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'COSMIC MOTIVATION' make me rise above the ashes of material wastin,..ain't no hesitatin when we be SPIRITUALLY ELAVATIN,..but some people be a hatin,..when you be peepin that they be fakin, there infactuation with 'COSMIC REJUVANATION'. IT ain't no need for debatin,..cause 'I AM' that 'I AM.' The understanding should be understood, by those who know,..who choose to grow,..SO, don't you blow,..your chance to grow in the sea of 'COSMIC HARMONY'. In the center of you and me...PLANETARY MOVEMENTS generated by MENTAL capacities,...VIBRATIONAL IMPULSES affecting destiny in RYTHMIC HARMONY...Don't YOU/ME/I KNOW OUR DESTINY in DIVINITY,..heading for INFINITY. Because this BODY is THE HOUSE of ATUM,..ALLAH,..THE MOST HIGH,..THE ETERNAL,..ABSOLUTE,..without BEGINNING,..and THERE IS NO END......MOVING TO FAST IN THE SPHERE OF TIME,..ROTATING RIPPLES of SHATTERED MINDS,..LOST THEIR RYME,..DRIP,DROP DRIPPIN,..DRIP,DROP TRIPPIN in the MAZE OF A DAILY GRIND,...set up to DEFINE,..and CONFINE,..and CONFOUND,..and COMPOUND without compensation our daily SUBJUGATION to 'THIRD EYE MANIPULATION',...but in this situation we must remain calm, the EYE of the STORM,.. as we enter the zone of the 'ALMIGHTY OMM',...TO FIND PEACE IN THE FACE OF THE beast, WE ROTATE EAST across the dark,stormy,barren sea, once again find LOVE and PEACE and PEACE and EASE,..... in the the heart of the 'ETERNAL WE'....ALL WE HAVE TO DO IS YOU THE KEY....BLESSINGS and PEACE and PEACE and BLESSINGS.
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JAZZ,..that some time un-explainable 'MUSICAL ART FORM,..that was born in AMERICA out of the HEARTS and SOULS of BLACK FOLKS...BLUES,CHANTS,FREEDOM SONGS,AFRICAN SPIRITUAL RYTHMS and LOVE NOTES. All come down to us and are preserved for us in this thing called JAZZ...THIS MUSICAL ART FORM we call JAZZ....JAZZ-RAZ-MA-TAZZ...from NEW ORLEANS to KANSAS CITY,..from PHILLY to NEW YORK CITY,..from PARIS to SWEDEN to TOKYO...JAZZ has left its un-deniable hand print on the HEARTS and MINDS of HUMANITY. Trans-forming itself and giving birth to new life forms. JAZZ is the HEART and SOUL of all modern music.JAZZ is AMERICAS GREATEST CULTURAL CONTRIBUTION TO THE WORLD....JAZZ is in the MOMENT..JAZZ is NATURAL,..JAZZ is HONEST,..JAZZ is FREE,...JAZZ is YOU and JAZZ is ME.....JAZZ is......JAZZ-RAZZ-MA-TAZZ.


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Close your eyes,..Open your mind,and become ONE with THE CREATOR, as we listen to the feel good vibe of THE UNKNOWN POET and QUEEN'S CD, 'COSMIC MOTIVATION CYPHER 2003..THE JOURNEY BEGINS. THE UNKNOWN POET and QUEEN are from THE UNIVERSAL MIND of GOD. They were raised in the CITY BY THE SEA (AC), before the advent of the casino industry. When asked about growing up, they say: " We grew up down by the sea shore, with the ATLANTIC OCEAN at our front door and the BACK BAY at our rear. It was a pleasant childhood,..we were poor, but our environment was rich in scenic BEAUTY. We grew up in the era of CHICKEN BONE BEACH,..CLUB HARLEM,..THE WONDER GARDEN,..and THE STEEL PIER. We seen more live acts by the time we were 19, then most people see in a life time scene....RAY CHARLSE,..JAMES BROWN,..BB KING,..all ..came to AC and did their thing...THE TEMPTATIONS,..THE SUPREMES,..and OHIO PLAYERS, added to that AC FLAVA. We spent long summer days, in the summer heat, on the beach. A PLEASANT ESCAPE FROM COLD WINTERS and INNER CITY BLUES. What inspired the title to the CD, is the POEM/SONG 'COSMIC MOTIVATION'. It's the lifes journey of (2) individuals,..becoming (1) in the search for 'DIVINE TRUTH and UNIVERSAL UNDERSTANDING. The search led to doors, which opened into many religions,..under many names. FINALLY,..they stood at THE DOOR TO SELF (HE WHO KNOWS HIS SELF,..KNOWS HIS LORD),...OPENED IT,..BROKE THE SEAL and THE TRUTH BECAME SELF-EVIDENT and CLEAR...IT'S A LIFES JOURNEY. SO,.....'COSMIC MOTIVATION' IS A GOOD PLACE TO BEGIN and END THE JOURNEY.....therefore....LET THE JOURNEY CONTINUE..........LISTEN TO THIS and other CD'S by THE UNKNOWN POET and QUEEN on the JOURNEY.


