Colourful Genre profile picture

Colourful Genre

Living is easy with nice clothes.

About Me

Seasoned by the warm yet humid Devonshire sun on the slopes of the River Dart, John Elliott has matured in oak sheds and laid down on pallets to create this vintage performance. We can now appreciate the true depth of character that is only now revealed in this subtle yet obscure artiste veritee.Those with a delicate nose and sensitive earcan discover undertones of recently coppiced hazel, hints of apple blossom, even apricot. The palate is overcome with zest of orange and a piquance of patchoulli, but before this overwhelms a fresh breeze wafts in with blackcurrent & elderflower reinvigorating the senses and leaving the sampler of this unique concoction in a state of utter contentment. After a stimulating performance one is left with a distinct bouquet reminiscent of Eau d'Or.Loosely created as a vehicle for this unusually talented individual, The Call of Nature has evolved into a retinue of individuals who on being approached, either accept or decline to answer the Call of Nature !

My Interests


Member Since: 4/15/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: John Elliott former lead singer with the Lesser Known Tunisians. Colourful Genre is the idea behind The Call of Nature. The idea is to use any instrument that comes to hand and to put on as many voices as possible. An everything +plus+ the kitchen sink approach. Otherwise known as More is More. As soon as the original sounds are inaudible and the full aural spectrum is present, then the process of paring/pruning back begins. Mistakes are often left in since they capture the urgency and unpredicatability of what is essentially a live (but overdubbed) recording. In other words, as few takes as possible are used to get the essence of the song. Mistakes are therefore not considered as fluffs but more as a springboard to new ideas. Get Your Own! | View Slideshow
Influences: Sitting in my carpeted Yurt I realise that I've written most of my songs while on rugs. This might come as a shock to some who suspected other influences.
Sounds Like: A Good Idea.
Record Label: Bespoke limited edition wax cylinders
Type of Label: None

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I can't be bothered with all this, you'll get nothing out of me.
Posted by Colourful Genre on Thu, 04 May 2006 12:21:00 PST