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I am here for Friends

About Me

Oh, man. Description to come really soon. In the meantime, you should definitely skim a copy off the rack.

Or check out our website at .
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*Due to increasingly strict Truth in Advertising laws, we're legally obligated to qualify our headline statement. By "Greatest Magazine Ever" we're really just comparing mental_floss to all the other magazines we've ever created. Specifically, we're talking about the magazine that Mangesh and his friend started (then quickly folded) in 3rd grade about all the dogs in their neighborhood. This magazine is MUCH better than that one.


My Interests

the kind of stuff you can chat about at Cocktail Parties...
Playing the mental_floss trivia game. (It's fun and quirky. And you'll walk away a genius.)

Counting days til the new issues comes out? Check out our 2007 calendar!

I'd like to meet:

Einstein, Stephen Hawking (I.M. us already!), Aristotle, most of the Cats that Bill and Ted brought back (including Napoleon), Tesla, Dorothy Parker, Alexander the Great, Martin Luther, Martin Luther King, Steve Martin, Mark Twain, Margaret Mead, Roald Dahl & Quentin Blake, Julia Child- mainly for her British spy stories but also for her sandwiches, Bob Dylan, Boss Tweed and the Entire Tammany Hall Gang, Abe Lincoln, Abe Simpson, Jim Henson, Langston Hughes, and lots more.

More realistically: We'd be thrilled to hang out with nerds & knowledge junkies, writers and readers, trivia buffs, closet dorks, die-hard magazine fans (any magazine, not just ours) and lovers of really bad jokes (any bad jokes, not just ours).



A little bit of everything... you know, Russian Folk Dance, Funeral Dirges, the usual.

Lately, we've been getting into a lot of School House Rock, though. The Puffy remix of "Conjunction Junction, What's your Function?" is definitely worth the download.



Hmmm... we love a good flick now and again, but most of our allowance goes to supporting our reading habit.......


Oprah, Oprah, Oprah! In fact, the only way we could love Oprah more is a) if she gave us a car, or b) called us on her show to talk about the magazine. Oprah, if you happen to be reading this, and are struggling to decide between the two, please (b) call us on your show to talk about the magazine.

JUST FOR THE RECORD, WE ALSO LOVE: Ellen, The Daily Show, CNN, Regis and Kelly, The Today Show, Car Talk, Iron Chef (Japan) and most other places that haven't had us on yet. We draw the line at Geraldo, though.



Our moms. At least one of our dads. Oh, and Albert Einstein, of course!

My Blog

The Fragrance of Vagrants!

Being big fans of soup, soup Nazis and various soup-styled book covers, I couldn't help but post about HoboSoup (for the record, I'm also a fan of hobos). In any case, the find comes from TheSneeze an...
Posted by mental_floss on Tue, 03 Jul 2007 08:18:00 PST

Bee Karaoke, Green Blood, and why Global Warming is Causing a whole boatload of Kittens

Holy Alternative Energy Sources!: According to the BBC, Pope Benedict XVI is on his way to becoming the most eco-friendly pope ever by replacing the roof of the Paul VI auditorium with solar cells. Th...
Posted by mental_floss on Fri, 22 Jun 2007 10:39:00 PST

Perhaps the greatest Myspace quiz ever?

This quiz comes from 'The Worksheet' on page 22 of the latest mental_floss magazine (pick yours up wherever brilliant/lots of magazines are sold). Let's test your knowledge of down-and-out flavors an...
Posted by mental_floss on Wed, 20 Jun 2007 06:52:00 PST

7 Commie Toys (& t's!) Worth Sharing

For some reason I can't stop seeing "Red." From Chairman Mao skateboards to Frederich Engels comic books, socialism seems to be taking over over the kid's aisle. In fact, I have no doubt that Senator ...
Posted by mental_floss on Thu, 31 May 2007 09:45:00 PST

I've never felt this way before

As someone who was forced to watch Dirty Dancing over and over by an ex as a particularly cruel brand of torture, I'm really hoping this isn't true. According to G4 (my source for everything video gam...
Posted by mental_floss on Wed, 30 May 2007 10:48:00 PST

That lamp's Dinormous!

I saw this spine lamp with marble base (and flexible neck!) on Boingboing and laughed. Especially, when I read that it was all the rage with chiropractors. Of course, it will set you back some. The l...
Posted by mental_floss on Wed, 30 May 2007 10:47:00 PST

Pac-Man Skull Discovered

According to OhGizmo, an artist and a palaeontologist have created a breakthrough in video game sciences by combining forces and recreating Pac-Man's skull. The brilliant duo based their hypothetical ...
Posted by mental_floss on Fri, 25 May 2007 07:47:00 PST

Wearing your lungs on your sleeve

NewScientist's Short Sharp Science blog had a plug for this newly designed Smoking Jacket. Apparently, the idea is for conscientious puffers to blow smoke into their collars (instead of the air) to co...
Posted by mental_floss on Fri, 25 May 2007 07:46:00 PST

15 Reasons Mr. Rogers Was the Best Neighbor Ever

Back when I was in 7th grade I stood up in front of my English class and delivered a tongue-in-cheek, poorly researched presentation on why I thought Mister Rogers should be the next President. I ate ...
Posted by mental_floss on Wed, 23 May 2007 02:44:00 PST

Are you a Nintendo historian?

Well before the Wii, Nintendo burrowed its way into our pop culture with classic games like The Legend of Zelda, Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!! and Metroid. How well do you remember the little details?Are...
Posted by mental_floss on Wed, 23 May 2007 09:13:00 PST