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Patron Saint of Innocent Mistakes

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I am a bestselling author of several books and a Pop Culture fanatic!!! Nacio una especie de ser que intenta crecer y al mismo tiempo explorar, que día a día intenta creer en nuevas cosas para poder mantenerse en un mundo donde lo material absorbe el amor que existe en nuestro entorno, donde lo peor siempre hace su presencia y lo mejor solo de vez en cuando para no dejar perdernos. Alguien que podría definirse como sencillo, amoroso, sincero, trabajador, altruista, en fin... solo soy "un soñador por vocación" y todo lo que implica ese texto tan corto, pero lleno de contenido. Me gusta lo sencillo, no creo en la vanidad, creo en que un mundo lleno de amor puede ser y en que compartir es una forma de vivir, amo la naturaleza, creo en Dios y me gusta vivir para construir un futuro mucho mejor que el de este tiempo en algunos lugares.

My Interests

The world is a source of endless fascination (and irritation) for me. I am a HUGE fan of Pop Culture and Music and am great with trivia (I know, what a loser!) I enjoy writing (I have five books published with another on the way) as well as commenting on the state of pop culture in my blog here at My Space. I am a loyal friend and good listener and very accepting of all individuals. Travelling is my great passion in life and I have been fortunate to travel extensively around the world.Dislikes: Prejudice of any kind; the victimization of women and children, societal apathy and war mongering.

I'd like to meet:

I would like to meet Perez Hilton, the Queen of All Celebrity Bloggers. It's amazing how much power a guy sitting at his computer at the local Starbucks can wield. You rock, Perez!

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I'm a big fan of 80s music, cheeze factor and all. You just can't help but feel happy when you hear a song by Culture Club, Cyndi Lauper or Duran Duran!!!I also worship at the shrine of Sarah McClachlan... she's simply amazing... and I adore Natalie Merchant, Dido and the rock godesses that are Blondie and Pat Benatar!


Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, Forest Gump, Steel Magnolias, Driving Miss Daisy (I have a thing for Southern films),The Breakfast Club, Sixteen Candles, Como Agua por Chocolate, Amores Perros, Y Tu Mama Tambien, and The Lion in Winter.


Ugly Betty Rulez! (I loved the Colombian and Mexican versions, but the American version is the best!) My current favorite television show is "The Amazing Race"... I would love to compete on that show. I also am a big fan of "The Golden Girls", natch, as I've written a book on the program! Also enjoy: Scrubs, Simpsons, Keeping Up Appearances, CSI: Miami, Cold Case, Footballer's Wives and Law & Order.


Books are a highly important part of my life, and each of the following books has inspired me in some way:Valley of the Dolls by Jacqueline SusannThe Thorn Birds by Colleen McCulloughThe Transit of Venus by Shirley HazardThe Carpetbaggers by Harold Robbins


Madonna... because she's done exactly as she's wanted her whole life... no apologies! (And she's taken a great deal of flack for it, as recent headlines have witnessed...)

My Blog

Run for the Roses

This is the first time in several years where I've not been at Churchill Downs to watch the Kentucky Derby in person, primarily due to my father's illness. I watched the race at my father's home here ...
Posted by Patron Saint of Innocent Mistakes on Sun, 04 May 2008 04:09:00 PST

I arrived

Just a qu--ck note to let everyone know that I have arr--ved safely --n Istanbul...f--nally! I w--ll tell all upon my return, but travell--ng was a n--ghtmare. Now I am try--ng to f--gure out the Turk...
Posted by Patron Saint of Innocent Mistakes on Thu, 06 Mar 2008 02:16:00 PST

Packing Hope, Dreams and Clothes into a Suitcase

Have you ever noticed how much you think as you are packing your suitcase to go away on a big trip? My mind has been going into over-drive this morning, as I've been dusting off my much-used Pierre Ca...
Posted by Patron Saint of Innocent Mistakes on Sun, 02 Mar 2008 08:22:00 PST

Pop Culture Mayhem! Music Edition

So, my latest book Pop Culture Mayhem © is about to be published through my imprint Five Apples Press! Hooray! Very excited about this, naturally, so I thought I would share some of the puzzles from ...
Posted by Patron Saint of Innocent Mistakes on Sat, 01 Mar 2008 07:20:00 PST

My father’s condition/Updated

The past few days have been gruelling, but I am now hopeful that the worst is over for my father. On Wed. my father had to have a colonscopy performed at the hospital. The doctor discovered two pre-ca...
Posted by Patron Saint of Innocent Mistakes on Fri, 29 Feb 2008 02:23:00 PST

Off to Istanbul!

Okay, so I bought my plane tickets today, so it is official, I'm leaving for Istanbul, Turkey, on March 4 and staying through March 13... I'm both excited and nervous about this vacation, as I've neve...
Posted by Patron Saint of Innocent Mistakes on Thu, 21 Feb 2008 01:30:00 PST

M. Knight’s The Happening

The trailer for M. Knight Shyamalan's new apocalyptic thriller "The Happening" has been officially released, and it looks quite intriguing. After a couple of thundering duds (2004's The Village and 20...
Posted by Patron Saint of Innocent Mistakes on Sun, 17 Feb 2008 08:25:00 PST

Cloverfield Rocked!

I saw Cloverfield last night and I have to say... it rocked. A truly terrifying monster movie told on a highly intimate level. The thrills were a mile a minute (after the first fifteen minutes of expo...
Posted by Patron Saint of Innocent Mistakes on Fri, 18 Jan 2008 03:12:00 PST

Year End Reflection

As one year ends and the new year is set to begin, one naturally looks back on the past three-hundred and sixty-odd days for just a bit of reflection. All-in-all, 2007 has been a very good year for me...
Posted by Patron Saint of Innocent Mistakes on Sun, 30 Dec 2007 06:32:00 PST

Amazing Races Ron & Christina

Is anyone else completely irritated by Ron on Amazing Race XII? On last night's episode Ron was beyond irritating and annoying... does he ever shut his mouth? Does he have a clue what he is even sayin...
Posted by Patron Saint of Innocent Mistakes on Mon, 12 Nov 2007 03:15:00 PST