Native Skates profile picture

Native Skates

Hottest New Native Skate Co. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

About Me

These Boards Rip!!We're a Hot New Skate Co. that's working hard to keep all the Native Skaters out there to be able to Skate Great boards at affordable prices! Check out our Flyer in photos for info on one of the Biggest Skate Contest ever for Native Skates to plan at this years GON weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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My Interests

Here's the Schedule of Events for the contest part of the Skate Jam! Sunday April 27 2008; Registration begins at 8AM! Contest begins at 10AM! 15min warm up begins at scheduled start time(Only for upcoming competing class) Times& Ages & Levels 10am-11am for 6-12 Beg. 11am-12pm for 6-12 Intr. 12pm-1pm for 13-17 Beg. 1pm-2pm for 13-17 Intr. 2pm-3pm for 18-over Beg. 3pm-4pm for 18-over Intr. 4pm-5pm for Pro Jam! 5pm-6pm for Open Bowl 6pm-7pm * Women's open class 7pm-8pm * Open Advanced Times are estimated start times, be ready to skate your class at start time even if we are behind! Prizes will be awarded at end of each category! Top 5 each category, Top Native skater special award each category! $5 entry fee per skater, must be entered to have skateboard or skate that day!!!!!

I'd like to meet:

Everybody! We'd like to meet all up and coming Native skaters, as skateboarding is thhe fastestest growing sport on the Rez, we want to offer our brothers and sisters their own skate company owned, operated and run by natives!




My Blog

All Nations Skate Jam Winners

Well it only took me 1 month to post this, finally seeing light at the end of the tunnel after getting back to the shop. But here are the top 5 placers in each catigory of the Skate Jam, we had over 2...
Posted by Native Skates on Wed, 30 May 2007 05:36:00 PST

New Stuff and Skate Jam Planning!

Hey Everybody,  Planning is going Great on the skate Jam, we're getting Skate Companies on board weekly and it's gonna blow your mind out there ........If your there! Man I can't say it enought, ...
Posted by Native Skates on Sun, 04 Mar 2007 10:30:00 PST