In the beggining was the word...........
light geometric holographic grid matrixes
give rise to form,
give rise to the universe...........
torsion waves grids extend to the far reaches of time
intertwining past present and future together..........
our DNA is sound blueprint for harnessing waves to form........
we are sound.........
the universe is sound........
all that ever was, is and will be is sound......
i dedicate all of my creation to these concepts
Abwoon d'bwashmaya,
Nethqadash shmakh,
Teytey malkuthakh.
Nehwey tzevyanach aykanna d'bwashmaya aph b'arha.
Hawvlan lachma d'sunqanan yaomana.
Washboqlan khaubayn (wakhtahayn)
aykana daph khnan shbwoqan l'khayyabayn.
Wela tahlan l'nesyuna.
Ela patzan min bisha.
Metol dilakhie malkutha wahayla wateshbukhta l'ahlam almin.
reestablishing the gaian connection of ourselves and the planet is essential....that energies can become visible spectrums, radiant and beautiful, connecting us further to the universe
You scored as Buddhism. Your beliefs most closely resemble those of Buddhism. Do more research on Buddhism and possibly consider becoming Buddhist, if you are not already.In Buddhism, there are Four Noble Truths: (1) Life is suffering. (2) All suffering is caused by ignorance of the nature of reality and the craving, attachment, and grasping that result from such ignorance. (3) Suffering can be ended by overcoming ignorance and attachment. (4) The path to the suppression of suffering is the Noble Eightfold Path, which consists of right views, right intention, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, right-mindedness, and right contemplation. These eight are usually divided into three categories that base the Buddhist faith: morality, wisdom, and samadhi, or concentration. In Buddhism, there is no hierarchy, nor caste system; the Buddha taught that one's spiritual worth is not based on birth.
I find that through the ongoning process of time and space, experiance, meditation, ongoing questions of who and what we are, that they have brought me and us to the state where things are becoming interesting.....where we are really thriving and flourishing, and it is beautiful to witness this ongoing process. This manifestation of visible thought and collective entanglement with the whole of the universe. Sure it is good to question and debate and rival what we think is real, but to really dive into bliss and relaxation with the fact that the only way to true self and understanding is to accept the modes and notions that the universe lives and thrives with multiplicities of union and communion. Sages and mystic seekers throughout the ages have been seeking the ultimate union of happiness and logical progression of thought, and now is the time to understand that we are standing on the threshold of the greatest advancement of mental evolution that the human condition has ever witnessed. all you have to do is really dig deep and see what the beauty and construct of the universe is really unfolding through it's evolution.....we are part of the unfolding through speaking with conscious thought, through understanding that we are the wielders of the god vessal, we are a part of the miasma of particle quantum entanglements of every living and nonliving entity in the vast unending universal sphere of humming beauty and galactic numerilogical variables of logical and nonlogical consumption.
He who sees his Lord
within every creature
deathlessly dwelling
Amidst the mortal:
That man sees truly.
My consciousness was caught up into a realm radiant with that light which never was on land or sea. Gradually I realised the presence of a great Angelic Being, who was doubtless responsible for my elevated state. From his mind into mine there began to flow a stream of ideas converning the life, the force and the consciousness of the universe and their self-expression as angels and as men. This description is not strictly accurate, however, because during such communication, the sense of duality was reduced to a minimum. Rather did the two centres of consciousness, those of the angel and myself, become almost co-existent, temporarily forming one "being" within which the stream of ideas arose. This, I believe, is essentially true of all interchanges which occur above the level of the formal mind, and especially at those of spiritual Wisdom and spiritual Will (the buddhic and atmic planes. red). In the latter, duality virtually disappears and oneness, uttermost interior unity remains. Daily entering that realm of light, I found that the great ocean of the life, the force and the soul of the universe had its myriad denizens. These are the Spiritual Selves of men and Super-men and the vast company of the Angelic Hosts, of which the being who "addressed" me was a member.He was supernally neautiful, majestic, god-like, and impassive and impersonal to the last degree. As teacher to pupil, he began to tell of - and to enable me, with gradually increasing clarity, to percieve - the Angelic