detecting, something that is always in the truck right along with my many maps and tripods. I love to camp, either right out in the open next to a fire, or under a tent with my beloved...anywhere in the mountains suit me fine. I dabble in gardening - herbs and flowers. If I have to be indoors at all, I play the piano, write music, and sing to my heart's abandon; or I am researching many things: Scottish and Irish landscapes and history, WWII, the Titanic, the Old West and gunslingers, Medieval, Bronze, and Iron Ages. Last, but most importantly, I am passionate about the life I lead with my bonny husband and with my son. Both have presented me with such a beautiful life.

I'd like to meet:

The Greenman. And Batman.


I am an eclectic person when it comes to music. With a keen and sensitive ear, I will listen to anything that isn't noise. There are so many more to list:
Collective Soul
Snow Patrol
Grant Wilson
Bagpipes, bagpipes, more bagpipes
Pink Floyd
Glass Tiger
Simple Minds
Ronan Browne
KT Tunstall
The Who
Seven Nations
Fleetwood Mac
Stevie Nicks
Gaelic Songs
Loreena McKennitt


Here are but a few, there are many, many more:
Braveheart (though horribly inaccurate)
Rob Roy
Dear Frankie
Phantom of the Opera
Beowulf and Grendel
Laura Croft Tomb Raider - both
Lord of the Rings - all
The Dune Series
Boondock Saints
Highlander - all but the last
Finding Neverland
Peter Pan
Henry V
Much Ado About Nothing
While You Were Sleeping
Pride and Prejudice - newer and older versions
Batman Begins
Terminator II
Last of the Mohicans
A little behind the times, but I have just finished Lady in the Water, and I must say I absolutely love this movie. The use of artistry, cinematography, and the imagination of M. Night Shyamalan is unsurpassed in this one.


I don't watch much of the telly, but I do like these:
History/History International Channels
Discovery Channels
Beauty and the Beast (with Linda Hamilton and Ron Perlman)
Touching Evil (both the British and the short-lived American versions)
Monarch of the Glen
Ghost Hunters
CSI (all)


I am a voracious reader, I embrace any chance to learn.
The Outlander Series by Diana Gabaldon
The Dune Series
Idylls of the King(The Lady of Shalott)
Irish History
Scottish History
Old West History
Damar Series by Robin McKinley
The Velveteen Rabbit
Authors: Dylan Thomas
William Shakespeare
Morgan Llywelen
ee Cummings
Jane Austen
Charlotte and Emily Bronte
Virginia Woolfe
J.M. Barrie
Emily Dickinson
Percy Blysshe Shelley


The three men in my life... My father, for having the courage and bravery to face the unseen foe. My husband, for waiting quietly for nearly 20 years until I pulled my head out of my arse and realized what true love really is. My son, for being strong and wise beyond his years, for proving to his mother that she hasn't done too bad of a job.
William Wallace, in his simple brilliance he fought to unify a land for freedom; Joan of Arc, with a single purpose and goal, she became History...

My Blog

My son

Tomorrow, the 11th, my son was born fourteen years ago.  Yes, already he is a little man.  My grandmother used to call him that all the time and it is so fitting.  I never quite knew w...
Posted by HighlandLady on Thu, 11 Jan 2007 06:52:00 PST


There are all these distracting surveys floating about, dafty things.  I thought, well...why not?  I mean, they must have been created for some unknown reason...really, could people want to ...
Posted by HighlandLady on Sat, 06 Jan 2007 11:59:00 PST

Blessed Life

Christmas has come and gone, and so have the multitude of guests and dogs.  My bonny husband is on his plane to Alaska, my son is at his grandparent's.  I am left with my own pets and with&n...
Posted by HighlandLady on Wed, 27 Dec 2006 10:14:00 PST


This is veering from my usual light-hearted banter in the attempts to understand people.  Futile, I know, as I will never understand people, but an attempt just the same.I am not one for dwelling...
Posted by HighlandLady on Fri, 08 Dec 2006 05:39:00 PST


This holiday season is vastly different than last year's.  I met last year's with a vast amount of apathy and cynicism secondary to my circumstances at the time.  This year brings warmth an...
Posted by HighlandLady on Fri, 01 Dec 2006 10:37:00 PST

Not computer saavy

As some of you know, I am attempting to begin my photographic endeavors.  My beloved is rather a persuasive sot and a great source of encouragement.  He has been trained in the art of photog...
Posted by HighlandLady on Tue, 07 Nov 2006 09:53:00 PST

A day of Humor

Have you ever experienced the sort of day where things don't quite go as you would like them too, but you can recognize the humor in the irony anyway?  Welcome to my day.... Remember, I am an obn...
Posted by HighlandLady on Wed, 01 Nov 2006 02:33:00 PST

Torrents of Joy

In the grand scheme of things, it wasn't so very long ago that my preconceived notions of a happy life were shattered, quite inexplicably, at the hands of another.  This person's deceit...
Posted by HighlandLady on Tue, 17 Oct 2006 12:55:00 PST


Have you ever measured the day by the beauty of what is around you instead of a clock?  Have you ever breathed a moment instead of longing for the day's end?  It's that moment when the world...
Posted by HighlandLady on Mon, 09 Oct 2006 08:12:00 PST