I love music. I used to love playing music(drums) but I enjoy listening to it more now. Not everyone is meant to be a rock star I guess. I like to read, not just books but pretty much anything that keeps me up to date with what's going on in this crazy world. I grew up in a Chiropractic family ( my father and brother are both Chiropractors) It is a big part of my life which I'm starting to truely appreciate. So if you ever need a good no make that great Chiropractor I can recommend one..
"If we become increasingly humble about how little we know, we may be more eager to search." - Sir John Templeton
Catcher in the Rye, Discovering Wellness ( How staying healthy can make you rich by Dr. Bob Hoffman and DR. Jason Deitch Chuck Klosterman books
I don't have any "heroes" per say , no one has swooped down from the sky to save me from being crushed by a bus or anything. But I do have people I truely admire:My Brother, my parents, George my grandfather(RIP), anyone who has had to deal with extreme pain or grief and come out strong, they are heroes.