John Edward Lawson, bizarro author profile picture

John Edward Lawson, bizarro author

Adherence to fantasy confuses and disturbs me.

About Me

MyGen Profile Generator I live in suburban Maryland with my wife and son. During the 1990's I kicked around in the D.C. industrial-electro-goth scene in the band Dead Letter Office and owned Rack and Ruin Studio. Currently I'm a full-time member of the bizarro community, functioning as an author of poetry, nonfiction, and stories, as well as an editor. In my spare time I do things like co-produce short films and change my undergarments.
I'm also a founding editor of Raw Dog Screaming Press , and their new imprint Two Backed Books . For four years I was editor of The Dream People literary journal of bizarro fiction and poetry. You can spy on me at . For more about bizarro art, visit Mondo Bizarro, .
If you're interested in supporting me why not join my street team, the Avant Punk Army ? You'll get to hang out with the coolest authors around while getting free exclusive books from them!


Spin is a mockumentary in the style of Spinal Tap and Borat. To be filmed by Canadian director SV Bell; cowritten with Robbie Ribspreader. More information soon.
Raw Dog Screaming
Raw Dog Screaming is a dark and twisted horror/gore flick. This sucker features lots of blood, violence, and a half-naked man in a speedo wielding a knife. Very brutal and unforgiving, with a bit of a 70's slasher/splatterpunk aesthetic.
The title of the film comes from the poem of the same name written by acclaimed underground author John Edward Lawson. Portions of the poem are recited throughout the film, as read by director Royce Icon . The film also features music from Royce Icon's album "Constant Winter", released on EnoughRecords.
Runtime: 1m 44s.
You can view it here .


For more information, or to order, please click the images below

Sin Conductor

Some Harm, Mostly Foul
Collected Fiction

Crimes Against Profanity

A Child's Guide to Death
W/ Dustin LaValley, Mark Sullivan, and Darin Malfi

Discouraging at Best
Collected Fiction

The Troublesome Amputee
Collected poetry
Finalist for the Bram Stoker Award

The Bizarro Starter Kit (Orange)
contains my novella "Truth in Ruins"

The Plague Factory
Collected poetry
exclusive to the Avant Punk Army

Pocket Full of Loose Razorblades
Collected fiction

Last Burn in Hell: Director's Cut

Tempting Disaster
edited by John Edward Lawson

conatains my novella "Jagged Desire"

Sick: An Anthology of Illness
edited by John Edward Lawson

Of Flesh and Hunger: Tales of the Ultimate Taboo
edited by John Edward Lawson


The Horrible
Collected poetry

Psych Noir
Prose poetry
limted edition

The Scars Are Complimentary
Collected poetry

My Interests

For the past several years I have evaluated manuscripts for authors as a favor but, due to increased workload, I won't be able to continue doing so in the foreseeable future. Raw Dog Screaming Press is also closed to submissions, so I (and the other editors!) can't look at any manuscripts for publication either. I enjoy supporting authors in their attempt to get books published, and hope to be in a position where I can offer feedback in the future, but for now I'll only be able to look at short pieces posted online. Thanks for understaning!

I'd like to meet:

Artists, writers, editors, crazy people, film makers, activists, crazier people, musicians, bizarros, talking hot dogs, reviewers, punks, actors, misfits, philosophers, nihilists, misanthropists, rivit heads, goths, head bangers, non-communicative hot dogs, DJs, anybody with something to say.


16 Volt, Acumen Nation, Babyland, Bauhaus, BDP, Billy Idol, Carcass, Cathedral, Chris Isaac, Chrome, Cop Shoot Cop, Curve, Danzig, Dead Can Dance, Dead Letter Office, Dissecting Table, Dive, DJ Acucrack, DJ Shadow, DJ Spooky, Download, Ego Likeness, Einsturzende Neubauten, Fear Factory, Final Cut, Foetus, Front 242, F.U.S., Godflesh, Grotus, Haloblack, Helios Creed, Hellmonger, Jesu, Jesus and Mary Chain, Joy Division, KRS-ONE, Love and Rockets, Memory Without Pain, Ministry, Misfits, Napalm Death, Nine Inch Nails, Numb, ogHr, Oneiroid Psychosis, Overkill, Pig, Pigface, POJO, Revolting Cocks, Samhain, Scar Tissue, Schloss Tegal, Sepultura, Skin Chamber, Skinny Puppy, Skrew, Steroid Maximus, Suffocation, Techno Animal, Trust Obey, The Ramones, 80's music, death metal, industrial, noise


