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Quese Imc


About Me

the BLUELIGHT... and you thought it was just a title to an album!!! Spiritual Movement through indigenous hiphop. Tatura'ciks'tahu, Quese Imc (PIC. TAKEN AT GATHERING OF NATIONS 49 STAGE, that was a dope showwwwwwwwww!!!!!) Ahu Turahe
Quese Imc "Bluelight..." Record coming SOON............
Sound Chiefs
Quese Imc and Bunky Echo-Hawk
Skidi Pawnee and Kitkahaki Pawnee
Micco Imc: painting by Bunky Echo-hawk (pawnee & yakima) a new series.
I am "Quese Imc" I produce, write and perform. Performing Artist moving forward. I'm about the spiritual movement of our Indigenous People. Living in Boyle Heights, East Los Angeles. I was born as a Pawnee/Seminole Native from oklahoma. I'm a complicated individual who individually complicates the norm. I'm a SPACECASE!!! Quese for Peace yo!!! To all the people that like to tear others down who are trying to make efforts to help our people, please don't add me. This is for the Movement of our people... If we continue to tear eachother down then we empower the ones who oppressed us. If your a perfect revolutionary with out flaws please move on from my page. I deal with only real people with real lives who enjoy the human walk but love the spiritual journey WE ARE THE ANSWER TO OUR ANCESTORS PRAYERS, AN OPPORTUNITY TO BE THE INSTRUMENT FOR THEIR JOURNEY AND BREATH. Ahu Turahe,Quese Imc aka Waruksti Pahat Hupirit
N.A.R.F (Native American Rights Fund) I'm for the rights of our people.

Visit www.moderndaywarrior.org to view NARF's "The Indian Wars Never Ended" PSA Ad Campaign...SPREAD THE WORD!!!
BOULDER, CO- On Monday, March 26th, 2007, attorneys and staff of the Native American Rights Fund will launch its first ever Public Service Announcement "The Indian Wars Never Ended" nationally via the Internet, TV, radio, and print media. NARF will also do an exclusive premier at the opening ceremonies of the National Indian Gaming Association’s annual convention and trade show in Phoenix, Arizona. The :60 second & :30 second PSA's, entitled, “The Indian Wars Never Ended,” is part of a greater campaign to generate a renewed awareness to one of Indian Country’s most established and respected non-profit advocacy organizations. NARF will also simulatenously launch one of the biggest PR & media campaigns by any Native organization in the country in history with the goal of reaching out and energizing peoples from all generations, cultures and walks of life around the issue of Native rights.
For more than 36 years, NARF has played a significant role in the progress of Native people’s by providing legal advice and assistance to tribal governments in need. Today, some of those tribes are enjoying an economic renewal with the advent of gaming in the United States. It’s why NARF will celebrate its renewed mission of “standing firm for justice” at the NIGA event before a live audience of hundreds of anticipated convention attendees and nationwide on Monday, March 26th.
Featured in the PSA production are NARF Executive Director John Echohawk and members of his legal team, as well as the award-winning hip-hop duo, Culture Shock Camp comprised of DJ, Shock B and lyricist and PSA composer/producer, Quese IMC, and artist Bunky Echo-Hawk. The cross-generational project represents the symbolic message of NARF as it establishes a modern-day message for modern-day times.
NARF, Culture Shock Camp, Bunky Echo-Hawk, Nish Media, Red Hand Media & Indigenius Media are joing forces to do massive joint launch of the campaign early Monday March 26th.
SO GO TO www.moderndaywarrior.org to view NARF's new PSA ad campaign and become a MODERN DAY WARRIOR FOR NATIVE RIGHTS...WE ARE OUR ANCESTORS' PRAYER.
Check out my FRESH, INDIGENIZED new tracks for NARF!
Yo…check the NVision Promo, see what we're all about. As one of the founding members of NVision I feel blessed to be a part of it. Among the major projects that NVision is helping to support is CSC's Native hip hop documentary and national tour planned for later this year. We have big plans for 2007, so stayed tuned...
Iriwe Turahe…
Quese IMC
The Revolution will be INDIGENIZED

