Reverend AtheiStar (Pro-Obama, Anti-McSame as Bush profile picture

Reverend AtheiStar (Pro-Obama, Anti-McSame as Bush

Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from a religious conviction.

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Hello, my name is Matt and I'm an Atheist. I have been religion-free for many years now. It has been a constant process of evolution. I went from being initially Atheist as a baby -- as all babies are Atheist until their birthright is stolen away from them and the relentless programming begins -- to Catholic, to what I termed an Ethereal or Spiritual Atheist and then finally to the unshakeable position of Hardcore Atheist Activist that I now practice.

So what made me change my mind? What made the programming collapse like a house of cards in a light breeze? It was a great many things.

I can trace it back, indirectly, to the successive admission from my parents that the popular demigods of my childhood, were in fact, imaginary. By demigods, which are defined as beings who have more power than a mortal but less than a god, I mean Santa, The Easter Bunny and The Tooth Fairy.

These demigods were believed in, without question, by me. I argued all evidence away by citing the 'fact' that my parents would not lie to me and they could.. not, in the case of Santa, afford to buy me all the presents I received. The only way the 'spell' could be broken was through my parents.

Once it was broken it severed connections in my mind that were keeping my god-belief strong. Magic must exist because Santa does. That was my rationale for believing what was shown in magic shows was real. Without magic; belief in miracles, god(s) and the supernatural is a hard sell. But still I was taken.

I was taken for the same reasons that many of our populace is taken. We all like to fit in and be accepted and follow the traditions of our culture. It is this herd mentality that leaves us so vulnerable to widespread programming such as religion.

We are also susceptible to such bizarre beliefs because of a psychological characteristic hard at work in our minds at all times. This characteristic is the tendency to anthropomorphize everything -- especially things we don't understand. This means we attribute human characteristics to things not human. For example, if your computer starts acting up and will not work properly, what is a common response heard to this dilemma?

"My computer hates me!", someone would say. ..

Now we all know that computers are not alive and hence feel no emotion. A computer hates a person as much as a rock does. Yet, still we tend to think of everything as if it were alive and just like us. That is anthropomorphization.

How does this characteristic account for all religion you might be asking? Where is the correlation? To see the correlation one has only to look at the Aztecs. They were devout followers of a sun cult. But how could anyone worship the sun? .. Anthropomorphization. They put a human face on the sun and gave it, through their imagination, all the attributes of a leader. You see this transposition all throughout religion with wind gods, corn gods, moon gods, volcano gods...the list goes on and on!

This phenomenon is ubiquitous in the advertising field! You have talking candies that worry about being eaten, are hungry and have sexual desire. There are Toucans who love the smell of super sweetened cereals and sing to you to follow them and even talking piggy banks that use sarcasm to teach you the importance of saving! Everywhere you turn there is an inanimate object or piece of food trying to sell you something!

Even events have been anthropomorphized, with the most popular example being death. Death is often characterized as a male skeleton with a black, tattered robe and a sickle. Recently, as a result of the surge in feminism and equal rights for the sexes, the grim reaper has now been somehow transformed into a woman -- as has the xian deity, Satan, according to some movies!

The funniest example of anthropomorphization can be found in many undereducated Christian communities around the globe. Whenever this phenomenon rears its ugly head, one can only shake his head and laugh! What could I be talking about? ..What could be so hilarious about a 'miracle?' I'm talking about the 'sightings' of Jesus or Mary in or on just about anything. Nothing polarizes the devout like a good picture of Christ in a coffee stain! Or a smudge on a window, a burn mark in toast, or the grain on a wooden door....

I once saw a piece on a respectable news program about a 'sighting' of Mary in a chocolate ice cream splatter that was on the sidewalk! Of course, they showed the faithful gathered around the immaculate deception, praying and chanting, with the predictable occurrence of women breaking out in tears. Candle lit vigils were held, songs were sung --- to the stain, and the news caught it all on film. Sometimes truth.. is much stranger than fiction.

Anthropomorphization, though, is something I realized much later. It wasn't even a factor in my deconversion. It only served to cement my position that much further. At that time I had already had 'atheist' tattooed across my stomach, so suffice to say, I was extremely committed!

