Chapter Five: Mother's Revenge Chapter Twenty-Seven: Mother's Revenge Chapter Forty-Seven: Mother's Revenge Click HERE To Order Mother's Revenge
Country, when it was country . . . Hank . . . Merle . . . Young Classic Rock, i.e., The Doors . . . Credence Clearwater Revival, etc. Progressive jazz . . . Monk . . . Getz . . . Brubeck Music I Am Listening To At This Moment In Time: Billie Holiday (Billie's Best) and Annie Lennox (Medusa)
Book I Am Reading This Moment In Time: The Throat, by Peter Straub and The Syndrome by John Case
Every man and woman who is in our armed services fighting and dying to protect America from great harm. Men and women within the political spectrum who understand that America is on the cusp of World War III, and is not weak-kneed about our response.