Jase Daniels lives in the U.K.
Artist/illustrator/Existentualist-meta-cult leader(:The Grubby Order of Grot), Jase Daniels is producing unique and intriguing art that is gaining international popularity.
Creating a ghostly counterpart cosm to the reality we live in, artist/animator Jase Daniels breathes life into his doppleganger denizens reflecting on society, spirit, and personal experiences and portraying a distillation of human emotion and thought.
His collaboration with Forrest Armstrong (www.forrestarmstrong.com) This City is Alive was nominated for bizarro's first Wonderland Award in 2008.
He earned the Undergraduate Animator of the Year award for his region from the Royal Television Society in 2003 and his short films have been described as “weird followed by weird followed by weird.â€
THE GRUBBY ENDTo be published by Crossing Chaos (www.crossingchaos.com) Summer 2009:"Between the hollow walls of a putrefying high-rise building, the twitching mandibles of masticating
parasites become the avatar of transmogrification. The pheromone-heavy stink of their silent
conversation heralds the coming of The Grubby End --
A contemporary first from next wave surrealist Jase Daniels, this metaphysical foray into the swamps
of Grot is an all image novel drawn directly from the artist’s word-free mind…"
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