DALLAS DERBY DEVILS!! I am now on THE SLAUGHTERERS, the CRAZIEST team. There is also SUICIDE SHIFTERS, THE WRECKING CREW AND THE HIGH SEAS HOTTIES. If you wanna have a WICKED GOOD TIME, come see us sometime. Check us out at WWW.DERBYDEVILS.COM. Roller derby is where it's at!! Hot Chicks on skates beating the crap outta each other!!I used to do Karate for awhile but got addicted to Derby so I quit that.I played Ice Hockey for 2 years then got out for awhile, but I am signed up to play the next couple of months. I've gotten 5 goals within 2 years (not too bad for a rookie) but I want to see how many more I can get before I get too old! :-) MyGen Profile Generator MyGen Profile Generator MyGen Profile Generator MyGen Profile Generator Layout Provided By FreeCodeSource.com - Browse Layouts
Christian Bale, Ed Norton, Jake Gyllenthal (?), Mel Gibson, Dennis Quaid, etc...well, I still haven't gotten over some of my school girl crushes!
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Don't usually like westerns but one of my favorite movies is The Good, The Bad and The Ugly. Both KILL BILL movies, Oh Brother, Greek Wedding, The Ring, Napolean Dynamite, SHAUN OF THE DEAD IS MY FAV!! :-)
THE OFFICE IS MY FAV!! (American version...haven't seen the english version yet) Scrubs...don't watch much TV...I'm too busy Derbin'! :-) But I now am addicted to MY NAME IS EARL!! I LOVE IT!
Midnight Blue, Death's Acre, Intensity, Fear Nothing, Seize the Night, Memoirs of a Geisah, The Tent of Orange Mist and the Black Lotus.
My mom, my in-laws, husband and my dogs because they all love me unconditionally and they get me through the hard times!