Chaos Illumination profile picture

Chaos Illumination

Chaos Illumination - A Psychedelic Vision

About Me

Chaos Illumination - a lightshow based in Derbyshire England that specialises in fusing the Psychedelic 70's with the digital age by using a wide variety of Optikinetics Effects Projectors and effects with a high end PC running Arkaos software and VJing in real time with a huge variety of video / effects clips.

Our main baby is the Hawkwind Lightshow which we have been projecting and expanding for the past 5 or so years.
We have also worked with other bands including Steve Hillage's System 7 , Spacehead, Bedouin, Circus Girls, University of Errors, Dumpy's Rusty Nuts, Spacenutz , Dr Hasbeen, amongst others.
Apart from the Chaos site,
I also maintain the Spacehead website and the Afterglow site as well. We also do various club nights in the local area including Tainted, Afterglow and De-tune as well as running some basic lighting for a local Burlesque night - Peek-a-boo.
All the best Chaos Illumination
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I made this MySpace MP3 Player at .

My Interests

Chaos Illumination have a wide range of interests. Between us we have a wide and varied interests but they mainly coincide with music.
Marie's Interests - Books, Music, Computers - gaming and lightshow stuff. Dressing up and going out. Shopping - particularly for boots, bags and clothes.
Neil's interests - Electronics. Video projection/lightshows. Excessive strobe lighting. Dangerous lasers. Albert Hoffmans offspring. Land Rovers. Old arcade games.
John - interested in most things concerned with the bike and rock music worlds glad they go hand in hand , it'd be a sad world if the only places to go only played disco. Interested in people who want to be interested in me, not interested in people who just want to use people without giving anything back.

I'd like to meet:

We'd like to meet lots of people. Anyone with a genuine interest in lightshows and VJing.
Marie would like to meet. Lots of people I could probably put down here but here are a few that instantly spring to mind - Bob Calvert - died before I got into HW, Liquid Len and any of the Lensmen,any ex Hawkwind bod I've yet to meet J.R.R. Tolkien, Rammstein, David Bowie, Orlando Bloom (cos he looks good in Pirates), Johnny Depp(ditto) or any band / club night / person with a cool sound and an interest in what we do.
Neil would like to meet - Dave Brock (think you may have done that one already Neil).
John - love to meet a rich widow.

Chaos Illumination is not interested in getting the highest number of "friends" on myspace - We will only add bands that we have worked with, know or like the music of. We will only add people who we know, cool people, people we admire for whatever reason.
Peace - Marie (Chaos Illumination)
You have been marked on my profile map!


Chaos Illumination on Music. Marie likes - Hawkwind for very obvious reasons, most Metal / Punk from 60's through to now. Particularly like bands such as Rammstein - great lightshows, Stoner Rock such as QOTSA, Monster Magnet. Sixties / Seventies psychedelic bands such as 13th Floor Elevators, Love etc. Folk Rock such as Levellers, Tarantism, Skyclad but will usually listen to anything at least once.
Neil Likes - Hawkwind (of course!), Rammstein, Voivod, Pink Floyd, Slayer, Spacehead, Motorhead, Black Sabbath, Marilyn Manson, Dead Kennedys, Monster Magnet.
John likes - music wise same as Marie and Neil really, first ever live gig was Motorhead in '79 at Sheffield City Hall and my hearing's never been the same since, never looked back from that day forward really.


Chaos Illumination on Movies. Marie likes - Sc-Fi, Horror, Anime or Fantasy films. Rocky Horror Picture Show - my fav movie of all time - Tim Curry is a God, LOTR, Dark City, Blade Runner, anything from Studio Ghibli - you get the general idea.
Neil likes - Star Wars and no doubt lots of Sci-fi type stuff.
John likes - FILMS pretty much same as above - Sci-Fi, Horror and all that.


Chaos Illumination on TV. Marie likes - dark comedy, eg Chris Morris, League of Gentlemen, Black Books, Spaced, Extras, Kath n Kim etc. Also like loads of Sci Fi type stuff - eg Red Dwarf, Star Trek, Stargate, Twin Peaks, Lost, 24, Desperate Housewives etc.
Don't like - reality tv shows - get a life of your own people rather than watching someone else's sad existence.

Neil likes - what Marie makes him watch but mainly same as above. ..
John likes - We're all into the same kinda stuff really.