The realization that it was behind all religion came one stormy night while I was at work. I was sitting at my desk listening to the sound of the storm overhead. As I often do, I started thinking about what primitive man would have thought of such an awesome event. How would he answer the questions of how and why the lighting and thunder is, with no knowledge of science? He would not understand the complex concepts of storm formation, static electricity or conductivity. He would not understand that thunder is merely super heated air molecules slamming into each other.

All that he would be -- would be afraid. And he would anthropomorphize. He would see the flash of electricity arcing from the sky to the ground and hear the loud sound that followed and wonder what 'person' was making that awful noise. .. He would assume, since storms are violent acts and can kill, that this 'person' must be angry. And whoever 'he' is must be very powerful for the sound is very, very loud and the storm clouds are huge, covering the entire sky sometimes! Yet he saw no one. 'He' must be invisible! And hence, a god is born.

The main contributor to my deconversion was, yes, you guessed it, science. Science was the golden key that ultimately freed my mind from the shackles of religion. Science taught me to always ask questions, always investigate, analyze and dissect. If a theory didn't pass a battery of tests to prove its validity: throw it out. And out religion went!

Faith, by its very definition, is unscientific. It says to believe a set of hypotheses strongly without any evidence. What scientist could ever get away with that? What scientist would have a job if he presented a hypothesis that was not backed by, at least, months of detailed research? What kind of a scientist would not only present a hypothesis without any supporting evidence, but then, threaten you with torture for the rest of your life if you didn't believe it, word for word, no matter how stupid and utterly ridiculous it sounded? And yet this is exactly what many religions preach on a daily basis!

Knowing they are short on evidence , religions generally rely heavily on threats and rewards. They use threats of punishment to keep the brainwashed flock from asking too many questions that might lead to deprogramming. They attempt to scare them so much that they'll be too afraid to leave the herd. Organized religion is a billion dollar a year industry. They cannot afford for their cash cows to realize that their never was a fence there all along.

As for rewards, religions tend to promises an awful lot, yet conveniently say you must wait for the bulk of it till you die. What a great scam! Promise a person the world, take their money, force them to follow your rules and then...never have to give them anything!

What if the lottery worked this way? What if they told you that you had won but when you went the claim the prize they told you had to be dead to claim it? How would you react? A normal person would see right through that bold faced lie. And yet, few see past the lie of religion.

But I was one of those few. I, despite threats of hell from some of my more religious friends, accusations of Satanism by others and rejection by xian girls, stood firm in my position because I knew I was right and nothing anyone could say or do would change that. I also knew that somewhere out there was a beautiful Atheist woman just waiting for me to sweep her off her feet!..

I eventually did find such a woman, who I love ..very much. And now, after many, many countless hours on the phone, over a year of living together and the birth of our first child, Epicurus , Yvette and I were married on May 5th, 2002! (We just had our second child, Aesara, Sept. 16, 2003. Her picture is to the right.)

It was a wonderful religion-free ceremony that was held on the beach encircled by friends and family. It was both breathtakingly beautiful and refreshingly different! Our vows, while not written by us, were assembled in a fashion that we thought worked best for what we wanted to express. You can find a copy here .

You may now be wondering where I got my son's name. If any of you reading this don't know, Epicurus was a Greek philosopher who lived from 341 to 270 B.C.E. Many of his sayings have been adopted by a great many Freethinkers for their accuracy in portraying some of the reasons we don't believe the popular superstitions. Take this, for example,


"Grow accustomed to the belief that death is nothing to us, since every good and evil lie in sensation. However, death is the deprivation of sensation. Therefore, correct understanding that death is nothing to us makes a mortal life enjoyable, not by adding an endless span of time but by taking away the longing for immortality. For there is nothing dreadful in life for the man who has truly comprehended that there is nothing terrible in not living. Therefore, foolish is the man who says that he fears death, not because it will cause pain when it arrives but because anticipation of it is painful. What is no trouble when it arrives is an idle worry in anticipation. Death, therefore -- the most dreadful of evils -- is nothing to us, since while we exist, death is not present, and whenever death is present, we do not exist. It is nothing either to the living or the dead, since it does not exist for the living, and the dead no longer are."

His philosophy was plainly Atheistic, even if he was not. He figured out, long before Atheism became popular, that the so-called 'afterlife' was total fiction. He saw past the lies and threats to see the honest truth that had always been there: Death is nothing to us.

