CYNTHIA MCKINNEY for PRESIDENT 2008/Green Party! profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

A former six-term Member of Congress from Georgia, Cynthia McKinney proved herself a courageous voice for the voiceless, unafraid to speak truth to power. Cynthia's Power to the People Committee is working to put Cynthia on fifty-one ballot lines!
Cynthia was never afraid to introduce legislation that showed her moral compass and where she felt our country ought to be. In that regard, after the tragedy of September 11th, 2001, Cynthia introduced legislation that would allow the survivors of the tragedy's victims to sue those responsible for the attacks as well as participate in the Victims Compensation Fund. She introduced legislation to establish a national living wage and she also introduced legislation to repeal the Military Tribunals Act. Her signature environmental piece of legislation was the National Forest Protection and Restoration Act which would have provided much-needed jobs and revenues for the restoration and protection of America's national forests. McKinney successfully authorized the USDA disparity study that demonstrated USDA discrimination against minority farmers. McKinney, like so many Americans, has long held Green values. McKinney is now proudly a Green.
While in Congress, Cynthia:
* Consistently opposed funding for bloated military and secret intelligence budgets;
* Introduced Articles of Impeachment for George Bush, Dick Cheney, and Condoleezza Rice;
* Introduced, championed, and passed in the U.S. House the Arms Trade Code of Conduct, prohibiting the sale of arms to known human rights abusers;
* Authored legislation to end the use of depleted uranium weapons;
* Passed legislation to extend health benefits for Vietnam War veterans still suffering the health effects from exposure to the defoliant Agent Orange;
* Challenged Pentagon Secretary Rumsfeld and Chairman Myers of the Joint Chiefs of Staff on the $2.3 trillion missing Pentagon money and on U.S.-sponsored war games taking place on September 11, 2001;
* Currently serves on (a) International Tribunal on Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, (b) Brussels Tribunal on Iraq, (c) is participating in War Crimes prosecutions in Spain, and (d) is working with the Malaysian Peace Organization to criminalize war;
* Introduced legislation to eliminate federal subsidies for corporations taking jobs overseas.

My Interests


CLICK HERE to get to Cynthia McKinney's GOOGLEGROUP and get in on the conversation!
CLICK HERE for more info on Cynthia on WIKIPEDIA!

I'd like to meet:

...all of those people who share with me a vision of a new America, one of peace, prosperity and true justice.
No one is censored, but HTML COMMENTS spread viruses, trojans, spyware and adware and I am not willing to take the risk and have my computer slowed or disabled and then have to pay to get it maintenanced. If you would like to share videos or graphics, post the URL's/links to them on your COMMENTS and people can go to them if they choose. I am a volunteer for Cynthia's campaign and I have limited resources and computer maintenance is not something I can afford. Thanks for your understanding.



An insightful personal conversation with Cynthia McKinney, Green Presidential hopeful. McKinney reveals her personal journey growing into a political activist with her father as mentor.She talks about her entrance into the electoral arena from Georgia State Legislator to Congressperson and the trials, tribulations and wisdom gained and her desire to create meaningful change in people's lives by running for President as a Green.

This is an AD for Cynthia McKinney's Presidential Campaign! Please rate the video, click it to your YouTube favorites, snag it, forward it and embed it on your blogs and sites!



Anyone who works towards PEACE and SOCIAL JUSTICE!

In the fight against bigotry, we stand together, and we must. In the fight against injustice, we stand together, and we must. In the fight against intimidation, we stand together, and we must. After all, a regime that would steal an election right before our very eyes will do anything to all of us.

My Blog

The Black Agenda Report endorses Cynthia McKinney for Prez

Black Agenda Report endorses Cynthia McKinney for PresidentThe American electoral charadeGlen Ford | Black Agenda Report | 06.08.2008If all goes as scripted, the Democrats hope to spend from now to No...
Posted by CYNTHIA MCKINNEY for PRESIDENT 2008/Green Party! on Mon, 09 Jun 2008 09:44:00 PST


* Join Our Phone Bank Team ng enthusiastic supporters with good verbal communication skills and telephone presence to help staff our growin...
Posted by CYNTHIA MCKINNEY for PRESIDENT 2008/Green Party! on Tue, 03 Jun 2008 07:49:00 PST

Cynthia McKinney has taken a clear lead in the delegate count!

For immediate release June 2, 2008 Contact: John Judge 202-584-1021 [email protected] Cynthia McKinney Takes Lead with Clear Majority of Delegates As Green Party Heads to Chicago Pre...
Posted by CYNTHIA MCKINNEY for PRESIDENT 2008/Green Party! on Tue, 03 Jun 2008 07:10:00 PST

WATCH THIS VIDEO! Cynthia McKinney speaks at COPA Conference!

WATCH THIS VIDEO! Cynthia McKinney speaks at COPA Conference!This video tells you all about it: ..The Coalition On Political Assassinations or COPA w...
Posted by CYNTHIA MCKINNEY for PRESIDENT 2008/Green Party! on Tue, 03 Jun 2008 06:39:00 PST

Posted by CYNTHIA MCKINNEY for PRESIDENT 2008/Green Party! on Sat, 31 May 2008 05:42:00 PST

Hunger Strike RE: Star Wars Deployment/Cynthia’s Response

Thursday, May 29, 2008STATEMENT ON HUNGER STRIKE BY CYNTHIA MCKINNEY Jan Tamas and Jan Bednar:It is impossible for me to say strongly enough how important your eff...
Posted by CYNTHIA MCKINNEY for PRESIDENT 2008/Green Party! on Fri, 30 May 2008 10:14:00 PST

Cynthia McKinney for President Weekly Update Number 9

Issue Number 9, May 26th, 2008The Power to the People CommitteeCynthia McKinney for President Weekly Update.---------------------------------------------Hello Powerful People:Welcome to the ninth iss...
Posted by CYNTHIA MCKINNEY for PRESIDENT 2008/Green Party! on Wed, 28 May 2008 06:22:00 PST

Cynthia McKinney goes GREEN!

Cynthia McKinney goes greenSeth Sandronsky | Sacramento News & Review | 05.23.2008Want to see the state's multibillion dollar budget deficit disappear? Green Party presidential candidate Cynthia McK...
Posted by CYNTHIA MCKINNEY for PRESIDENT 2008/Green Party! on Sat, 24 May 2008 12:20:00 PST


For the first 4 PEOPLE to send in a $250 pledged contribution to Cynthia McKinney's campaign, you will receive a SIGNED copy of the film "American Blackout" with a bumpersticker and a button.I have co...
Posted by CYNTHIA MCKINNEY for PRESIDENT 2008/Green Party! on Sat, 24 May 2008 10:44:00 PST

Cynthia McKinneys remarks at the Al Nakba Rally 5/16

Hello, I participated in the most incredibly diverse rally in front of the United Nations at Dag Hammarskjold Plaza. Here are my remarks: Cynthia McKinney Remarks Al Nakba Rally, "Not in My Name" Uni...
Posted by CYNTHIA MCKINNEY for PRESIDENT 2008/Green Party! on Mon, 19 May 2008 10:02:00 PST