davidlevithan profile picture


I write books

About Me

Welcome to my my-oh-my MySpace page. If you haven't checked out the two anthologies I edited this spring -- THIS IS PUSH and 21 PROMS -- I urge you to do so. My next book is my second with Rachel Cohn. It's called NAOMI & ELY'S NO KISS LIST, and it's out late August. I'm also the author of the novels BOY MEETS BOY, THE REALM OF POSSIBILITY, ARE WE THERE YET?, MARLY'S GHOST, WIDE AWAKE, and, co-written with Rachel, NICK AND NORAH'S INFINITE PLAYLIST. I've also edited some cool anthologies, including THE FULL SPECTRUM and WHERE WE ARE, WHAT WE SEE. When not at home writing, I'm the editor of PUSH (www.thisispush.com) and other Scholastic books. Check out the MySpace page for PUSH (listed in my top 8). My website is www.davidlevithan.com, and if you doubt that this is really me, you can email me there at [email protected]. But truly...I promise this is me. If you want to get bulletins when new book news occurs, just send me a friend request.

My Interests

Reading. Writing. Kindness. Equality. Taking a photo every day.

I'd like to meet:

Readers. Of my books, or of any books.


I live with a constant soundtrack, so this is a very abridged list. Aimee Mann, Death Cab for Cutie, Beth Orton, Bloc Party, Bright Eyes, Patty Griffin, Say Hi to Your Mom, Jens Lekman, The Killers, Jack's Mannequin, The Sundays, Fiona Apple, Tori Amos, Dar Williams, The Postal Service, Erin McKeown, Garbage, Wolf Parade, Ani DiFranco, Damien Rice, Franz Ferdinand


Rear Window, Moulin Rouge!, The Hours, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Lost in Translation, Some Kind of Wonderful (really, any of the John Hughes teen canon), Beautiful Thing, Mysterious Skin, Monsoon Wedding, LIttle Miss Sunshine


Arrested Development, My So-Called Life


Way way too many to list in a complete fashion. Some highlights: Virginia Euwer Wolff's True Believer, Craig Thompson's Blankets, Anne Tyler's Dinner at the Homesick Restaurant, James Howe's Totally Joe, David Leavitt's The Lost Language of Cranes, Rachel Cohn's Gingerbread, Francesca Lia Block's Dangerous Angels, John Green's Looking for Alaska, Markus Zusak's The Book Thief, Alice Hoffman's Seventh Heaven, Billy Merrell's Talking in the Dark and all the other PUSH books, M.T. Anderson's Feed, Nick Hornby's High Fidelity, Brian Malloy's The Year of Ice, Julie Ann Peters's Far From Xanadu, John Irving's A Prayer for Owen Meany...I'll stop with that, but there are many more.


Pretty much anyone who can make it to college without imploding.

My Blog


It's been a while since I've posted a book recommendation. So I now shall urge you all to go out and buy/borrow/not steal Eireann Corrigan's ORDINARY GHOSTS. I know I'm biased because I edited the t...
Posted by davidlevithan on Mon, 07 May 2007 05:52:00 PST

PUSH anthology ... and PUSH tour next week!

Hey all! I'm going to have a lot o' news in the next few weeks.  Starting with this:  an anthology I edited called THIS IS PUSH has just hit stores.  It's pretty amazing, with stories f...
Posted by davidlevithan on Tue, 13 Mar 2007 05:48:00 PST

My new book, WIDE AWAKE!

Here are two and a half chapters from my new book, WIDE AWAKE.  Since I'm choosing the first two and a half chapters, I will let it speak for itself. If you like what's here, please go ...
Posted by davidlevithan on Sat, 09 Sep 2006 04:55:00 PST

David Recommends: I DON'T WANT TO BE CRAZY

Since I'm always being asked for book recommendations, I've decided to post some on here every now and then.  Some (like this weeks) will be books I've edited and am very proud of.  Others w...
Posted by davidlevithan on Mon, 03 Jul 2006 03:03:00 PST

Tour Dates!

Due to a strange confluence of publication dates, I have two books coming out in May. NICK AND NORAH'S INFINITE PLAYLIST is a novel I co-wrote with my super-great friend Rachel Cohn. And THE FULL SP...
Posted by davidlevithan on Sun, 07 May 2006 07:20:00 PST

The Story Behind Marly's Ghost

A lot of people have been asking for the idea behind Marly's Ghost, and why I decided to write a remix novel.  In fact, a lot of people are wondering what the heck a remix novel is.  So, to ...
Posted by davidlevithan on Thu, 22 Dec 2005 02:07:00 PST

Marly's Ghost excerpt!

Here's an excerpt from my new book, Marly's Ghost. It's a valentine remix of A Christmas Carol -- basically, I've taken Dickens's story and changed it around to fit a new slant. As you will no doubt...
Posted by davidlevithan on Sun, 18 Dec 2005 06:35:00 PST