About Me
You can download Backlash tracks here - FREE !! - at Tune Square.
Plus ... we'll be soon putting up some new tracks for free download - not available on myspace ...
Just click on the 'Tune Square' box above ...
Buy the new 6 track Backlash album "The Loud Bit" here ... £5.99 incl. postage !
Buy the new 6 track Backlash album "The Loud Bit" here ... £5.99 incl. postage !
Buy the new 6 track Backlash album "The Loud Bit" here ... £5.99 incl. postage !
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We are sooooo... gutted ! We just asked one of the great all-time legends of music to be our myspace friend, and when we logged onto his page, we got the following reply ... "James Blunt does not accept add requests from bands".
Well, James, no matter. We still think you're BEAUTIFUL, no matter what Paul Weller thinks. Back to the drawing board, guys.
ps: in case anyone thinks we're being ironic - we don't do irony ... we don't even do the ironing ...
We've been gigging since 2002. When not swapping heads in crappy half-made rock videos, we're writing songs about life in the glorious South-West which isn't always quite the same as the tourist brochures. Nope - we've not been invited on the "South Devon Riviera - A Place of Magical Beauty" tourist authority advisory panel. Must have been something we sang :o). We live in and around Totnes, Buckfastleigh, Kingsteignton etc., and life can get a bit weird sometimes. So we write about it.
. . . . If anyone’s actually wondering how old the band really is - unfortunately, Johnny5thumbs, the keyboard player lost his birth certificate back in the 1920’s. Leo, the drummer, pointed out that under the Data Protection Act (2004), he is not required to release private information of this nature. Eddie the Electric Lady guitarist thinks he was born in October 1974, between Deep Purple's 4th & 5th remixes of "Smoke on the Water", and Andy the bass player’s birthday is on Feb 29th, so he’s actually only 5 ½ years old. Glad that’s all cleared up, then !
This is pubrock!
Ever played in a pub where the air is so thick with tobacco smoke that you could distill it, reduce it to Marmite consistency, and tarmac the High street with it? You have? OK - then add to that scenario - you've just started the second number of your second set, and half the audience drifts out inexplicably. "Was it something we said over the mike?" Two songs later, a fight erupts, the two barmen leap over the bar and escort the remainder of the audience out of the front door. Leaving - about 5 punters drinking shorts, wine, anything but beer (which ran out during the second number, hence the exodus). Can someone tell me why you can hailed as gods one night, and ignored as absolute s**te the next.
Talking about crap days .... our drummer, Leo, once spet a day hoofing it around pubs handing out CD's and trying to get gigs. After many hours of footslogging around London, thoroughly knackered, he broke all his moral boundaries and walked into a Burger King, ordered a burger and sat down. Ten minutes later, the place was held up by armed raiders. Is this Rock 'n Roll? Do let us know .....
We're eternally grateful for local radio stations
who find space in their busy schedules to occasionally play our releases). So a REALLY big plug for Rob Wheeler on South Hams Radio - he does a radio show every Sunday night from 7pm, a lot of which is dedicated to playing recordings of local bands & singer songwriters. If you're Devon based, and your recording is good and produced to radio-playable standard, send it to him (if it's original) - he WILL listen to it. John Govier over at Radio Devon, and David White at Radio Cornwall are also doing great radio shows featuring music from unsigned bands. So thanks LOADS, Rob, John and David and other DJ's working at smaller stations who play material by songwriters and bands such as ourselves. We all owe you !
plus ... Richard Pitt and Gary Smith from "Bristol Uncovered" at BBC Radiol Bristol - a great show playing unsigned bands such as our humble selves (occasionally) ... It's wacky and we love it. Top men !!
And a big plug for Monochrome Museum and the two senile delinquents
who run one of the more interesting internet radio staions in the U.K. www.monochromemuseum.co.uk is based in Brum, and John and Moll who run the station are mad as hatters, sometimes having to sell personal possessions to keep the station afloat, and are so utterly dedicated to the music that they hardly have time to sleep, never mind anything else in life. They have a strong ethos that bands should give back as well as take, and the "Hey man ! listen to us - we're great ! " spam approach from bands will get short shrift from the station if not backed up with a bit input and some common courtesy. Check them out! - they're definitely not f.m.radio (create yer own acronym ! )
Finally, do check out the new ELECTRIC LADY guitars recently launched in the music press. One of these hand-built jobs will set you back over £2000, but if you're even slightly intrigued about a guitar maker based in Devon who's made guitars for Pete Townsend, Paul Weller, The Cure, New Order and quite a few others, then you might want to read the ELECTRIC LADY blog. and webpage link above. Like all good things, you're not going to trip over these on your way to "Guitar Universe" to buy a set of strings. Chris Eccleshall doesn't work that way - he makes few and far between, and he doesn't even list the Electric Lady on his website. You have to ask him or Eddie personally to make you one. That's all the clues you're getting. He is a ******* genius, though !
Buy the new 6 track Backlash album "The Loud Bit" here ... £5.99 incl. postage !