Etereys (Phoenix Serpent) profile picture

Etereys (Phoenix Serpent)

∞۞∞ יונתן

About Me

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* What Drunvalo has to share about what is coming within the next 2-3 years, as communicated from the indigenous nations.
* Ron Paul's Third Party Press Conference (September 13th 2008)
All that is necessary right now is to be in the heart.
I am nothing & everything.
I am nowhere and everywhere
I exist finitely and infinitely.
The revelation of the age is the divine immanence within, a deeply-felt realization that no self-imposed prison which limits freedom within and without, no man-made structure, religion or otherwise, can offer.
There is one point which all religion since the beginning of man's history leads. It is a point where and when one must drop and forget all mechanisms which limit genuine freedom to see her promised land. From one side, the gate appears black on account of all unresolved shadows and fear which persist. And even these must pass away.
I recognize the validity of all religious expression and the timely necessity of the message of each for its unique place and time. However I also realize that all must eventually die on the return path, be dismantled and deconstructed to push beyond the frontiers of common thought and consideration, and past this gate, all is meaningless and of no more use.
And in our dismantling of the towers erected, we face a new challenge that spawns a new vista of spirit and awareness and release ourselves from that old bondage, where we then use any conceived symbol for the algebraic and geometric exploration of reality in the freedom of the spirit.
As for freedom...
Freedom comes through experience, and by what self-imposed prison offers such experience? None, I say, by nature of its self-imprisonment it sets limits to itself. But the mind creates its own prisons for its own safety and what it is not ready to enter into.
True freedom is for the strong, and when man is strong enough in his self, such restrictions are no longer of use when Love and Being are the only Law. For the product of Will can only be Love, this Will which the religious vaguely understand to be the Will of Allah/God.
When a person is ready for genuine freedom, he/she will no longer need such restrictions.
"the law of
the strong:
this is our law
and the joy
of the world." Liber AL Vel Legis II. 2

I wish you well on your journey, and may peace in your heart, mind and soul be with you.
Challenges are upon the people of the planet. When you see the bright star in the night sky of the soul, you know then that your own ecstasy is upon you, and this is the beginning of your own awakening, your birth into a greater, more wonderful promise. That star is the harbinger of your own salvation, that promise of the ages. It is the end of what you have known and the beginning of what you don't. When we say it is the bringer of death, what we mean is that it is the bringer of life, the two, death and life, being linguistic functions of the same principle. What dies is the way of being, the naivety, the blindness to a more spectacular glimmering canvas of creation. The awareness unfolds to realize the intertwined nature of the cosmos and its reflective nature when it uses its powers of perception upon itself. The birth of a child of the universe is truly the beginning of a new creation, one in whom there are no boundaries or borders or limiting beliefs. For this child, Love is the explosive generator of life and being. It is the Way, and all ways which man has concocted beforehand lead to this one realization.
There is one certainty, that through the passage of Death's Gate, we are all changed. Must a form not be broken down to its base elements in its transformation to something more refined? In the breaking down of the system of the world, a spontaneous emergence of a new species of human awaits, and in its emergence, a new system of life. In this emerging system, the dying one becomes but a dream for reflection for the sake of the children of a new world.
And it is for this child which I repeat Liber Oz , for it is in this star which strength resides.
In the midst of the apocalypse, the unveiling of the heavens, is the advent of that star of salvation like a cosmic crossing point.
Alas, I have died and become alive!
All has become meaningless, and yet all is pregnant with potential.
I chased the setting sun to its eventual rising and demanded a recount.
And I replied: I have died to everything that I have known into the pit of emptiness, and yet in that pit there was a shimmering where I captured the beauty of everything beyond my imagination.
That shimmering was a star hidden in the darkness of my unawareness.
And when that star alights, what shall be my fear where I walk?
Though I walk in the valley of the shadow of death, I am alive, my senses burn and shoot up like an arcing blaze in an explosion of ecstatic movement,
The waters that rain down reveal that rainbow of promise as the rays of the sun refract off of those waters and heal a troubled world.

My Interests

"Your task is not to seek for love but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it." - Rumi

To stop wars, you must stop your own conflicts and anguish and sufferings. This fundamentally must change, a revolution within yourself. Wars between nations, peoples, religions and any faction that is created are a natural extension of man's warring within himself.

I know this might be difficult to understand for some, but...

