Metaphysics, Spirituality, Magick, Buddhism, Druidism, Wicca, Paganism, Self-Mastery, Awareness, Enlightenment, and Realization, Harmonic Resonance, Harmonic Convergences, Ascension, Evolutionary Conciousness, Divine Spark, God-Manifestation, Christ-Conciousness, Buddhic-Conciousness, Universal Co-creatorship, Suconciousness, Superconciousness, Elohim, Kaballah, Mayan Comology, 2012, Hunab Ku, 13 Moon Cycles, Universe, Dharma,
I am human so I still express my personality and ego so you must understand that I live with this duality. I am still learning and on the path.
But here is the rest: I am a lightworker, healer, spiritual counsel.
I deal with all aspects of energy, consciousness, dimensions, vortexes, spirits, human extra-sensory abilities, alternate realities, alternate perceptions, time/reality shifts and so forth. I consider myself a Multi-Dimensional Ascended Master 2 (Not meaning that I am ascended, but that my consciousness and spiritual vibration and wisdom has evolved to this level of the ascension path). I am working to get to level 3. I can only measure it in terms of what is shown to me by the universe. (I try to use terms that are commonplace and often used to describe the self-mastery process). I just use this as a means and representation for what I acknowledge as achievement in the spiritual dimensions and process.
It has taken me 12 years in practice, effort, and actively pursuing a spiritual means by which to live and experience this existence. Or non-existence, (duality), emptiness, divine, nothingness or dharma. Whatever you want to call it. I still am practicing and building my knowledge, and general skill as a light-worker energy healer spiritualist. I am here to help aid in the transition of this time and period in our Cosmic, Solar, and Galactic evolution. I am here to bring spiritual message by whatever means and medium necessary to all willing and listening. I am here to learn and to help others learn and activate what is innate in them. Their light body and higher-self. All have a sense of nature within that is the key to heightened vibration and ascension. I am just one part of a greater mandala working in tandem with the collective. I am that I am. I am another yourself! Well for the most part I am at your service. Lets journey together to bridge the cosmic abyss and void. We will all attain some form of unified harmony and enlightenment. Let's participate in sharing information and gain momentum in this evolutionary process.
Well that's my "Universe in a nutshell"!
Peace, Love, and Light!
Whoever you are, come on in...The cosmos is full of order and chaos. It's not my job to manage it all, just participate. So when you are ready for a new channel to open up in your life...let me know.
Electronica, Trance, Pschedelic, Goa, Techno, Gabber, Darkcore, Intelligent, Experimental Techno, Minimal Techno, Ambient, Electroclash, Rap, Old School Rap & Hip-Hop, Industrial, Noisecore, Noise, New Age, Classical, Bjork all day and all night!
Too Many to list (but one day I'll get to it). Dune, Lifeforce, Empire of the Sun, Kung Fu Master (Jet Li), Mortal Combat, Fist of the North Star, A Time of the Gypsies, Equilibrium, Aeon Flux, Owning Mahoney
SCI-FI - Heroes, Star Trek, Generations, Voyager, DS9, Stargate, X-Files, X-Men, Farscape, Spin City, Just Shoot Me, All 80's B Movies
Power of myth, Mother of the Buddhas, Lotus Sutra (Burton Watson tranlation), JRR Tolkien, Inner Revolution (Robert Thurman), The Mayan Factor (Jose Arguelles), Bringers of the Dawn (Barbara Marcinak), Dune, Rich Dad Poor Dad (Robert Kiyosaki), Power
Hulk Hogan, Colonel Sanders, Wolverine, Leutenant Warf, Gautama Buddha, Wonder Women, Xena, I can't idolize any real people because they suck! Except for maybe the Buddha, he's cool yo I'm out!