Dara/Pyro/PyHo profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I'm a pretty Zen person...I can't control what happens, but I can control how I react to it. Most of the time, I am absurdly, exuberantly happy...and why wouldn't I be? I have an amazing 2-year old daughter (who already has a fantastic father, thankyouverymuch...I'm not looking for a daddy for her), an ex-husband who is my best friend (our relationship defies convention but it works for us) a massive Rottweiler who thinks he's a lapdog, and the most wonderful friends, family, hobbies and life in general.
I'm a left-handed, redheaded (although you'll probably never see my natural color, as I prefer to look like a cartoon character) Scorpio. I laugh too loudly, talk too much and swear like a sailor. I can drink you under the table and I can probably eat more than you and three of your friends put together. I have an unholy love for whiskey and bacon (all pork products, really, but bacon makes me swoon). I'm cool with the fact that I'm not really that cool...don't let the tattoos fool you, I'm a total softie underneath.
After 10 months of actual skating, a major injury (check out my pics and blogs for cool x-rays and my whining chronicle of recovery)and 10 months of healing while staying involved in the league, I've decided to retire from full contact skating...and instead ref for my beloved Assassination City Roller Derby. (To all the people doing "told ya so" dances right now, you were right! I can't stay away) You'll also see me at the parties (I'm still making the Jello shots) and any charity events in which the league participates.
if you haven't seen the new generation of this fast-paced, full-contact sport, I highly encourage you to come to a bout...you won't be disappointed. The 2008 season begins 4/19, so please come out, come find me (I'm kinda hard to miss) and say hello.
Click Here to order tickets now!

My Interests

My kid and my dog, roller derby and outdoor skating, yoga, getting inked and pierced, pinup photography, reading, writing (my writer's block is much better now, thanks to my muse), dancing, cooking, sewing, camping/hiking/drinking beer around a bonfire, dressing unwilling squirrels in Renaissance-era clothing, listening to local music and drinking entirely too much whiskey for my own good.

I'd like to meet:

People who can put up with my shit and love me anyway....people who can just love me because of who I am, rather than trying to love me in spite of who I am.

I'm always happy to hear from old friends, new friends, and pretty much anyone who isn't going to stalk me or try to set me on fire. (It's sad when you have to specify things like that, isn't it?) Feel free to send me a message or leave a comment.


Everything from punk to rock to hip hop to classic country to rockabilly to jazz. Really, how many people's iPods shuffle NOFX, Pink Floyd, Atmosphere, Johnny Cash, the Meteors and Chris Botti in a row? My musical tastes are positively schizophrenic.


Hedgehog porn.

Yes. Fear my white girl jamskating.


I don't watch much TV these days, but I'm a sucker for Family Guy, Reno 911 and The Riches...and I'm impatiently awaiting new episodes of The Shield and Rescue Me.


Kurt Vonnegut, Bill Fitzhugh, Christopher Buckley, Christopher Moore, Douglas Adams, Douglas Coupland, Janet Evanovich, Sarah Strohmeyer, Jennifer Weiner, Stephen King, Dean Koontz, Robin Cook, Sue Grafton, anything with an interesting cover (I like to just wander in bookstores and let books find me) or a good review, and anything you'd like to loan me (I love to trade books).


People who march to the beat of their own drum, and refuse to let anyone hold them back. People who have found balance in their lives, physically/emotionally/mentally/spiritually.

My Blog

Viva la Revelation

I had an epiphany tonight in the bathtub (oh, stop snickering) after a particularly challenging and satisfying yoga session.I cannot be responsible for everyone's happiness all of the time, but I can ...
Posted by Dara/Pyro/PyHo on Wed, 07 May 2008 12:21:00 PST

My derby retirement

Yes friends, the time has come for me to retire from a sport I haven’t been able to play since June. I’ve finally admitted to myself that if I cannot walk in high heels or jog at this sta...
Posted by Dara/Pyro/PyHo on Mon, 17 Mar 2008 11:24:00 PST

Dukkha-dukkha (maybe a little viparinama-dukkha too)

I mentioned this to a friend earlier, but I'm still so amused by it that I decided to post it.I dreamed this morning about my injury and how people involved had reacted to it and still react to me. I...
Posted by Dara/Pyro/PyHo on Mon, 25 Feb 2008 02:17:00 PST

Cleared for contact

Yep, that's right. Yesterday morning, my surgeon reluctantly wrote me a note clearing me to "resume normal activity", and underlined "including contact". So, people can hit me again. I'm not sure h...
Posted by Dara/Pyro/PyHo on Thu, 24 Jan 2008 11:12:00 PST

Back on the track (almost, anyway)!

A fantastic, positive update...Last Wednesday, I skated my first practice back since my injury! I'm still not cleared for contact so I couldn't scrimmage, but I was able to hang in there for every si...
Posted by Dara/Pyro/PyHo on Mon, 03 Dec 2007 10:49:00 PST

Attention, MySpace stalkers! (yes, you!)

My dear stalkers - I know that a few of you watch my online activities here and at other sites. Oh, I know we all check certain people's profiles more than others...everybody does it. And with the m...
Posted by Dara/Pyro/PyHo on Tue, 20 Nov 2007 09:59:00 PST

Its golden, baby!

Well, technically it WAS golden yesterday...my golden birthday, 30 on the 30th...but life in general's pretty golden right now, so it's apropos.I've had a couple of people ask for updates and I haven'...
Posted by Dara/Pyro/PyHo on Wed, 31 Oct 2007 12:55:00 PST

Id make a fabulous pirate.

I'd need an eyepatch, of course. Remind me to ask the guy at the Apple store in Northpark Mall where he got his. It was awesome.Yeah, so I'm walking like a peg-legged pirate. However, the keyword h...
Posted by Dara/Pyro/PyHo on Wed, 22 Aug 2007 01:16:00 PST

My names not IHOP!

If I had a dime for every time some guy made the damn IHOP joke during my recovery, I'd fill a Crown Royal bag with them and start swingin'. ;-)Just wanted to throw a quick update out for my friends, ...
Posted by Dara/Pyro/PyHo on Fri, 03 Aug 2007 08:41:00 PST

Ignorance really WAS bliss.

I'm not usually the type to whine publicly about how down I am, but I told everyone I'd chronicle my injury and recovery here, and this is part of it.I got my staples out yesterday...I think there wer...
Posted by Dara/Pyro/PyHo on Fri, 22 Jun 2007 12:04:00 PST