Member Since: 07/02/2007
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Band Members:
I'm currently solo, but there are various musos i hook up with from time to time
fascinates me. I'm interested in everything except for golf and
football, and actually pretty much any sport. but I love music and
art and food (lots of food), films and TV. Deeply inspired by Greenbelt Festival. I'm pretty much a fan
of the whole creation thing, you know trees, mountains, water,
sunsets, the sun and other stars, nebulae, galaxies, noise,
elephants, light, bananas and particularly ginger. Can't beat a
bit of fresh ginger.
U2, The
Beatles, Martyn Joseph, Paul Simon, John Tavener, Jars of Clay,
Peter Gabriel, Led Zepplin, Moby, James Taylor, Delia Derbyshire
of the BBC Radiophonic Workshop, Carole king, Squeeze, The
Seekers, Jaco Pastorius, Just Jack and Arron Sorkin who seems to
write screenplays as if they were symphonies.
The Usual
Suspects, Alien, Serenity, Strictly Ballroom, A Few Good Men, Star
Wars, The Empire Stikes Back, Pirates of the Carribean, Time
Bandits, The Princess Bride, Star Trek First Contact, O Brother
Where Art Thou?
The West Wing,
Dr Who, NCIS, Numb3rs, Bagpuss, Thieves Like Us, The Sky at Night,
Hustle, Coupling, Firelfy.
Irresistable Revolution by Shane Claibourne, The Sctrewtape
Letters by CS Lewis, Exploring Celtic Spirituality by Ray Simpson,
The Bible particularly the book of Ezekiel
Jesus, John
Smith (Australian Preacher), Pip Wilson, Martin Luther King,
Martin Luther, William Wilberforce, Richard Hammond
Sounds Like: fingernails being sraped down a blackboard
or perhaps the sound of rain on your window after a long hot summer.
Record Label: houndsville
Type of Label: Unsigned