View my profile on Creative Thinkers International
My interests are many: writing, reading, travel, music, used-to-be-a-dancer, and films that grab my attention and hold it.
I enjoy meeting free thinkers, ecumenically-minded spiritual human beings, creative artists of every discipline––fellow writers, readers, visual artists, actors, singers, musicians––and simple folks living simple lives.Layout by: My Layouts Creator
My favorite music at present is that featured on the Mark “Rahkyt†Rockeymoore produced CD, also available as a download: THE GODDESS AND THE SKYLARK, featuring Nordette Adams and Aberjhani. Although I lent my voice as a spoken word artist to the CD some months ago, I only recently heard the finished product, and Rahkyt’s musical framing makes all the difference. In addition to some 18 pieces fire-spat by Ms. Adams and I, the set is infused with snippets of interview conversations ranging from the comfortably mundane to the cosmically sublime. Varied styles of music flow through it all like noble and amorous intentions through a satisfying dream.
A lot of great films coming these days. My recent writings on Amazon include reviews of "The Fountain," "Apocalypto," and "The Weeping Meadow." Currently working on one of "Stomp the Yard." Good hip hop comedies and romances, excellent foreign films, hard-hitting independents, and Hollywood films that take creative risks generally get my vote.
I mostly use television to watch videos but you can count me among the fans of “Lost,†“Grey’s Anatomy,†“Prison Break,†and “Desperate Housewives.â€
At the moment I have about 422 books catalogued on Library Thing and I've got at least another 200 to go so that makes it difficult to pick favorites. Nevertheless, I have to include my own: "Visions of a Skylark Dressed in Black"; "Encyclopedia of the Harlem Renaissance"; "The Wisdom of W.E.B. Du Bois"; and "I Made My Boy Out of Poetry."
At present, my biggest heroes are the team at BPS E-Publishing for putting my VISIONS OF A SKYLARK DRESSED IN BLACK out there; and the aforementioned “Rahkyt†and Nordette Adams for helping me realize a buried potential with the creation of THE GODDESS AND THE SKYLARK CD. In larger context of my life overall, my heroes are writers who meet the challenges of the craft and spiritual leaders who manage to shine their souls with blinding luminosity before departing this world. I also take a lot of inspiration from the average everyday human being who makes it a point to live his or her life with some sense of integrity, respect for self, respect for others, and respect for love as an essential component of human"_blank"
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