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About Me

Meet Daisy Dooley. Her life’s no fairy tale but she’s determined to have her happy ending. With girlfriends Lucy (who has the perfect life – but is she happy?) and Jess (perfectly happy in her singledom) cheering her on (and refilling her wine glass), Daisy steps bravely out onto the dating scene once again. Beset by new flames, old beaux, and too many dachshunds to count, it’s all Daisy can do to keep her head on straight, her feet moving forward, and her heart open to whatever fate has in store...

In the tradition of Sex and the City and Bridget Jones's Diary, Anna Pasternak's popular column, "Daisy Dooley Does Divorce", has evolved into this witty novel full of hope, humor, wine...and dachshunds.

ANNA PASTERNAK is the author of the popular column, "Daisy Dooley Does Divorce", which has been running in London’s The Daily Mail since November of 2004. She is also the author of the New York Times bestseller "Princess in Love" about Diana's love affair with Major James Hewitt. The grandniece of Russian novelist Boris Pasternak of Dr. Zhivago fame, she lives outside of London with her daughter Daisy and her dog Wilfred.

All illustrations © Emma Brownjohn www.emmabrownjohn.com

dating Dharma
As we get older we get the face and the body we deserve. We also get the dates we deserve. Don’t want to kiss another frog? Then get your inner bitch under control.
dick delivery boy
One who sexually services you, whether a one-off or a regular stud muffin, at your place. Best enjoyed with postcoital take-out pizza.
emotional contagion
The ability to pick up on your partner’s feelings without speaking.
erotic intelligence
Skilled flirting. A Double First in seduction.
hook ups
Sex on an ad hoc basis with a male friend. Emotionally safe as there is no dating agenda.
When a man pays extra attention to pruning his pubic topiary and sculpting his chest hair.
married singles
Husbands who have convenient amnesia about their wives and kids when poised to score. Permanent bachelors during the week, they dip into daddydom on weekends.
A fast-food coupling- i.e., a quick shag- that leaves you feeling empty and slightly nauseous. No emotional fulfillment on the side or to go.
mercy jump
When your best male friend sleeps with you out of pity. Can it really have been that long?
post-divorce date (PDD)
That all-important terrifying first date when you have to get back into the dating saddle after having been bucked to the ground and had all your confidence shattered by divorce.
premature we-jaculation
A dating dysfunction where you start referring to “we” before he has acknowledged that you are a couple.
radical acceptance
The maturity to realize that life sucks, and your ability to shoulder existential disappointment. So he was a total shit? Deal with it, drop him, and move on.
Your sweet spiritual nectar. The essence of who you were before he broke your heart and poisoned your future.
sattvic strength
That strong, silent, inner peace that is the answer to all your problems and endless, destructive mind talk. One part discipline, three parts trust. What you are speaks volumes more than what you say.
sexual sorbet
The first person you sleep with after a break-up. A sexual palate cleanser to refresh the taste of a bad, broken relationship.
A man who serves only one purpose: to fill your tank with his fertile seed.
A form of spiritually informing literature and therapy-lite to help you access yourself and survive the crippling disappointment of divorce. See all of the above.

My Interests

Gossiping with the girls, dog walking, stalking shoppers in mind/body/spirit sections of book shops, mainlining self-help, clutter-clearing, Feng Shui fads, Mayan honey healing, Shamanic Chanting.

I'd like to meet:

My dream guy and husband-to-be in the ring department of Tiffany’s, cheque-book in hand. (or Julius on one knee outside the divorce court, waving his decree absolute.) Meredith from Grays Anatomy. In the bar near Seattle Grace after work, so we could bitch about men and McDreamy. Gorgeous, shaggable McDreamy when it's over once and for all with Meredith. I think he could fall for Daisy- after all, Daisy and Meredith have so much in common with their hopeless fathers, love of dogs and complete absorbing neurosis. Only, Daisy worries that Meredith is so much thinner and prettier than her.

My father – but only floating on a cloud in heaven with no earthly Thai Temptations in sight. Ie When he’s finally had time to look back and see how he screwed me up where men were concerned and is full of remorse that he didn’t even try to make me feel validated. He’s buckled over, begging for my forgiveness, consumed with guilt that I was never his Daddy’s Girl.

My Guardian Angel. But we meet on earth. He/she gives me angel wings by helping me forgive all the men (and firstly my Dad) who have scarred me because they never wanted me enough to fight for me.

Anna Pasternak – isn’t she some Brit journo who writes from her heart and is not afraid to bare her soul in telling her truth? All credit to her. Go, girlfriend! I’d like to get pissed on Pinot Grigot with her.