Affliction, American Psycho, Andrew Kevin Walker, Blue Velvet, Crash, Darren Aronofsky, David Cronenberg, David Lynch, Fight Club, Less Than Zero, Lost Highway, Mulhulland Drive, Perdita Durango, se7en, Stanley Kubrick, Tetsuo the Body Hammer, Tetsuo the Iron Man, The Brood, The Fly, Tokyo Fist, Wild at Heart, The Deer Hunter, Taxi Driver, Alien, The Hitcher, Hellraiser, Hellraiser 2, Aliens, American Werewolf in London, Videodrome, The Blair Witch Project, The Happiness Cage, Happiness, The Element of Crime, Run and Kill, Full Contact, Scanners, The Thing, Dancer in the Dark, Eraserhead, Santa Sangre, El Topo, The Killer, Hard Boiled, Bullet in the Head, Hate, Romper Stomper, Suburbia, Liquid Sky, Akira, True Romance, Pulp Fiction, Killing Zoe, The Heroic Trio, Terminator, Jacob's Ladder, Dogville, The Boondock Saints, The Executioners, The Honeymoon Killers, River's Edge, Fist of the North Star, The Exorcist, The Howling, Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer, Pi, Equilibrium, Spider, Dr. Strangelove, Eyes Wide Shut, The Shining, Man Bites Dog, The Fly 2, Fallen Angels, The Odd One Dies, The Story of Ricky, American Beauty, It's the Rage, Lost in Translation, U-Turn, The Ring, Angel's Egg, Natural Born Killers, Down By Law, Mystery Train, Ghost Dog, The Devil's Backbone, Best In Show, Waiting For Guffman, Spinal Tap, The Jerk, Bowfinger, Novocaine, Red Dragon, Hannibal, Dagon, Cube, Cube 2: Hypercube, Cube Zero, A Snake of June, Stranger Than Paradise, Coffee and Cigarettes, Unleashed, Bottle Rocket, The Royal Tenanbaums, Rushmore, The Life Aquatic, A Mighty Wind, Blood Moon, Frailty, Vanilla Sky, Swordsman 2, Swordsman 3, Oldboy, Audition, A Chinese Ghost Story, A Chinese Ghost Story 2, A Chinese Ghost Story 3, A Tale of Two Sisters, Phone, Wiseblood, Paranoia 1.0, My Little Eye, House of 9, Hellraiser: Hellseeker, Dirty Pretty Things, Shock Corridor, Dreamscape, Madhouse, Intacto, Inland Empire, One Missed Call, One Missed Call 2, The Doors, Fearless, Curse of the Golden Flower


MPD Psycho, Twin Peaks, The Brak Show, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Sealab 2021, Deadwood, Carnivale, The Wire, The Sopranos, Six Feet Under, The Office (British version), Oz, Arrested Development, Band of Brothers, Nip/Tuck, Curb Your Enthusiasm, The Yakuza Papers, The Awful Truth, TV Nation, Da Ali G Show, Red Dwarf, Black Adder, Medium, Lost, The Young Ones, The Kingdom ( Lars Von Trier), The Kingdom II, Homicide, Nowhere Man, Wild Palms, Sienfeld, Werewolf, Land of the Lost, Robotech, Tranzor Z, WCW, Extras, The Unit


American Psycho, Fight Club, A Choir of Ill Children, Survivor, Angel Dust Apokalypse, The Fall of Never, The Great and Secret Show, Hocus Pocus, Invisible Monsters, It, Glamorama, Everville, Slaughterhouse Five, Lullaby, The Jungle, Pseudo-City, Terror-Dot-Gov, Fishy-fleshed, Diary, Less Than Zero, Notes from Underground, The Stand, AAAIIIEEE!!!, Choke, Some Things are Better Left Unplugged, Stranger on the Loose, Everybody Scream!, The Steel Breakfast Era, Tangerinephant, Fugue XXIX, Spider Pie, The Unauthorized Woman, Kiss Me Judas, 15 Serial Killers, Straight Razor, Sewing Shut My Eyes, A Dirge for the Temporal, Sick, Tempting Disaster, The Menstruating Mall, 100 Jolts, Play Dead, The Baby Jesus Butt Plug, Hideous Beauties, The Willow Tree, Bare Bone, Grave Markings, Hunting Humans, General and Special Pathology, Naked Lunch, Last Burn in Hell, Pocket Full of Loose Razorblades, Of Flesh and Hunger, Storm Riders, Oriental Heroes, Blood Sword/Blood Sword Dynasty, Weapons of the Gods, The Legendary Couple, Wiseblood, East Bay Grease, Two Up


