Me? I am so many things. You can't label me as anything. I am a friend, a sister, a lover, a fighter, a skater, a painter, a reader, a writer, a daugther, a mentor, a student, I cry, I laugh, I sing in showers and dance in private. I love my family and friends more then life itself and would give them the world if they asked me. I will give you respect when you earn my respect. I will trust you until you give me reason not to. You don't have to like me, it won't kill me. I won't beg for attention and I will stick up for my friends. I will always stand up for what I believe is right. I will let you know when I think you are wrong. I will also be the first to admit when I am wrong. Our mistakes make us stronger if you can learn from them. By now....I should be a genius ;)
You are Seductive, Bondage Bettie!
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What Classic Pin-Up Are You?
You're Bettie Page!
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You Are 28% Pure
You've either done it, thought about it, or at least heard about it.
Luckily, there's a few things left for you to try! How Pure Are You?