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Roller Derby--The game is great! The people are better!

About Me

I have a job that allows me to take some vacation time to do things I like to do, with some limits. Right now I like Roller Derby. Roller Derby has been reborn in the United States, and I don't mind saying that a local women's league was responsible for this most recent form of roller derby. My particular favorite is Flat Track Roller Derby, and all the skaters who work so hard to make it happen. There are somewhere 200 flat track leagues around the world right now, and as a kid I loved roller derby, as did my grandfather and my uncle. // I have been seeing so many events here in Texas, the local Texas Rollergirls, Alamo City Rollergirls in San Antonio, the Houston Roller Derby, Assassination City Roller Derby and the Dallas Derby Devils. These ladies own their own leagues, and I am amazed at not only the effort they make on the track, but the development of skills that occurs from all the practice they go through. // My other interests have gone way down the line, because my heart right now belongs with roller derby, and the ladies who are making it happen. Perhaps I can help out with an occasional pregame or game recap article, but that is just a minor contribution in comparison with what they are doing right now. The fact is with the fall Derby season is getting over in this part of the country. My most recent effort is mocerating a derby yahoo group: Home | Browse | Search | Invite | Film | Mail | Blog | Favorites | Forum | Groups | Events | Videos | Music | Comedy | Classifieds

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Keep those fingers away from the kickboards at the edge of the rink!


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My Blog

Survey Blog...OK, So I Am Feeling Weird!

The actual category should be miscellaneous stuff! Here is a survey I put up earlier.  I will now add in the answers, just in case you want to find out how weird I really am. A.  Preferred C...
Posted by Phil on Tue, 22 Apr 2008 09:52:00 PST

Sports Media On or Off the Derby Bus

I’ve gotten to the point where I don’t think sports editors and writers are willing to give derby a chance because of its dubious history. The really strange thing about this rebirth of de...
Posted by Phil on Thu, 03 Apr 2008 07:34:00 PST

Texas Rollergirls--My Awards--The Phlammys

Since I missed the Texas Rollergirls Whammys Awards, I wanted to come up with some awards for the 2007 season.  I suppose these are a thank you to my favorite Texas Rollergirls.   Best ...
Posted by Phil on Fri, 01 Feb 2008 04:46:00 PST

National Roller Derby Announcers Week

Whereas, Roller Derby Announcers provide a tremendous amount of information to the fans of roller derby at various roller derby events, bouts, and tournaments, and&..:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:sc...
Posted by Phil on Mon, 14 Jan 2008 05:10:00 PST

Men Are Such Babies When it Comes To Pain

I split a tooth, a bicuspid, on Sunday.  The gum held the broken half next to the entract portion of tooth. So I thought I was tough.  It wasn't too bad.  I survived until today fo...
Posted by Phil on Wed, 19 Dec 2007 05:57:00 PST

Texas Mafia, An Imaginary Derby Team

If you have recently looked at my top 13 friends, you would see 13 members of the 14 member Texas Mafia imaginary derby squad.  The concept was formed around four of my best derby friends in Texa...
Posted by Phil on Sun, 02 Dec 2007 09:21:00 PST

At Home Waiting for the Satellite Technician

Love the categories, but since the Direct TV guy is a technician, well that's where we end up.  And guess what, I am getting an upgrade to HD signal recption with a slight increase in the number ...
Posted by Phil on Thu, 29 Nov 2007 10:45:00 PST

Asking Older Roller Derby Fans To Dance: Be Ware!

I'm horrible!  But if a rollergirl asks you to dance enough, and you have a few drinks in you, you'll probably end up dancing.  So not only is the older guy likely to embarass himself, ...
Posted by Phil on Sat, 08 Sep 2007 10:30:00 PST

Houston Pre-Bout and After Party

I haven't posted a blog here for a while.  I just wrote up a game recap story for my yahoo group, Roller Derby Is Sport. I actually ...
Posted by Phil on Tue, 21 Aug 2007 08:02:00 PST

My Friends in Roller Derby

I turn 53 tomorrow and last night was kind of my brithday roller derby bout.  As is often the case with me, I had no clue anything was going on.  I was writing the recap for the Texas Roller...
Posted by Phil on Mon, 07 May 2007 05:47:00 PST