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I was born between the state of LOVE and ACE of CLUBS. I spent some time on the beach,..the boardwalk and in the streets. I traveled from here to there,...from time to time;..until I met my PERFECT RYME......You see THE UNKNOWN POET and I have been traveling for a while,...we been RECITING and SINGING THIS POETRY in TRUE JAZZ STYLE. We traveled FROM PHILLY, NEW YORK and back again......UNTIL WE MADE THAT PERFECT BLEND.


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From the CONGO to BRAZIL..from JAMAICA to PUERTO RICO..we VIBIN for REAL, the WORD is EVERLASTING. I must confess..I LOVE the SPOKEN WORD,..bought forth by the RYME and RHYTHM of a 'SINCERE POET'...from the start,..HEART to HEART,..ANCIENT GRIOT ART,..bringing forth VERBAL CREATIONS,..motivated by ANCIENT INCLINATIONS,..heading for DISTANT DESTINATIONS,..riding on 'SINCERE VIBRATIONS,...I just be VIBIN on these SENSATIONS......THERE AIN'T NO BETTER SOUND to HEAR for ME ,..Than a MAN/WOMAN speakin in this here MIC ya see,..about OUR HISTORY,..OUR VICTORIES,..OUR coming DESTINY,..or our overwhelming MISERIES,..MOTIVATED by the RHTHMS of ANCIENT ANCESTRY.......just a VOICE and a BODY soulfully connected in the SYNERGY of 'COSMIC HARMONY',....opening up the 'CHAKRAS' of the MIND, with VERBAL RHYME...THE BEAT of the CONGA DRUMMER keepin that 'POETIC TIME'....ACCOUSTIC SOUNDS of natural 'WIND INSTRUMENTS'..(VOICES),..STRINGS from HEAVEN..(VOICES)..FLUTES from PARADISE..(VOICES)..SHAKERS and CHIMES..(VOICES)..TAMBORINES and MATADORS..(VOICES)..(VOICES)..(VOICES)..voices from the FORREST..VOICES,VOICES,..voices from the JUNGLE..VOICES,VOICES,VOICES...from the ISLAND..voices from the VILLAGE,...voices from the GHETTO and EL-BARRIO,...YEA,..From the CONGO to BRAZIL,..From JAMAICA to PUERTO RICO,...WE BE VIBIN for REAL,...cause 'THE WORD IS EVERLASTING'.....'THE WORD IS EVERLASTING'.......'THE WORD IS EVERLASTING'.
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We all want our sons to have courage and be brave in a hard and rough situation. We would love that they will fight for TRUTH and the HEALING of our NUBIAN NATION. Men of COURAGE and HONOR should be held in great respect,...and with that respect comes the duty to be HONORABLE MEN. It does not matter if you are FEARED or LOVED, is DUTY, to be a RESPECTFUL MAN. A 'WORD is BOND',..'DOWN by LAW',..GIVEN RESPECT and GETTIN RESPECT' kind of man. A fight for the RIGHT,..stand against the wrong, kind of man. A man who takes care of his duties to his FAMILY,..his FRIENDS,..and SOMETIMES HIS NATION....THIS is the 'WISDOM of the AGES',..recited by SAGES,..written down on PAGES,..sometimes they put us in CAGES...SO,..LISTEN UP!!!....WE BURIED ANOTHER YOUNG BROTHER TODAY. A WHOLE LOT OF PEOPLE MOURNED and PRAYED. HE was SO YOUNG WHEN HE DIED,..some say NOT QUITE 25...JUST ANOTHER STATISTIC on a CORONERS DEATH SHEET,...INSTANT DEATH ON A INNER CITY STREET......YOU SEE,..he was 25 and dyin and he sure ain't CRYIN,..knowin where he's been in a WORLD JACKED BY SIN....DEVILS LIES FLY DESTROY THE THIRD EYE. Genocide happens in the middle of a city,..FIRST BORN KILLED in a TOWN WITHOUT PITY....TUPAC KEPT IT REAL LIKE COLD BLUE STEEL,..he asked the question,..'DO YA FEEL ME?',..shakin brain cells and heartbeats,..'DO YA HEAR ME?'