If you are a Delusional Believer in Gods,
Watch all the following videos.
If you have any common sense intelligence, you will/SHOULD "Think" differently after watching them.
George Carlin on the
"Ten Commandments"
Al Brenner "I am an Atheist"
The TRUTH can be found in the works of
"Darwin & Dawkins"
Richard Dawkins. "The GOD Delusion"
From: Derealized®
Sam Harris gave a speech recently at the Aspen Ideas Festival . It was titled “Believing the Unbelievable: The Clash Between Faith and Reason in the Modern World.â€
Here’s the video :
The next video puts all the middle eastern Mythologies together to show they are all a product of Mans very vivid Imagination.
"Zeitgeist".. "The Greatest Story Ever Told"
Religions spread like a Virus,
From one Infected Believer to the next
susceptible fool that gets exposed to the disease.
Are YOU Infected?
History of Religion
There is NO LAW requiring anyone to pay Income Taxes.
This is one of the most important videos I've ever seen.
It is worth every minute of your time.
Richard Dawkins at R.R.S.
"Rational Responce Squad" on "Niteline"
8 year old girl on Religion. Nothing but the TRUTH.
More Rational than any Believer in Gods, at any age.
Tree of Life
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Hello and Good Day to all the Intelligent Rational Thinking Atheist who visit this site.
My Thanks for all your efforts to help in the WAR against Religious Insanity.
It takes Intelligence and Honesty to do what you.
I have been an outspoken Atheist for 35 years.
After a Italian/Irish Catholic upbringing complete with Nuns as teachers, then two years as a "Born Again Christian"
I have heard every ridiculous and silly excuse for continuing to believe in religions.
This Fact is certain, Man will NEVER know with Absolute Certainty where everything came from. We were not there when it everything came into existence.
At best, all we will ever have is intelligent theories and speculations, based on research and rational, logical testing of these theories.
I will certainly put more Faith in these theories, and believe them, before I would ever believe any religious/creator based fantasies conceived by Man, to serve mans agenda.
If a "Creator" created everything, who or what created the creator?
The Truth is simple to see and understand, Man Created GOD. (thousands)
The cosmos is far too vast for us to ever examine all of it.
Nothing or Nobody will ever come along and say,, "I made it all",, and then Prove it.
Those type of claims will only come from the Imagination of man, made on behalf of what ever God they are promoting.
The Fact is,, we will never, ever know with absolute, provable evidence.
Just like we will never be able to prove there are no Gods.
It is possible to KNOW there are NO Gods.
That requires an Honest, Rational, Common Sense approach to thinking.
Everyone and everything that has ever existed is a part of the
"Natural Evolutionary Process".
If not than you would never have existed at all.
Even Gods and religions owe their existence to
the evolution of the Human Mind/Imagination.
God’s are a collection of ancient Fables and Myths
passed on for thousands of years by tribal leaders.
Controlling the attitudes of the people being the motivation of all Religions.
There are Possibilities and Probabilities in this world.
Is it Possible there is a Creator? Yes.
Is it Probable? NO.
Is it Possible Man Created All GODS? Yes.
Is it Probable? YES.
Is it Possible that all religious believers are Delusional? Yes
Is it Probable? YES
Is it Possible Evolution is a Fact? Yes
Is it Probable Evolution is a Fact? YES
Is it Possible that every species of life has
a different eye design because of "Intelligent Design"? Yes
Is it Probable that the eye is a perfect example of "Natural Evolutionary Process" at work? YES
The issue of Religions is quite simple
There is NO gray area.
It is all Black or White.
It is "All True"
"Not True At All".
Scientist use Intelligent Theory and Physical Evidence to make their point.
Religion uses Imagination and Scare Tactics to make theirs.
Who are you going to believe?
I think I know the answer to that question.
It is 2008, not the Dark Ages
The "Believers" have us "Outnumbered",
But "Atheist" have them "Outsmarted"
Someday (hopefully soon) The Truth, Intelligence, Real Knowledge and Rational Thinking will prevail over Imagination and the Delusions of Gods.
Keep Thinking, and express your thoughts often.
I'd like to meet:
Nicolus Copernicus, Charles Darwin, Carl Sagan, Dave Talbott and many more.