Please check out our small, independent (maga)'zine, posted on our blog!
Click Here To Subscribe To A New Tomorrow's Blog
A New Tomorrow will explore the personal life hoping to discover universal truths.
1) Promote individual achievement with social cooperation
2) Use clear intentions, a calm attitude, focus, and harmony
3) Govern ourselves; not others.
4) Work for unity instead of competition.
5) To be open and promote general participation and reject secrecy, racism, sexism, homophobia, and other discriminatory practices
6) We will work toward defending the weak, protecting the environment, useful education, eliminating poverty, and implementing universal healthcare as a means to peace
7) We strive for simplicity and moderation.
c/o Mike Kraus
1626 N. Richmond, Suite 2
Chicago, IL 60647
If you have any questions, comments, suggestions, etc., please feel free to contact us!!!
You have been marked on my profile map!