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Open Your Mind

About Me

I Love to make things, I like to know why, how, how come, and what the possibilities are. I have a degree in Jewelry, I Practice Majick and Make my Ritual Tools. I am a Mystick Student/Teacher that focuses on modern Shamanism. I am a free lance Piercer. I do Yoga Almost every day. I am a very determined and Sometimes Egotistical person. I love the Calm, but most of the time I find it in the Eye of the Storm. I Meditate to Calm, to Silence, to Raise the Kundalini, and to Journey.

I play the Didgeridoo in a Psychedelic Trance Metal Band called Niobium . I am very busy, and I long for Peace.

My Interests

Yoga, Meditation, Silence, Balance,

Art, Jewelry, Music, Chaos, Order, Quantum, Strings, Membrane's, Theories, "Higher" Dimensions, Nature, Dancing, Parties, Herbs of all kinds,

Dragons, Wolves, Pheonixes, Stags, Foxes, Dragon Flies, Spiders, Snakes, Wolverines, Elves, Faries, Frogs, Turtles, Dinosaurs, Quality things made by Real Hands, Friends, Learning, Sharing, Goth, Hippie, Rave, Club, Majick, Body, Mind, Spirit, Wholeness, Health, Peace, Love, Light and a Lil' Bit of Justice in the World.

I'd like to meet:

People who understand the concepts of “Nothing”.People who know “Universal Love”. Artists, Musicians, Poets, Etc.People of Majick Blood and Mind.People who have something to Teach me, and who might like to Learn something as well.



Phoenix Experience

Tara (My Big Sassy Sis)

Marri (My Lil Sassy Sis)

The Crow King

Diggz Mahoney

Drewza Da Brewza

Dr. Pfshopilis

Alyssa Luscious

Laces McMubbles

Sweetness Peahen

Sugar Swan





Phoenix Serpent


Seth 77

Sean Doyle

View All of My Friends


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You are Lateralus. You are unique, intelligent, and most importantly, an individual. You are probably a leader and you see and do things your own way, which is usually different from the norm. We expect big things to come from you.
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Metal, Trance, Rock, “Newer” Age, World, Didgeridoo, Drums, Guitar, Goth Industrial. I like it all. I was a DJ for 4 years, so I still like a lot of Bullshit Pop from the 90’s. I am not very into Country or Opera. If I can Groove, Dance, Trance, Jam, Thrash, or Chill too it and its good, then it fits the ticket.

Currently on my Play List...
Local MN:
Stellar Vector
Dessa Darling of Doom Tree
Oumar Bliss
Enchanted Ape
Copa Setic
Seazon of the Fly
Motion Piolets
Gabriel and Thee Apocolpsye
Wookie Foot

Medicine Drum

Juno Reactor
Paul Oakenfold

A Perfect Circle
Team Sleep
Nickel Back
Days of the New

Trik Turner
Nappy Roots


APV, Riddick, The Lord of the Rings, Johnny Depp, Quinton Tarentino, Tim Burton, Anime, Waking Life, What The Bleep Do We Know?, The Elegant Universe, Vanilla Sky, Harry of the Potter, Merlin, The Odyssey, The Dark Cystal, Labrinth, Legend, and anything that makes ya think.


PBS, Discovery Channel, the Learning Channel, Commedy Central.I don't watch TV, but that's the stuff I Like if I do.


the Four Agrements. The Elegant Universe. The Hobbit. The Lord of the Rings. Mists of Avalon. Be Here Now. The Eagles Quest. Oak Ash Thorn. and many more...


Goddess... )0(, God.. O, the Sun, the Moon, the Earth, The Ocean, The Sky, Hades,

Alex Grey

A. Andrew Gonzales

Luke Brown .

Paul B. Rucker .

Michele-lee Phelan .

Maynerd James Kenan , Trent Reznor, Aristotle, Dr. Edward Witten, Dr. Emoto , Jesus, Siddhartha Gautama, Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr., John Lennon, Merlyn, Elders, Peers, The Youth -- Children are so Important, and they teach us so much if we choose to look and listen. And Most Importantly, YOU!!!

My Blog

I am the Calm face of Water

I am the Calm face of Water, and I work my majick with patience and perseverance. I put out Fires and carve cannels in the most stubborn of Mountains.  Only when I am trapped and the fire is hot ...
Posted by Justice on Wed, 14 Mar 2007 01:37:00 PST

As I Rise from the Dreams...

My Thumb meets my index finger. There is no Color to be seen with the Naked Eye, only the Love and Heat that radiates from the Mothers Womb. Twin Serpents helicoidally rise to breathe life a new. My ...
Posted by Justice on Tue, 20 Feb 2007 02:12:00 PST

Tagged 7 Random Whachit's

The rules: Someone writes a blog with seven weird/random facts about him/herself. Then, at the end of the blog, he/she tags seven people by listing their names. These people then need to write their o...
Posted by Justice on Sun, 18 Feb 2007 01:45:00 PST

Justice Tarot Card

Today's Card: Justice This card reminds us that true justice is an act of mercy not cruelty. Often we look at justice as "an eye for an eye" and not as an act of discipline. Discipline is not the sam...
Posted by Justice on Thu, 28 Dec 2006 10:32:00 PST

Left Eye Right Eye Meditation

Namaste, This Blog is about a meditation that I have been practicing for a while.  Its fun and you can feel a very interesting sensation of changing your perspective on things right away.  I...
Posted by Justice on Mon, 11 Dec 2006 01:29:00 PST

Phoenix Wisdom

As we CHOOSE to go through our own rebirth(s), we shed away the tendencies and behaviors of our past selves to make way and room for the behaviors that will aid us in growing toward the probable futur...
Posted by Justice on Fri, 14 Oct 2005 11:56:00 PST

Keeping Footholds On the Mountainside

When we stand at the base of a mountain and look up, we may notice that there are less of us at "higher altitudes" It almost seems as if there is literally less available space for those who climb hig...
Posted by Justice on Wed, 05 Oct 2005 01:36:00 PST

Personal Oracles Part 1

Namaste, The other night Seth77 and I had an interesting conversation, and it reminded me how I wanted to share some thoughts on personal Oracles with the Group.  Seth and I always talk abou...
Posted by Justice on Wed, 21 Sep 2005 12:50:00 PST

Choices and Visual Clarity of Future Probabilities

I have conscientiously allowed the waters of my mind to flow freely for the last two days, making no attempt to silence or stop the world.  It became apparent to me that there are free flowing pa...
Posted by Justice on Wed, 14 Sep 2005 06:54:00 PST


Hey Every Body, I have a little announcement to make... Effective 4:30 PM Friday Oct 13th, I will be a Self Employed Free Lance Artist/Performer/Yoga instructor and more. There are a number of things...
Posted by Justice on Wed, 13 Sep 2006 02:23:00 PST