Slightly-Mad Science profile picture

Slightly-Mad Science

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Go to the Slightly-Mad Science Homepage! There's like...stuff there!
I am interested in science (mad or not), and recently started doing science demonstrations for a 5th grader class. Given that the more dramatic (and dangerous) experiments aren't permissible inside a school, I thought I'd put them on the Internet and here we are!
Should you have science-related questions, or suggestions for scientific principles to explore on a future episode of Slightly-Mad Science (given that I don't have much of a budget, no suggestions that I make my own particle accelerator, kay?), feel free to e-mail me at [email protected]. Comments here are welcome as well...and if you're a maker of videos or music, I don't mind some promotion either. But, if you contact me about a "work-from-home" thing, try to sell me stuff, or want me to visit your dating/porn site...I'll pass, thanks.
If you like my videos, please click the ad at the end of the video, as Revver will then pay me some change so I can afford to make more! Thanks!
Latest Videos:
Mac Monitor and 15,000 volts. Death Ray?
It was originally part of my "Will It Burn: Mac/PC" video, but I decided to hold onto it as a separate video. Zapping it with 15KV from a neon transformer doesn't result in a death ray (dang), but still looks pretty cool. For more information about Cathode Ray Tubes (used for all older TV's/Monitors) Go to:
The Physics of Breaking Stuff
Silly Chop-Socky Physics Demonstration! Technique, Training, Focus, Power. All are important when trying to break boards bare-handed. However, there are also important physics that explain why the boards are broken. From "Slag" courtesy of "A Childs First Funeral" (
Breakin' Flamin' Boards and the Leidenfrost Effect!
I break 3 boards that have been set on fire with Acetone and Lighter-Fluid. Why? A novel way to demonstrate the Leidenfrost Effect for Slightly-Mad Science! Music courtesy of Endrone ( and used with permission. This version is specifically for the "Phylm" contest.
Breakin' Flamin' Boards! Slightly-Mad Science
Shorter version of the above video. For those with short attention spans. ;)
Mac and PC Burst Into Flames! Quick-Fix
This is a short clip from 's Will it Burn spoof of Blendtec's Will it Blend. Totally different soundtrack (used with permission of "A Childs First Funeral" at, and it's just the part where you have the fire, for those who want to get right to the action.
Doll Death: Slain By Solvent Science! AITN Edition
From This is a result of my first viewer suggestion...Use science to melt a Barbie doll. I personally find Bratz dolls more annoying, so I included them too! The demonstration is to see which of the two commonly available and powerful solvents (Xylene and Acetone) affects the dolls more adversely. Keep watching to the end, that's when it gets HOT and a bit 'splodey! This is the AITN Version. Music courtesy of Awake In The Nightmare (
The Dangers of Electricity!
Many people, after seeing my earlier videos, express a desire to "try this at home." In the interest of discouraging that, I demonstrate some of the dangers using exploding hot-dogs and glowing pickles! (2nd version, first had audio/voice synching issues)
Using a neon transformer, a resistor (to reduce the current), and layers of insulated gloves, I made electric arcs jump between my fingers. It's going to be part of the new intro for Slightly-Mad Science episodes. Oh, and don't try this at home.
This is a slightly-mad science parody of Blendtec's popular webseries: "Will it Blend?" ( My take is "Will it Burn?" It asks the question many ask, but with a twist. Which is better, the Mac or the PC? I figure more than enough people tangle with the typical issues regarding that. I wanna see how well they handle high voltage and fire!
Using 15KV 60ma of electricity, a smaller lightbulb will light up like a little storm. The lightbulb's glass will eventually fail, with the electricity burning a hole through the glass. Pretty dramatic effect, too.
Trying silly shapes with arcs...and since it was just after Valentine's Day...What the heck? I'd play the Doors "light my fire" in the background, but then the RIAA would shoot me (duck). I'd consider miniaturizing this and putting it in a Valentine's Day card, but then my wife would shoot me (duck again). As romantic as chocolates and a candlelit dinner? Perhaps not, but there's something to be said for putting a little mad science into your holidays.
Turning a light bulb into a plasma ball. To limit the amount of electricity that goes into the transformer, there's a 200 watt light bulb in the circuit.

My Interests

Mad-Science/Science Fiction
Computer stuff (games/programming/etc)
Yadda yadda yadda

You are Iron Man Iron Man 95% Green Lantern 80% Hulk 75% Spider-Man 65% Superman 55% Batman 55% The Flash 50% Robin 45% Catwoman 45% Supergirl 35% Wonder Woman 20% Inventor. Businessman. Genius.
Click here to take the Superhero Personality Test

What Be Your Nerd Type? Your Result: Gamer/Computer Nerd

You enjoy the visual stimulants of a video game, chatting on AIM, or reading online comics. Most of these types of nerds are considered dirty who lack hygeine, of course they always end up being the ones who make a crapload of money. And don't worry, that's just a stereotype; I'm not calling you dirty. ^_~

Science/Math Nerd
Drama Nerd
Literature Nerd
Social Nerd
Anime Nerd
Artistic Nerd
What Be Your Nerd Type?
Quizzes for MySpace

I'd like to meet:

John C. Dvorak - I tend to get along well with Cranky Geeks.
Kevin Rose - I also tend to get along well with geeks that can hold their liquor.
The Entire Staff of Mythbusters and Brainiac. Just because it'd be hella fun.
Amy Alkon - I would see much snappy repartee in that meeting.