NVision is a national Native non-profit dedicated to leadership development and the promotion of new independent voices in Indian Country in the arts, music, culture, and multi-media for Native youth and young adults. Our partners are Culture Shock Camp , Bunky Echo-Hawk , Quese IMC , N'Ish Media, Indigenius Media , Red Hand Media , Happy Frejo , Crystal Echo Hawk and Digital Smoke Signals . We have some big projects coming in 2007 so stayed TUNED!
NVision Promo Video

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THE REVOLUTION WILL BE INDIGENIZED... Visit www.nvisionit.org or NVision's MySpace . NVision is an affiliate project of the Seventh Generation Fund.

My Interests


Member Since: 3/2/2006
Band Website: queseimc.com
Band Members: Solo Artist: Quese Imc Tracks Produced by: Quese Imc

click to get Nvision Tour Shirt!

click to get Nvision Tour Cassette Shirt!

photo by: viewfinderphotographs.com

N.A.R.F "ModernDayWarriors" Campaign...

VIDEOS My music "MEDZEEZ" got some canadian native model love Quese Imc & Alex schien @ StandingRock Sioux Reservation *Vibin Out*
Sounds Like: Q-tip, Rakim, EPMD, Public Enemy, Biz Markie, MosDef, kweli, Common, Audio two, Moses P, Seal, ELO, Eminem, bob marley, blink 182, fatboys, guru, ice-t, de la soul, bush babies, whodini, melle mel and everyone else that I grew up on....
Record Label: "Makvsee Music..." (the Indigenous Indie music)
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

shows and homeys

This is the journey of my shows and my friends....           I perform with orbs..quot; alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting">..queseimc/IMG_6616.jpg" alt="Photobucket - Video and...
Posted by Quese Imc on Mon, 04 Feb 2008 06:17:00 PST

A scarred world could scar your mind, but your heart still beats forward...

Surprised!!! When you found out that the one you loved wasn't the one you loved. The one you love is the one that finds you. You are a walking entity of love and the one that finds you wil...
Posted by Quese Imc on Mon, 12 Nov 2007 02:37:00 PST

Why I LOVE these two boys SO MUCH...

I love these two boys so much.... My son and my nephew...When I look at all the imperfections and wrongs that I've done in my life and the things that have weighed me down, all my burdens, all my pain...
Posted by Quese Imc on Sat, 01 Sep 2007 09:03:00 PST

If I were to fall in love I would love her like this.....

yummmmm so TURAHE....Support your local frybread stand :)...
Posted by Quese Imc on Mon, 16 Apr 2007 11:52:00 PST

Words by Quese Imc...

To all my people.... Red, Yellow, Black, White and Brown. I'm sure we've all had struggles. Acts of discrimination by the dominant society. I'm probably guessing that some...
Posted by Quese Imc on Tue, 27 Mar 2007 02:00:00 PST

My MOMMA... #1 fan

I love you mom. I've been meaning to do this blog for you. I get sooo busy sometimes and time seems to just keep going. Things out here in L.A. go by so fast and the days come and go like good movies....
Posted by Quese Imc on Thu, 01 Mar 2007 07:20:00 PST

A special shout out to my DAD!! Turahe Atius

CONGRATULATIONS! Please join the Oklahoma City Area Indian Health Service, Office of Environmental Health and Engineering, Division of Facilities Management and the Oklahoma Area Facility Managers in...
Posted by Quese Imc on Tue, 06 Feb 2007 03:01:00 PST

My random thoughts after a show...:)

That was a dope show. Not only because everything flowed well but for the beautiful fact that there were some many cultured people and multi-culturalism going on... Coming off from that dope panel dis...
Posted by Quese Imc on Mon, 20 Nov 2006 11:17:00 PST