Daisy’s taste in music is mushy and girlie and pretty awful- Here goes: Coldplay and Kaiser Chiefs (dire associations notwithstanding), James Morrison’s Undiscovered album. You Give Me Something is Daisy and Julius’s song. Also on the album, favs are Wonderful World and If The Rain Must Fall. Jamie Scott and The Town – the tracks Daisy obsesses over are When Will I See Your Face Again and Rise Up. Barbara Streisand – What Kind of Fool duet with Barry Gibb – the best track about infidelity. This would be Lucy’s theme tune. Paulo Nutini, Keane- Hopes and Fears and Gloria Gaynor - I Am What I Am because of the fantastic lyrics. If Daisy ever marries again this will be her first dance.


Heartburn, The Pursuit of Happyness, Tsotsi, The Lives of Others, Devil Wears Prada, Brief Encounter, Before Sunrise and Before Sunset, Enchanted and La Vie En Rose.


Grays Anatomy, Sex and the City, Desperate Housewives, Entourage, Six Feet Under, Brideshead Revisited, X Factor, 30 Rock and Pulling.


The Little Book of Dating Dharma (Daisy’s personal Bible). Daisy relishes Spirit-lit (see Glossary of Dooley Terms) and therapy lite, but she also likes off beat stuff that makes you emote – either laugh or cry. And Daisy’s favourite reads are: Care of the Soul by Thomas Moore, The Invitation by Oriah, Success Intelligence by Robert Holden, How to Talk to a Widower by Jonathan Tropper – Daisy wishes she had written this book. It’s funny and moving and real and perfect. Average American Male by Chad Kultgen – as honest as Daisy – if over-sexed and grossly graphic but made Daisy laugh out loud. In its own way as honestly insightful into the dark corners of the male psyche as Daisy is into the female. Dr Zhivago – the perfect love story.


Oprah Winfrey – obviously – the Goddess of self-help and Daisy's ultimate guru. Daniel Craig as James Bond in Casino Royale. I’m sorry but was there ever anything sexier than him in the shower scene? And the dialogue! Talk about emotional intelligence. Any one who manages to pull off the perfect partnership. Do we think Gwynnie and Chris Martin? Hmn, possibly. Carrie Bradshaw and Bridget Jones - for paving the way for endless dissection of singleton and relationship angst.

My Blog

Daisy Dooley Column 180

I hadn't heard from Lucy for a few days, which was strange as we had arranged to sneak off for a mini break. What she didn't know was that Relationship Richard was giving a seminar in an old monaster...
Posted by Daisy on Mon, 28 Apr 2008 11:06:00 PST

Daisy Dooley Column 179

When I saw Lucy, my heart went out to her. She reminded me of me when I left Jamie, when nothing could alleviate the crumpled exhaustion of having cried my self dry. It wasn't just the limp hair, gru...
Posted by Daisy on Mon, 21 Apr 2008 11:43:00 PST


Happy now? The Course Claiming To Replace The Blues With True HappinessBy Anna Pasternak More than fame, money, success and celebrity, we crave happiness. Happiness has become the holy grail of our so...
Posted by Daisy on Mon, 14 Apr 2008 03:49:00 PST

Daisy Dooley Column 178

As soon as Andrew left, I started being sick. It was as if I literally could not stomach one more bad date. And yet, even as I was trying to rebalance my chemical constituency on bended knee in the ba...
Posted by Daisy on Mon, 14 Apr 2008 01:28:00 PST

Daisy Dooley Column 177

It can be awfully testing, holding onto our wholeness. At the date with Andrew I could feel myself fragmenting before my own eyes. The atmosphere at the table was ominously taut like the hiatus before...
Posted by Daisy on Mon, 07 Apr 2008 02:01:00 PST


Hello Daisy Fans! Just a reminder the paperback edition of ’Daisy Dooley Does Divorce’ is now available in the UK!  Check out the following fan review: Sure to be the read of the sum...
Posted by Daisy on Fri, 04 Apr 2008 03:04:00 PST

Two exciting reviews

Posted by Daisy on Thu, 03 Apr 2008 10:54:00 PST

Daisy Dooley Column 176

Often when we try the hardest, it works the least. Yet when we’re in the flow, momentum gathers and everything floods into place. I was starkly aware that I hadn’t really found my dating f...
Posted by Daisy on Mon, 31 Mar 2008 02:15:00 PST

Daisy on Facebook

Hello Daisy Fans!We’ve now begun further development of Daisy’s Facebook site, where you’ll find more Daisy press to read in the coming days and weeks. We will try to ...
Posted by Daisy on Sat, 29 Mar 2008 03:03:00 PST

Daisy Dooley Column 175

Waiting to see if Andrew, the divorced laird, would contact me, I realised that I spend most of my days in a state of anticipatory pleasure. I’m on a continual roller coaster of expectation yet ...
Posted by Daisy on Mon, 24 Mar 2008 03:55:00 PST