Tim Blake, a.k.a Gong Moon Weed
Crystal Machine ,Gong and Hawkwind !
For the past 38 years, Tim has tried to show a path. . .
in both Electronic Generated Music, and Futuristic Lighting & Illumination!
Tim is proud to colaborate with Jean-Philippe Rykiel ....
And with the French Light Designer, Patrice Warrener.
Crystal Machine's performances have included work from both these astounding Artistes from time to time, since the early 70's.
Tim has also been the "Missing Link" between the world's two
most legendary "Space" Rock BandsGONG & HAWKWIND ,
In fact Tim plays actually with Hawkwind 's current line-up.
Tim has been seen recently too, appearing with the young French Psyche rock outfit TURZI
Totally Independant, the place to go to buy Tim's Cds is
Tim's Cd Shop
Tim's online Mp3 shop can be found on :
Tim's MP3 Shop
Suite au problemes sur notre site, les boutiques CDs et MP3s sont de nouveau 'en ligne' n'hesitez pas a nous contacter en cas de probleme
The Moonweed site is now back on line, as are the Cd & MP3 shops. Don't hestitate to contact us in case of further problems !
The place for Enquiries for Concert Performances,
" Light Installations
"Traversée Contemplative" - Patrice Warrener
Lyon-Town Hall, Festival des Lumières, December 2006
Is , of course
The Crystal Machine Site
Where You"ll find all information on Tim & Patrices's activities.
I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4