David Lynch, Chuck Palahniuk, Shinya Tsukamoto, Bret Easton Ellis, David Cronnenberg, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Alejandro Jodorowsky, William S. Burroughs, David Fincher, Barry Gifford, Tat-Chi Yau, Jesus and Mary Chain, Ringo Lam, Clive Barker, John Woo, Lars Von Trier, Wing Shing Ma, Tony Wong, Chan-Wook Park
Short animated film Brain Candy featuring a zombie birthday party!
A trailer for Text:UR - The New Book of Masks
Interviewed by the Mutantville Players at Horrorfind '07.
The short film Raw Dog Screaming, based on my poem.
A trailer for Last Burn in Hell
A trailer for The Troublesome Amputee
A trailer for Via Dolorosa
Join now, ya bombdaclot!
Check out the new edition of my novel Last Burn in Hell!
Get funky like a monkey over at my site!
Consider supporting my friend Vivian Viva (if you're old enough). She's intelligent, cool, and likes a clean house.
Check out this publisher of cutting-edge underground literature:
The largest resource for the bizarro genre in the world!
Want to get involved in supporting the bizarro scene? Join the Avant Punk Army!

My Blog

My interview in Doorways Magazine

Here's an interview with me conducted by poet and editor Stephen Wilson, which was published in Doorways Magazine earlier this year:
Posted by John Edward Lawson, bizarro author on Mon, 30 Jun 2008 10:30:00 PST

Not much to talk about here

I'm back and will be replying to a lot of stuff over the next few days, as well as doing some updates. Peace!
Posted by John Edward Lawson, bizarro author on Thu, 10 Jan 2008 07:25:00 PST

My N*de Pics

Between prolonged illness and a lot of travel/book events I'm way behind on correspondence (again). Sorry about that. Hang in there, folks. After Sunday I'm free to muck about on the internet again.An...
Posted by John Edward Lawson, bizarro author on Thu, 25 Oct 2007 06:55:00 PST

A Child’s Guide to Death

Hey hey a new book coming out this's a collaboration with Dustin LaValley, Mark Sullivan, and Darin Malfi:A Child's Guide to DeathAn irreverent and illustrated look at the ABC's of...
Posted by John Edward Lawson, bizarro author on Tue, 23 Oct 2007 10:57:00 PST

If somebody tells you they’re worth $50 million...

The Bionic Teen: maybe.Bionic Woman? No. Not even close.And, what's even more painful is seeing the former Kara "Starbuck" Thrace, well established as an actor and convincing bad-ass, on the show but ...
Posted by John Edward Lawson, bizarro author on Mon, 22 Oct 2007 10:50:00 PST

Read a novella of mine free!

Well, the Baltimore Book Fest was a success! We'll definitely be there next year.I did get sick there, though, and then my son got sick so I'm been taking care of him. I'm running behind on correspond...
Posted by John Edward Lawson, bizarro author on Thu, 04 Oct 2007 07:25:00 PST

There's a great new site starting up called check them out under my top friends list. One thing will feature on a regular basis is a strong literary department. Staff writer e. h...
Posted by John Edward Lawson, bizarro author on Thu, 27 Sep 2007 10:20:00 PST

The Sound of Horror

After a long discussion with the owners of a new website, it looks like I'll be taking over duties for them as Literary Director. It's shaping up to be a HUGE venture, but is still in pre-launch mode,...
Posted by John Edward Lawson, bizarro author on Thu, 13 Sep 2007 08:29:00 PST

Zero pollution cars made illegal???

Check this out; the so-called Clean Air Act actually bans zero pollution cars?! (which I didn't even know existed)Read up on it at other news, our...
Posted by John Edward Lawson, bizarro author on Wed, 05 Sep 2007 08:17:00 PST


Added three more videos to my MS page, and five more books of mine! Also updated various interests. It takes a ridiculous amount of time to do this stuff. Be sure to check out the zombie birthday part...
Posted by John Edward Lawson, bizarro author on Mon, 03 Sep 2007 03:13:00 PST