...OH,.. WHAT a WORLD WE LIVE IN IN DECEIT,..WHAT A TANGLED WEB WE WEAVE WHEN WE CONSPIRE TO DECEIVE...Illusions in OUR MINDS of times left behind,...DEMONS IN PIN STRIPPED SUITS got us ALL IN A BIND,...TELL ANOTHER LIE,..TAKE US FOR A RIDE and call it 'JUSTIFIABLE HOMICIDE'....OH WELL,..THEY SAY,..its over WE FREE,. I can't tell, seems like we in a 'CONCENTRATION SITUATION',..don't know which way we FACIN,..SOCIETY IS A RACIN,..POLITICIANS be DEBATIN,...PREACHERS ain't RELATIN,..and TEACHERS be HESITATIN, this CURRENT SITUATION...BUT....THEY SAY,..'OH WELL, ITS OVER WE FREE,..'I CAN'T TELL',..which way is HELL,...IS IT IN,..IS IT OUT',..'IS IT DOWN,.IS IT UP',...DEVIL man GOT US ALL IN A rut,..WE BE STUCK in another mans game,..BLACK NATION put to shame,..CHASING THAT PHONEY FAME....We lost the WAR,..WHO WE GONNA BLAME.....YOU SEE,..TUPAC DID NOT HAVE TIME TO FLIP THE SCRIPT or WRITE a NEW TESTAMENT,...BUT...KNOWLEDGE IS THERE IN WHAT HE SPIT and he THOUGHT HE WAS BORN FOR THE PART HE PLAYED IN IT......SOOOO.....PEACE TO TUPAC SHAKUR AND ALL THE YOUTH WHO HAVE DIED IN THESE INNER CITY WARS and PEACE TO AFENI SHAKUR and ALL THE MOTHERS WHO MOURN FOR THEIR FIRST BORN.
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We imagine/think we are observing the 'COSMOS', as a subject. The 'REALITY' is that we are being 'observed'. When we discover,..that 'our watching' and our 'being watched' are not two realities, but one,..and that our aspect in it is 'non-existent',...then WE HAVE ARRIVED. This experience does not take place in the 'realm of separation'. The zone of theory is not that of the practice. The world is experienced,...the world takes on its actuality through attachment. When the HEART is LIBERATED, THE WORLD DISAPPEARS and the INVISIBLE WORLD APPEARS....This WORLD is VANASHING and moving AWAY and the UN-SEEN WORLD is appearing and approaching.....This CHANGE in CIRCUIT of CONCIOUSNESS is achieved by the 'PROCESS of TRANSFORMATION'.....A FLOWING CONCIOUSNESS is achieved by the 'PROCESS of DIVINE TRANSFORMATION',..which is a 'SUBTLE ENERGY',..which flows through everything,...experienced in some more strongly than others....Its HIGHEST REALM of activity is the melanin,..which runs through our veins,...PURITY permits its FLOW,..for it is 'PURITY' itself,...which is 'LIGHT',...density blocks its 'PERCEPTION',.......IT is 'TRANSFORMATIVE,..IT is 'HEALING',..IT is 'IMMEASURABLE',....TO DENY IT, TO LIMIT THE 'POWER of the 'MOST HIGH'.....WE indicate with 'SINCERETY',...WE do not deceive,...the 'IGNORANT' and the 'ARROGANT' will try to see through a 'BLINDED THIRD EYE',...Their efforts will be 'fruitless',..Their search will be in 'vain',......MAY THE MOST HIGH continue to GUIDE and PROTECT those who strive in GOOD....'PEACE EVERLASTING'.
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I REMEMBER BLUE SKIES and SUNSHINE,...chasing BUTTERFLIES over GREEN FIELDS and wondering whats beyond that big brown HILL,..GRASSHOPPERS jump as I run and run,...TONS of FUN under that ' GOLDEN SUN ',...I REMEMBER when the morning air was ' CRYSTAL CLEAR ',..and when we entered the night we had no fear,..The ' MOON LIT ' sky was NEAR and DEAR,..and when I laid down to sleep at night,..the sound of a multitude of ' CRICKETS ' danced in my ear,...AHH,..In the ' SUNSHINE ' we had it made, the 'SUNSHINE' we had it made,...I REMEMBER the ' sound of 'VOICES' at the 'LAKE' and the smell of chicken ( fried and baked ),..the 'SOUND' of 'CHILDREN' as they 'PLAYED and 'SWAYED', one