Chaos Illumination on Books. Do we all read books?? Dunno.
Marie reads - mainly fantasy and crime genres. Stuff like Greg Keyes, Tad Williams, Alan Campbell, China Mieville, Tolkien, Pratchett, Moorcock, Jeffrey Deaver, Ian Rankin, Peter Robinson, Stephen Booth, etc. Best book of all time - Lord of the Rings!! I like most fantasy writing and good character based crime, particular faves at the moment are Scandinavian crime writers. My shelves are groaning under the weight of a rather large selection of such stuff.
Neil reads - whatever I think he might like and be bothered to read.
John reads - read Pratchett, Moorcock's a fave read, alot of steven king when I was younger. All the Tolkien books and various Haynes workshop manuals over the years. Douglas Adams of course.


Chaos Illumination on Heroes. Marie's heroes are people who strive to do good, to help those who can't help themselves for what ever reason and to try and make the world a better place, no matter how small or big that difference may be.
Maries Anti-Hero's - people who blag either about doing stuff they haven't done, taking credit for other people's work or using another's name to get stuff they shouldn't have. Blaggers - hate 'em. People who think violence is the only solution - why?? I'm no hippy but come on guys. Don't do it - it's not right.
Neil's Heroes - ??
John's Heroes - well its got to be my mum first and foremost, people who fight for freedom. Everyone involved with MAG UK keep up the good work. People who see the big picture, not the ones who swallow the media hype and lastly Lord Chesterfield for this Quote ;- "Pray let no quibbles of lawyers, no refinments of Casuists, break into the plain notions of right and wrong, which every man's right reason and plain common-sense suggests to him. To do as you would be done by, is the plain, sure and undisputed rule of morality and justice. stick to that."
Lastly the biggests heros in my life, every rock musician out there and especially the ones whom I've dedicated a fair bit of time to recently.
John's Antihero's - Anti heros well i think its all ready been said scum they will crash and burn one day ''beware the ides of march''.
CURRENT MOON lunar phases

My Blog

Eurovision Song Contest

Every year just gets weirder and weirder - we're hoping the Finnish entry wins, though Azerbijan was very very amusing.
Posted by Chaos Illumination on Sat, 24 May 2008 02:15:00 PST

Hawkfest Video of T.O.S.H.

Well - I keep meaning to post this and keep forgetting LOL, but T.O.S.H. have posted footage of their set from Hawkfest this year.Here is my personal favourite - Enjoy the lights, and the sounds too -...
Posted by Chaos Illumination on Mon, 14 Jan 2008 01:42:00 PST

Hippy New Year!

..Posted by Chaos Illumination on Mon, 31 Dec 2007 11:34:00 PST

Merry Xmas and all that!

Well, here's wishing everyone a very merry xmas and new year form the chaos camp. I am now relaxing for '2' days before the season's madness of 'refunds' begins at work. thanks to a certain Mr Hibbert...
Posted by Chaos Illumination on Mon, 24 Dec 2007 12:49:00 PST

Chaos and Carnage

Well, I just realised it's been ages since I posted a blog at all so thought I'd better correct that error. We've been doing the odd bit here and there, the usual Detune at The Green Room and the Peek...
Posted by Chaos Illumination on Sat, 15 Sep 2007 05:28:00 PST

Hawkfest part deux

Hi all - quick blog for this cos' I'm knackered, although probably not as knackered as the guys.  Hawkfest - great, even the rain and mud didn't dampen anyone's spirits too much.Too many people to tha...
Posted by Chaos Illumination on Mon, 18 Jun 2007 02:46:00 PST


Well - it's almost upon us. One more day at work to go. Really looking forward to the festival and the wedding (where I get to dress up!!) Looking forward to a good turnout, it will be a welcome r...
Posted by Chaos Illumination on Tue, 12 Jun 2007 02:46:00 PST

Dumpy's Rusty Nuts Live in Nottingham

Well - we had a busy weekend just gone - here's a slideshow of some DRN pics from Nottingham the othe r night.For more pics go HERE and don't forget to visit the most excellent Dumpy's Rusty Nuts Mysp...
Posted by Chaos Illumination on Tue, 05 Jun 2007 02:48:00 PST

Dooberies Gig Mansfield The Town Mill

Did some lights for the most excellent Dooberies on Friday night for their new album launch.Here are a few pictures that I took during the soundcheck, to view more visit my Dooberies Photo Album on Ph...
Posted by Chaos Illumination on Mon, 04 Jun 2007 04:27:00 PST


Hi all - put lots more photos up.  Just go to the pics and browse through the folders. In fact - I ran out of space - myspace only allows 100 pics.  I'll probably ditch a few and put up some more late...
Posted by Chaos Illumination on Fri, 04 May 2007 02:17:00 PST