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...........I would like to start meditation it's something i alway's had an interest for,i love the outdoor's hiking off beat trails seeing nature in the raw is an inspiration for me. When i can i love horse back ridding bareback is alittle harder but very invigorating i don't get to do it enough.
I love writting poems, short stories and novel type stories, I love to watch people do poi dancing! fire dancer's are so incredible!! they have this awesome control over the instrument that they use and it is so intense ....well to me it is i give alot of love and respect to anyone who has the ability to dance so freely with fire!!
You are very successful in life and are always planning for the future. You are probably already in a committed relationship and enjoy the intimacy that comes with your lovemaking.
You are direct with your lover about what you like and you like it when they are direct with you. You have excellent sex, because you make sure that it’s a custom fit for yourself.
Sex matches: Taurus, Virgo, Scorpio
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there is many people i would like to meet some of which have left this earth but other's still remain just to name a few that have gone are Sitting Bull,Black Elk, Wovoka, Gandhi, Tad Z. Danielewski,Marion Zimmer Bradley,Emily Bronte, Jane Austen. Other's that are still here are Brooke Medicine Eagle,Owl Goingback,Sylvia Brown,Rosemary Altea, Gerina Dunwich,Poe,David Bowie,Trent Reznor,Jared Leto,And most of all you............................. ...~SITTING BULL~................................ ...~GANDHI~.................................... ...*OWL GOINGBACK*................................ ...~BROOKE MEDICINE EAGLE~........................ ~ROSEMARY ALTEA~....................................... .........~GERINA DUNWICH~................................ ...*DAVID BOWIE*............................. ...*TRENT REZNOR*............................... ...*JARED LETO*............................. "Was it a Dream" this song is very beautiful more calm but jared is still very intense!!!!...........................................
NIOBIUM,nine inch nails,30 Seconds to Mars, Nick Black,Dommin,Copasetic,My Chemical Romance ,linkin park, Marilyn Manson, Robert Miles, the Legend Soundtrack,All sort's of Madonna (can't get enough of the 'sorry' video!) Sarah Brightman, Danzig, Hole, early Bjork, PWEI, vnv nation, funkervogt,the best of billy squier, Little tin box, Blood Simple, some stp, loreena mckennitt, !!!fiona apple!!!!, evanescence, POE, alittle nina gordon, sara oh my sara mclachlan, a-ha, enigma, RHCP, ms jagged little pill her self, ~~ALL HAIL~~TORI AMOS~~!!!**. all kinds of techno- native american meditations, and you may think i am a total corn dog but i own dc talk's album 'jesus freak' and i love the song"in the light" every time i here it i get major goose bump's seriously!! i am liking the 'Him', AFI, disturbed, labrinth soundtrack, and prick,**Animal* and it's just too many to name all
Justice Draconis of Niobium @ The Lounge pt. 2
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30 seconds to mars....."ATTACK"..
LOTR ultimate fav., king kong, the Henson movies are also a must see The Dark Crystal, Labyrinth and i think there is another film by henson by the name of Fariestory or something like that any thing by Miyazaki is cool also windwalker, dragon slayer, Crouching Tiger hidden dragon, Hero, The House of flying Daggers, Harold and Kumar go to White Castle Wating, cruel intentions,Dangerous liasions, Kama Surta,pow wow highway,last of the dogmen, We have ton's of movies it also depend's on the type of mood i am in i have a tendacy to go thru alot of same type movies depending the mood, M.NIGHT SHYAMALAN is seriously my favorite director his movies are so ~~DEEP~~ but they have so much meaning in all of his work....yeah!!img src="http://img502.imageshack.us/img502/1739/orenishiilucyli u2ny3.jpg" border="0" alt="Image Hosted by ImageShack.us"
My kid's have the t.v for most of the day then my husband comes home from work and has it for the evening HUGE!!SPORT'S FREAK!!(iiiya!) Well i must confess i love LOVE!!! anime *hence my love for miyazaki films!!* so when adult swim comes on cartoonnetwork i do watch some i adore 'Inuyasha' my favorite characters are sesshumaru and kikyoLayout made by
i enjoy reading alot, all kind's of authors from Emily Bronte,Jane Austen,Dee Brown, Owl Goingback,Ann Rice(the Vampire Chronicles...Ahh..yes Lestat!!), Stephen King,Orson Scott Card,Terry Pratchett, Marion Zimmer Bradley,Gerina Dunwich,Scott Cunninham,Dean R.Koontz,J.R.R.Tolkien,William Shakespeare,Sylvia Brown,Brooke Medicine Eagle,Mary Dean Atwood,Mary Summer Rain, and Martin W. Ball!
I Would most definitely say my mother i thank her so much for being her and teaching me the way she did of life, love and caring for others the best that she could and anyone who believes in themselves and dose right for other's....................................................
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