was feeling gray on that 'DAY',...AHH in the 'SUNSHINE we had it made, the 'SUNSHINE we had it MADE,...I REMEMBER LONG SANDY BEACHES,...and BEAUTIFUL BROWN WOMEN with 'STRONG AFRICAN' features,...multi-colored hues on 'BLUE/GREEN waters,..I could of swore I ONCE met 'ISIS DAUGHTER',...but..I was not quite the 'SON' of 'OSARIS',..SO,..I had to observe this 'BEAUTIFUL GODDESS' only through the 'IRIS',...but,..SHE was ONE of the 'FINEST' that I have ever seen,..and me not quite being seventeen,..not quite ready for this 'AFRICAN QUEEN' floating on the 'SEA' of COOL BLUE GREEN,...I REMEMBER that SEEN,....SUNSHINE bouncing off of 'GOLDEN BROWN' skin...HAIR glistening in the 'MOIST OCEAN WIND',...'RAYS of LIGHT' sparkle from within,....and all I could do was GRIN and GRIN and GRIN,.....AHHH,...IN THE 'SUNSHINE WE had it 'MADE', the 'SUNSHINE WE had it 'MADE',......KALIEDASCOPE EYES do REALIZE how LIFE FLIES IN A SHORT PASSAGE OF 'TIME'......sometimes the memories seem to fade, know,...they say,...we in the 'LAST DAYS',....but for 'OUR MEMORIES',...those that are 'GOOD',......'WE THANKFULLY PRAY'.
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MYSTICAL QUEEN,..woman of my DREAMS...OH! I like your smile and that DIVINE MYSTICAL style. MYSTICAL QUEEN,..woman of my DREAMS,..your SOUL flies so free,..I always knew that union with you would be my destiny. When I was young there were many girls who wanted to play and have some fun...but,..THEY SAID I WAS TO SERIOUS,..dealing in AQUARIOUS...SO,..I searched for my DREAM,.. until on one MOON LIT night,..I met my true MYSTICAL QUEEN. I have always drew you up in my DIVINE MINDS EYE,...your SMILE,..your BEAUTY,..your DINSTINCTIVE GRACE,...AHH, YOU made a MAN feel like a KING,..when I entered your DIVINE SPACE,..and as your EYES remained fixed on me as I read you my POETRY,..I knew what I had seen was my TRUE MYSTICAL QUEEN...WOMAN of my DREAMS,..OH how I like YOUR SMILE and that DINTINCTIVE MYSTICAL STYLE ...MYSTICAL QUEEN in LOVE with LOVE never truly HAPPY to it comes from above,..HEART open to embrace the world,..but the devils lies put a hurting on the girl. YOU be searching that crowd day by day for that one TRUE HEART that will save the day....A TENDER HEART, more false starts,..LOOKING for that circle where LOVE is the ART ,..tired of all those lies that tear US apart....SO,..I came to the SCENE to save MY QUEEN... The GREAT SPIRIT led ME to YOU,..and YOU to ME so WE both could SEE,..the REALITY of DESTINY...WE met as two and became as ONE,..and YOU traveled in my MINDS EYE and WE never gonna let the DREAM die,..As WE travel in the VIBE of THE MOST HIGH........MYSTICAL QUEEN!!...what I LOVE most about YOU,.. is,...what is between ME and YOU and YOU and ME,....never, ever becomes PUBLIC PROPERTY, WE DISCOVER LOVES INTIMACY...SO,..I say PEACE to YOU my QUEEN and ALL the QUEEN'S on the scene from THE HEART and THE MIND,..and right now,..THE UNKNOWN POET is FEELING JUST FINE.
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"First they came for the Jews and I did not speak out because I was not a Jew. Then they came for the communists and I did not speak out-because I was not a communist.Then they came for the trade unionists and I did not speak out because I was not a trade unionist Then they came for me and there was no one left to speak out for me!"This was a poem by Pastor Niemoeller, a victim of Nazi holocaust.