Anything other than country and rap, though currently Melodic Death Metal seems to occupy my ears more often than others.
(note: MySpace is turning into a cornucopia of metal. Neat!)

At the Gates
Coal Chamber
Dark Tranquility
Drowning Pool
Fear Factory
Glenn Danzig
Henry Rollins
In Flames
Iron Maiden
Rob Zombie
Strapping Young Lad

Alanis Morrisette
Anything on Dr. Demento
Barenaked Ladies
Ben Folds
Carl Orff
DJ Tiesto
Faith No More
Lisa Loeb
Lords of Acid
Mighty Mighty Bosstones
Peter Gabriel
The Offspring
The Prodigy

And Last, but certainly not least:
Weird Al Yankovic


Just about anything science or science-fiction related. Sci-Fi Includes: Doctor Who (been a fan for over a couple decades), Torchwood, Stargate, Star Trek, Star Wars, Dresden Files, etc etc etc. Anime: A lot. Got my wife addicted to Bleach quite some time ago. :) General TV: I devour History Channel, Science Channel, G4TV, TLC, Anime Network, Sci-Fi, National Geo, Discovery, History International, Cartoon Network, etc.


Julius Sumner Miller - He R0XX0R3D T3H Xii3nC3!

My Blog

The arrival of Athena Bridget, your supreme empress has arrived!

And now for one of the BIG reasons I've been busy lately, and will be busy in the future as well. Born Oct 8th 200718.5 inches, 5 lbs 11 oz (tiny, but I was, too...I made up for it, didn't I?)We all c...
Posted by Slightly-Mad Science on Fri, 12 Oct 2007 06:04:00 PST

Johari/Nohari Window (i.e. What is thought of Slightly-Mad Science?)

Essentially it's a grid of positive (johari ) and negative (nohari ) adjectives that might be used to describe me.  It seems a neat gadget, and I'm curious about both the good and bad.  Thi...
Posted by Slightly-Mad Science on Wed, 12 Sep 2007 08:39:00 PST

A poem...or a parody of one anyhow... Not science, just funny.

For no particular reason whatsoever...I'll share my favorite (parody) Emily Dickinson poem. I'll tell you how the fart rose,-- A dark fume at a time. The classroom swam in methane, The fumes ...
Posted by Slightly-Mad Science on Thu, 06 Sep 2007 08:07:00 PST

New video (finally)!

It's previously unreleased footage from the making of the Will It Blend spoof.  I took the Cathode Ray Tube of the Macintosh and wanted to see what would happen if I sent 15,000 volts through tha...
Posted by Slightly-Mad Science on Sat, 23 Jun 2007 08:13:00 PST

Leidenfrost Effect wins Phylm Contest and gets Interview

I apologize for no new video.  Finished filming today, it will be posted tomorrow.  Things were crazy, and I had made a video for a commercial contest, but it didn't make it far......
Posted by Slightly-Mad Science on Wed, 13 Jun 2007 07:55:00 PST

Check out this rip-off: How To Electrify A Lightbulb has posted on MySpace, Metacafe, and YouTube, and their own of MY videos. Claiming as their own, and not giving any credit to me. Needless to say, I'm a bit irritated.How...
Posted by Slightly-Mad Science on Sat, 26 May 2007 01:18:00 PST

W00t! They like me, they really like me!

First off, new video coming soon, sorry it's running late.  But for those of you that wondered how I made that plasma ball thingie, you'll like it.Secondly, one of my videos (the valentine jacob'...
Posted by Slightly-Mad Science on Mon, 21 May 2007 06:30:00 PST

NOT a new vid: Rant about MS Games Requiring Vista

I gotta rant on this one...When XP came out, MS pushed it pretty aggressively.  However, it was a long time before any features or programs required it.  You could still get by on Win2k for ...
Posted by Slightly-Mad Science on Wed, 16 May 2007 12:12:00 PST

New Video! Chop-Socky Physics!!

The Physics of Breaking Stuff!  Chop-Socky Style (sorta)!The new video has (even more) of me breaking boards.  This time it's to describe some of the physics principles behind board breaking...
Posted by Slightly-Mad Science on Wed, 09 May 2007 04:46:00 PST

New Video...And MySpace hates Revver!

This is the new video: Breakin' Flamin' Boards and the Leidenfrost Effect! (featuring a clip from "The Sins Within" by Endrone ( had decided to switch my video host from Meta...
Posted by Slightly-Mad Science on Mon, 30 Apr 2007 12:28:00 PST