Here is another from him.

"Either God wants to abolish evil, and cannot, or he can, but does not want to... If he wants to, but cannot he is impotent. If he can, but does not want to, he is wicked... If, as they say, God can abolish evil, and God really wants to do it, why is there evil in the world?"Now wasn't that beautiful? He captured the essence of the 'argument from evil' so poetically that it just flows off the tongue and many people, who formerly could not comprehend its validity, are now enlightened!

The argument from evil is a beautiful thing. I have never encountered an apologist who could explain it away. They, as always, just dance around the issue and try to get you with either fear or guilt with the classic xian used car salesman maneuvers.

Not one could satisfactorily answer why, if their god loves us so much, why did he create Satan in the first place? I mean, being omniscient he would have had to have known, into infinity, exactly what his creations would do and exactly how his creations would do it! He would also, conversely, know every action that he would make to 'counteract' him, into infinity -- which oddly enough would mean that the xian god, if he existed would be a puppet of his own making!

And why, if the Christian god exists and loves us so much did he create so much disease? I would imagine if a being was loving he would not create horrible and tortuous diseases for us to be infected by! Isn't that just common sense? And yet the average xian blissfully and ignorantly passes right over this fact!

Another argument that constantly reinforces my Atheism is the "argument from nature." It states that if there exists a loving god then nature should mirror this love in every detail. Now take a look at nature. Sure, there is love to be found. But the majority of nature is pure brutality. It really is war every day. It is a dramatic struggle to survive. It's either kill or be killed. Eat or be eaten. Darwin himself noted this cruelty found in nature and came to a similar conclusion when he said,

.."I cannot see so plainly as others do, and as I should wish to do, evidence of design and beneficence on all sides of us. There seems to me to me too much misery in the world. I cannot persuade myself that a beneficent and omnipotent God would have designedly created the ichneumonidae with the express intention of their feeding within the living bodies of caterpillars, or that a cat should play with a mouse."

His example is just two of millions of an infinite number of horrible deaths to be found in nature. Just watching the Discovery Channel will show you a Zebra getting its face ripped off by one lion while another tears a chunk of flesh from its back. Or a mouse being squeezed so hard by a snake's constriction that its eyes explode! Not the best way to go. Is this love? Can an xian honestly find beneficence in all of this? Of course not, but as usual, they find a way to weasel out of it without having to truly answer the question directly.

Another fact, when brought up, that gets them scrambling to provide an answer, is why, if their god is the 'one true', are there so many other religions saying the exact same thing? How come there are thousands upon thousands of gods and goddesses to choose from to believe in by faith? We, as Atheists, can easily see that it's simply the effect of anthropomorphization in action. It's just us silly humans personifying the world around us into something simpler so we can comprehend it. Too bad the religious cannot see this simple truth that's right in front of their noses.

No, instead of grasping this simple fact, they will either try to demonize you, demonize the origin of the concept or demonize science as a whole. They will do everything in their power to attach a negative connotation to your theory. Anything to keep this very powerful antidote from reaching the core of belief in their brainwashed minds.

But at least now it's only insults. Rarely is an Atheist killed for his disbelief. I know that what I went through was comparably mild when viewed in perspective to how Atheists have been treated in the past! I mean, I never once was threatened with being burned at the stake! I never once was threatened with any of the medieval torture that was levied against unbelievers. The most I've 'suffered' has been xians yelling at me and writing me nasty letters.

None of that really bothered me, though, for I also took comfort in the fact that I was not alone. In fact, according to a recent survey, as many as 27 million "describe themselves as Atheists, Agnostics, Freethinkers, Secular Humanists..." according to American Atheists. 27 million! Wow! I thought there were a lot of new Freethinkers in America, but that's pretty damn impressive!

..And the movement is just starting to gain momentum. We are only at the beginning stages of organization. But thanks to Pastor Bush and the steady advancing march of the Religious Reich, we have become more motivated than ever before! Faced with the challenges he has thrown at us we have finally woken up and started doing something about all the prejudice and injustice aimed at unbelievers. We must stand up and fight! We must defend the basic human right of freedom of conscience!