My Blog


When We Look at things and See their MAKER in them,..they become a LIGHT, by which Our 'INNER EYE' is Illuminated...When we Look at things and do not See the Workmanship of Our 'CREATOR' in them,..the...
Posted by THE UNKNOWN POET & QUEEN on Thu, 29 May 2008 04:36:00 PST


The return of GOD, the return of the KNOWLEDGE that 'GOD' is within Each and Everyone of us,... When We Study GOD'S Degrees of WISDOM,...we Learn to Recognize that Voice within Our HEARTS,...and w...
Posted by THE UNKNOWN POET & QUEEN on Tue, 20 May 2008 06:07:00 PST


Posted by THE UNKNOWN POET & QUEEN on Fri, 16 May 2008 05:32:00 PST


MOTHER is the ESSENCE of WOMAN,...and Woman is the Essence of LOVE...MOTHER (which is Woman) should be the Beginning,...the Foutainhead,..the Root of All that is Good and Lasting in Life. In fact the ...
Posted by THE UNKNOWN POET & QUEEN on Mon, 12 May 2008 08:07:00 PST


A WISE ONE said To Me on My Journey through The INNER WORLD:...." You Must KNOW that the HEAD of All SORROW on MOTHER EARTH is IGNORANCE,...which Turns to ARROGANCE,....which Turns To VIOLENCE and WAR...
Posted by THE UNKNOWN POET & QUEEN on Mon, 05 May 2008 02:58:00 PST


In this 'CULTURE that Worships the GUN' and VIOLENCE and MAYHEM!....^BLOOD runs RED in My Hood EveryDay,..fueled by the Daily Images from TV SETS and VIDEO GAMES...^..BLOODY SCENES from Distant WAR ZO...
Posted by THE UNKNOWN POET & QUEEN on Mon, 05 May 2008 01:42:00 PST


Posted by THE UNKNOWN POET & QUEEN on Thu, 01 May 2008 04:16:00 PST


Rev. Wright is RIGHT,..and He Speaks with a Fiery Tongue oF a SINCERE PREACHER,.....SPEAKING TRUTH TO POWER,...and A Reminder to Those who wield Wordly Power that:.....THE GOD is JUSTICE and That THE ...
Posted by THE UNKNOWN POET & QUEEN on Tue, 29 Apr 2008 05:20:00 PST


RESPECT and PEACE my Friends, We must 'PURIFY THE BLOOD' First,...because the 'LIFE-GIVING SPIRIT' Vibrates STRONG and TRUE through a CLEANSED TEMPLE ( YOUR BODY ). Where is the TEMPLE of 'THE MOST HI...
Posted by THE UNKNOWN POET & QUEEN on Wed, 23 Apr 2008 06:53:00 PST


This is to the NUBIAN YOUTH caught up in A HOLOCAUST,..past and present. Nothing has changed in the game....... The goal is to continue to create divisions in our people; that we will never r...
Posted by THE UNKNOWN POET & QUEEN on Sun, 20 Apr 2008 06:27:00 PST