Orobai's Vision is the first installment of the Tale of Aurduin series, a four-book fantasy epic and is now available as a paperback book for $14.98 through this page at AURDUIN.NET , MARTINBALL.NET , LULU.COM , and Amazon.com . Watch the short video below for a promo of OROBAI'S VISION
"At the foot of the Great Mountain Golgath lived the Grundin. The ancient Gem Seeker was many things to many people. He possessed many names, wore many identities, and was the fabric of more stories than there are feathers on a bird. He was the Raven, the Black Sorcerer, the Singer, the Dark Mystery, and the last practitioner of the ancient art of creation, the Altfein-Aryat. He was Orobai, the Preserver of the Four Ways of the Illan, the final repository of the knowledge and symbols of Creation." -- from the prologue to Orobai's Vision
Click play on the file below to see a promo video of Tales of Aurduin, Volume II, The Fate of Miraanni
The Fate of Miraanni is NOW AVAILABLE HERE