Hosts, their Orders and degrees. He told of their communion with men, as in ancient Greece, Egypt and Eastern lands, their place in Nature as Ministers of the Most High and of that great dawn of creation when, metaphorically, as the Morning Stars they sang together and as the Sons of God they shouted for joy. He spoke of the creative process as the composition and performerance of a celestial symphony, of the Logos as Divine Musician and of His universe as a manifestation of celestian harmony. He told of the great Gods who assimilate the mighty creative chords in their ranks from the highest spiritual worlds to the realm of everlasting Archetypes. the great sound-forms upon and by which the physical universe is modelled. Therefrom, he said, the music of the Creative "Word" passes on to the lower worlds, where lesser Hosts formatively echo and re-echo it, thereby building all Nature's varied forms. Since the Great Artist of the Universe perpetually creates, the Creative Sumphony is ever being composed and ever performed. Angels and men live amidst celestial harmonies, the everlasting music of the spheres. Such, in part, is the vision which once I had and which still lives with me. With it there has come the knowledge that, in their real existence, the Gods who once were so near to men were none other than the Angelic Hosts, that through-out the great racial darkness they have still been near, though un-percieved, and that the time approaches when again the Major Creative Powers and Beings, the laws by which Cosmos emerges from chaos and the place of humanity in the vast process of civine manifestation will become apparent to mankind. For that day, it was intimated, man may well prepare. Ugliness must be banished, war must be outlawed, brotherhood must reign, beauty must be enshrined in human hearts and revealed through human lives. Then to a humanity united in one fraternity the High Gods will reveal their immortal loveliness and lend their aid in building a new world in which all men may perceive and serve the Supreme as Beauty and as Truth.------GEOFFREY HODSON, 1952
Ambient, chillout, entho-spiritual, tribal, world music, TOOL, Radiohead, A Perfect Circle, meditation music, psytrance, Godspeed you black emperor, VAS, Jorane, Sigur Ros, Opeth, System of a Down, Future Sound of London, Tori Amos, Ravi Shankar
T.V.? what's that?
This presentation is focused on the "highest" or "final" energy body. Some of the names given to that body are as follow:• In the Christian tradition and esoteric Judaism it is called "the resurrection body" and "the glorified body." St. Paul called it "the celestial body" or "spiritual body."
• In Sufism it is called "the most sacred body" (wujud al-aqdas).
• In Taoism it is called "the diamond body" and those who have attained it are called "the immortals" and "the cloudwalkers."
• In Tibetan Buddhism it is called "the light body."
• In some mystery schools it is called "the solar body."
• In Rosicrucianism it is called "the diamond body of the temple of God."
• In Tantrism and yoga it is called the "the vajra body," "the adamantine body" and "the divine body."
• In Vedanta it is called "the superconductive body."
• In Kriya yoga it is called "the body of bliss."
• In Gnosticism and Neoplatonism it is called "the radiant body."
• In the alchemical tradition, the Emerald Tablet calls it "the Glory of the Whole Universe" and the "golden body."
• In the Hermetic Corpus it is called "the immortal body" (soma athanaton).
• In ancient Egypt it was called "the Akh."
• In Old Persia it was called "the indwelling divine potential" (fravashi or fra varti).
• In the Mithraic liturgy it was called "the perfect body" (soma telion)
• In the philosophy of Sri Aurobindo it is called "the Divine Body" composed of supramental substance.
• In the philosophy of Te ilhard de Chardin it is called "the ultrahuman."
• In the philosophy of Nietzsche it is called "the Overman (das Ubermensch)."
_Thoughts of Freedomchoosing the systems of engagement that produce the insightful results,
the inner storm calmed,
sails to byzantium set,
through the calls of the eternal lightmind.spectrum ever-rising to non yieldment,
oh the shafts of light penetrating,
the energy soul bounds heavenward,
unhindered by the moment of illusion.We tribes give praise to the glory of our triumph,
silken weaves grappling magestic torrents of cosmic serenity,
the minus sign disappears from the equation,
the neural path strengthens,
black pitch bends in timid reduction of the truth,
we are divine,
lotus spring of engagement in the pastel consciouness-
wielding everlasting coils of spiral webs,
entertaining the thoughts of boundlessness.
Forever juxtaposed on the walls, shadow light
plays heaven for all to see.
spires resonate to cast superstrings ablaze,
purpose has a soul.Reason claims the roll of evolution.
manifestation exchanging illusion for dreams,
sand through the microscopic hand,
i set this craft alive,
alpha centauri is calling utopia._