John Green profile picture

John Green

Author of Looking for Alaska

About Me

I'm a writer. My new book, "An Abundance of Katherines," has just been published. You should go to your local independent bookstore and buy a copy, or get one here.
My first novel, "Looking for Alaska," was published in March of 2005. It won the Michael L. Printz Award, and was a finalist for the L.A. Times Book Prize.
I also write for National Public Radio sometimes, and for various magazines and newspapers, and I am the proprietor of the web site
And now, let us discuss the things that most often come up on myspace:
To answer the questions that I most often get: Yes, this is really me, and no, I don't have any say whatsoever in what happens with the movie, but I'll certainly keep you informed with any news.
Oh, and the song is by Jonathan Coulton, who is--I think we can all agree--a major American genius.
Also, let us briefly discuss the question of whether or not I want to be friends with your band, which is composed of a sextet of 45-year-old harpsichord players or whatever: I do not.
Furthermore, if we can just talk for a moment about whether or not I want to befriend a 'webcam hottie': Thank you but no.
And finally: I am really bad about responding to messages, even when they are not from random bands or webcam hotties, but I do read them all, and I try try try to answer as many as possible.

My Interests

Writing and reading, mostly. But I am also interested in: Boxing, child prodigies, conjoined twins, the state of Alabama, contemporary art, soccer, white wine, anagramming, last words, YA books, bluegrass music, Islam and the Islamic world, white wine, and books.

I'd like to meet:

J. D. Salinger. But I tend to doubt he has a myspace.


I like bluegrass, mostly. But then sometimes I'll find myself in love with a band that is definitely not bluegrass, like the Mr. T Experience, or Old Crow Medicine Show, or Neutral Milk Hotel, or Bonnie Prince Billy. Mostly I like songs. Current favorite: "Jackson" (as sung by Mr. and Mrs. Cash, not as sung by Ms. Witherspoon and Mr. Phoenix)


Well, if Paramount makes "Looking for Alaska," I believe I'll be contractually obligated to call it my favorite.


Well, this is going to be long. Okay, let's just do it in categories:
Recent YA books:
King Dork, by Frank Portman
Boy Meets Boy, by David Levithan
Speak, by Laurie Halse Anderson
The Perks of Being a Wallflower, by Stephen Chbosky
Funny Little Monkey, by Andrew "Awesome" Auseon Boy Proof, by Cecil Castelucci (note: last name probably misspelled, although she is my friend)
Catch, by Will Leitch
And Many, many others. If you're looking for recommendations, message me with the titles of some other books you've read and liked.
Mark Twain
Zora Neale Hurston
Robert Penn Warren
Walker Percy
Flannery O'Connor
Eudora Welty
NOT DEAD PEOPLE: Richard Powers
David Foster Wallace
Jeffrey Eugenides
Michael Chabon
Toni Morrison
Garcia-Marquez (obvious, if you've read ALASKA)
Edna St. Vincent Millay (also obvious if you've read ALASKA)
Emily Dickinson
Langston Hughes
Robert Penn Warren

My Blog

Brotherhood 2.0 Has a Posse. And a Myspace

Brotherhood 2.0, the peculiar and improbably popular year-long video series I'm doing with my brother Hank, now has a myspace. We hope you will consider being our friend.
Posted by John Green on Tue, 20 Feb 2007 12:34:00 PST

brotherhood 2.0 and my regular blog

Hi,My regular blog is located at is much better than this blog. There you can watch the new web video thing that I am doing with my brother, Hank. We are making...
Posted by John Green on Tue, 02 Jan 2007 10:36:00 PST

I got tagged

I don't usually do this, but the person who tagged me said it would "make her year" if I did it, and who passes up a chance to make someone's year? So:Rules:Each player of this game starts with "6 wei...
Posted by John Green on Wed, 11 Oct 2006 06:52:00 PST

Oh. My. God.

Everyone should immediately go to my web site or google video and watch the hilariously adorably wonderful (and amazingly true-to-the-book) movie I found last night. Basically, some kids made a movie ...
Posted by John Green on Tue, 03 Oct 2006 09:13:00 PST

The An Abundance of Katherines Blog Tour: 19 Blogs in 19 (Business) Days

So to celebrate the publication of my new book, "An Abundance of Katherines," I'm visiting a bunch of blogs. So far, we are five stop into this 19-blog tour:First, Lindsay Robertson wrote about me and...
Posted by John Green on Wed, 27 Sep 2006 07:43:00 PST

The Formula

Okay, so in An Abundance of Katherines (which, and I don't want to overemphasize this or anything, but it is out right now and you should really consider purchasing it) there's a mathematical formula....
Posted by John Green on Thu, 21 Sep 2006 07:39:00 PST


...comes out TOMORROW. Hooray. I hope you read it, and I hope you like it. Here's how I'll be spending my publication date:First, I will get up at seven in the morning, and I'll be really cranky and b...
Posted by John Green on Wed, 20 Sep 2006 06:36:00 PST

Rachel Bilson, You Coulda Been One of My Katherines

T minus 3 days and counting until the publication of An Abundance of Katherines. Also, T minues 11 days and counting until my brother Hank's wedding. You should really either preorder my book or buy h...
Posted by John Green on Mon, 18 Sep 2006 11:37:00 PST

Vote in the Picture Contest

Rest assured that we will return to the issue of moral enemy D. Brown soon (Is he a pastor? aAprofessor of Islamic studies? The author of Angels and Demons? Could he in fact be the father of lonelygir...
Posted by John Green on Thu, 31 Aug 2006 08:44:00 PST

My Mortal Enemy

Great news: I HAVE FOUND A MORTAL ENEMY! Woo hoo. My mortal enemy's name is D. Brown. I don't know anything else about him/her, but s/he wrote a mean review of Looking for Alaska (the first, amazingly...
Posted by John Green on Thu, 31 Aug 2006 08:25:00 PST