The more I travel and explore, the more those lines blur, and in that blurring a whole other vista unfolds itself to my awareness. So call me whatever I am to you, because each relationship between every other body is unique in itself, no two exactly the same. I am what I am to you, despite another's reality, based solely on your unique perceptions and awareness.

What is the last bastion of identity that I can break within myself and blast through? I want to go there...

I'd like to meet:

...especially people who love to laugh to a healthy extent. ;o)


*psi, goa, progressive...*

A sample of my grandfather's music , my first inspiration of the movement of sound.

The Gift of Love

In my intoxication of love, I have become an adolator, raised up and slain.
Oh, how sweet was death!
The simultaneneous explosions and implosions turn my soul.
Turning over and over, they flash through my being, and I forget what it is like to not be in this love.

The cross is the sacred symbol that lies within the bosom of the temple of love.
It is death, and it is life.
Before the land of the superluminal it stands like a beacon,
Calling out to all who seek the treasures of heaven.

    Favorite Ambient Channels on Shoutcast:CryoSleep Drone Zone


2001: A Space Odyssey and 2010: The Year We Make Contact, Contact, The Fountain, The Matrix, Cocoon, Stargate, The Last Mimzy, Leviathan...
"If you come to me with doubts, I will give you every reason to be doubtful. If you come to me with love, I will show you more than you have ever known." -Babaji
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”


"One must still have chaos in oneself to be able to give birth to a dancing star"

(.. /)
( . .)


John Dee
Edward Kelley

My Blog

just evil

Accountability, anyone?AIG in the US blows large sum of bailout money which the federal government committed to them for rescue on lavish vacation at the St. Regis Resort in Monarch Beach, California ...
Posted by Etereys (Phoenix Serpent) on Sat, 11 Oct 2008 04:54:00 PST

blog journal October 5th 2008 ( love to a tgirl)

I have created this into a blog though it was a response to a large amount of hate remarks to a tgirl.  It applies to anyone, and I thought it was good to blog for some reason.It's a shame to see...
Posted by Etereys (Phoenix Serpent) on Mon, 06 Oct 2008 08:50:00 PST

75,000 Georgia State Votes Trashed

I've carried this response over from Shawn's blog to share the article that Graham posted.  graham ...
Posted by Etereys (Phoenix Serpent) on Fri, 03 Oct 2008 02:40:00 PST

Coup Averted for Three Days!

Though I am not a big fan of Michael Moore, it is good to hear his side at times when it's not over-hyped.  So here is the bulletin shared from   ...
Posted by Etereys (Phoenix Serpent) on Wed, 01 Oct 2008 04:22:00 PST

The Gift of Love [Deepak Chopra]

The Gift of Love(Indian poetry translated by Deepak Chopra)* I forget the Indian guy who wrote all this, but the originals are evidently in Sanskrit.* Please see below for the track lyrics. ...
Posted by Etereys (Phoenix Serpent) on Fri, 26 Sep 2008 05:50:00 PST

David Wilcock on the 1.618 Imploding Spiral

I know the beginning of this video takes off to a short slow start, but please be patient (since it is only 6 minutes long), because 2009 is mentioned. ;o) It's an amazing enough thought, what he pre...
Posted by Etereys (Phoenix Serpent) on Thu, 25 Sep 2008 03:24:00 PST

blog journal September 21st 2008 (crazy friend)

blog journal2008-9-2112.  Lamat (Rabbit, Star)An old friend of mine has known me, has built dreams with me, has laughed with me, has appointed me in her house, has made plans with me....
Posted by Etereys (Phoenix Serpent) on Mon, 22 Sep 2008 08:12:00 PST

Wayshowers Codes of Awakening (Goldring 98)

Posted by Etereys (Phoenix Serpent) on Sat, 20 Sep 2008 05:53:00 PST

Dreamtime video by Regina at Conscious Media Network

From The Fifth Element for 2008, talking about dreamtime by Regina at vices/link/bcpid1758282478/bctid1764733761alternate link:
Posted by Etereys (Phoenix Serpent) on Mon, 15 Sep 2008 05:11:00 PST

blog journal September 10th 2008 (a response to Laura)

blog journal2008-9-1012.  Caban  (Earth)[To Lauren Zimmerman]From a world where others told me where to go and what to do, I come for a world where the people are so worn and pro...
Posted by Etereys (Phoenix Serpent) on Thu, 11 Sep 2008 08:37:00 PST