So go, tell your family and friends that you don't believe the popular superstitions. Write your congressman and tell him that you think that any faith-based initiatives are unconstitutional. Get up! Get out! And change the world you live in!

~Reverend AtheiStar

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

My wife, tonight, in our bedroom -- or the shower, or the couch, or the table...


Teach the Controversy!Now You've Got Something to Die ForPriest..Craig







These are the books that currently reside in my Freethought Collection.
1) The Encyclopedia of Biblical Errancy by C. Dennis McKinsey
2) Losing Faith in Faith: From Preacher to Atheist by Dan Barker
3) 2000 Years of Disbelief: Famous People with the Courage to Doubt by James A. Haught
4) Atheism: The Case Against God by George H. Smith
5) What is Atheism? by Douglas Krueger
6) The Christ Conspiracy: The Greatest Story Ever Sold by Acharya S.
7) The Dictionary of Superstitions by David Pickering
8) Tales of the Rational: Skeptical Essays About Nature and Science by Massimo Pigliucci
9) The Jesus Puzzle by James Doherty
10) Holy War: An Illustrated Guide to Religious Murder and Madness by James A. Haught
11) Merriam Webster's Encyclopedia of World Religions
12) The Happy Heretic by Judith Hayes
13) Why I am not a Muslim by Ibn Warraq
14) The Ultimate Encyclopedia of Mythology by Arthur Cotterell & Rachel Storm
15) The Illustrated Book of Signs and Symbols: Thousands of Signs and Symbols from Around the World by Miranda Bruce-Mitford
16) American Infidel: Robert G. Ingersoll by Orvin Larson
17) Dawn of Man: The Story of Human Evolution by Robin McKie
18) The Fossil Trail: How We Know What We Think We Know About Human Evolution
19) The Emotional Brain: The Mysterious Underpinnings of Emotional Life by Joseph LeDoux
20) Faces in the Clouds: A New Theory of Religion by Stewart Guthrie
21) Intelligent Design Creationism and it's Critics: Philosophical, Theological and Scientific Perspectives edited by Robert T. Pennock
22) Darwin and Design: Does Evolution have a Purpose? by Michael Ruse
23) The Ancestors Tale: A Pilgrimage to the Dawn of Evolution by Richard Dawkins
24) The Essential Epicurus: Letters, Principal Doctrines, Vatican Sayings, and Fragments by Eugene Michael O'Connor


Dan Barker

Richard Dawkins

Michael Newdow

My Blog

"...the most mindless, ignorant, uninformed comment that we have seen from Governor Palin.."

Posted by Reverend AtheiStar (Pro-Obama, Anti-McSame as Bush on Thu, 30 Oct 2008 05:41:00 PST

Racism, Hatred & Intolerance (McCain supporters in their own words)

Posted by Reverend AtheiStar (Pro-Obama, Anti-McSame as Bush on Thu, 30 Oct 2008 05:30:00 PST

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Hitler was an Atheist! (stupid fucking fundy)   RevAtheiStar (1 day ago) "We were convinced that the people need and require this faith. We have therefore undertaken the fight against the athei...
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Judge rejects Montco lawyer’s bid to have Obama removed from ballot _Montco_lawyer_s_bid_to_have_Obama_removed_from_ballot.html   Posted on Sat, Oct. 25, 2008 Judge rejects Montco lawyer's bid to have O...
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Voter Suppression & the Republican-Engineered ACORN Scandal

Posted by Reverend AtheiStar (Pro-Obama, Anti-McSame as Bush on Fri, 24 Oct 2008 05:13:00 PST

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Troopergate: A Dead Moose, Palin and Her Abuse of Power (sign the petition) 53692 Palin: Take Consistent and Firm Stand Against Moose Poaching Target: Alaska Gov. Sarah PalinSponsored by: Care2 The backstory to ...
Posted by Reverend AtheiStar (Pro-Obama, Anti-McSame as Bush on Thu, 23 Oct 2008 07:30:00 PST

Six Steps to Atheism

1) Holy Book errors: historical, mathematical, scientific, grammatical   2) Argument from Polytheism: so many gods and goddesses, so many afterlives, yet theists only believe in theirs   3) ...
Posted by Reverend AtheiStar (Pro-Obama, Anti-McSame as Bush on Wed, 22 Oct 2008 04:29:00 PST