Broge profile picture


Artist, Designer, World traveler, Entrapenour

About Me

WE MAKE BRONZE ART.You never know who or what I will make a statue of next.Did I tell you my FRIENDS CALL ME DARREN...Announcing THE LARGEST T REX or Tyrannosaurus Rex skull in the world cast in bronze. larger than the MOR 008 T Rex skull at the Museum of the Rockies at Montana State university buy another half foot! this also handily beats "Sue" T Rex skull of the Field museum of Chicago in size...see the raw casting yet uncompleted in my photo files. I will post a blog of upcomming in 07 bronze statues soon. Looks Like we will again make many new statues for 2008. Keep posted and I will show photos when done.. Check our website ................ I like to travel and luckily my business allows me. As a designer import & exporter of bronze art. I travel often to localities like New York city, Long Island, Philadelphia, Baltimore.................. I travel to Thailand (my son is half Thai ), Japan, Ireland (my other homes) and enjoy all of Europe. Ask me more? Just click on contact me..............Hot cars and motorcycles are my passion and hobby. I just ordered a BMW 135i 6 spd Black with Terra cotta Boston leather. I sold all my other rides and really wanted a Nissan GT-R but my loacal dealers wanted an extra $20k for the honors...I told them to shove it!. Just added a 350Z Nissan 350Z or fairlady roadster that I bought from a senior citizen with only 10k mi.. Yes I am a car/MC/Machine nut. I am mechanically inclined and artistically attuned so asthetics are important to me. Sleek and curvacios is always is very part of my life Aways have the newest gadgets and electronics. I do not live in a cyber world and am leveled with common sense. I like quality junk food like chocolate, fine wine, esspresso coffee, pizza NY or Italy style. always like a casual relaxed atmosphere and colorful fun loving people with some eccentricity.VERY INTERESTING IF YOUR INTERESTED IN ASTRONOMY PHYSICSSO ABOUT MY HOME TOWN OF NEWARK DELAWARE. IT'S MOSTLY A UNIVERSITY SMALL MAIN STREET TOWN...CHECK IT OUT ON THIS VIDEO .. .. .. SO WHO DARES TO TAKE A RIDE WITH ME

My Interests

Art, scupture, statues, news, history, science, Anthropology , severe people watcher, cultures, always look for new inerests

I'd like to meet:

attractive interesting. I'm not intimidated by extreme intellegence however most of my friends are mindless funny people.But still I laugh. YES I am now looking for someone special. MY NEXT CAR WILL BE READY VERY SOON. Join me for a ride to nowhere.


Drink to Techno-listen to most Come join me sometime


I watch some movies for story line while others I can enjoy for the procution value. Great special effects and personaitys always enjoyed.


BIG SCREEN watch ocaisionally- use to play video games too. Come challenge me on Xbox live. My handle is Brogemaster and BRAINLESS


I only read for information. I am on the go person and don't live vicariosly or sit on a computer all day.


Howard Hughs and Nickolai Telsa Creative insanity genius at best!

My Blog

New ways to find a new home for PBR Giant Bronze Bull mascot statue of Smithtown NY USA

..TR> Thanks for the NEWSDAY NY story PBR GIANT BRONZE BULL craiglist ad smithtown Bull mascot statue may30,0,1822466.story We put t...
Posted by Broge on Fri, 30 May 2008 12:38:00 PST

Thanks for the News story on bronze sculpture and statues by

Check out the article at the link bronze sculpture and statues by Broge Kilrain and You can also read below When Darren Hussey is talking in his office, it's a little hard to conc...
Posted by Broge on Mon, 28 Apr 2008 11:20:00 PST

Thanks SPARK MAGAZINE for the great profile and news story about

Its always great to get some vaulued press for a small maker of life size bronze statues, scupture, animals and fountains. Check it our if interested. Its a profile about the owner and designer  ...
Posted by Broge on Wed, 09 Apr 2008 07:53:00 PST

We just finished new bronze statues and sculptures,Hula Hawaii dancer girl to Beaver & Bulldog

Well after about 9 months in the works its always great to see the work become reality. Take a moment to wach this slide show if you have the time. We make custom bronze mascots for schools and univer...
Posted by Broge on Fri, 14 Mar 2008 05:04:00 PST

Someone Hijacked Myspace acount- DON"T clcik on the Ebay coupon

Mot sure how or what they are doing but have used my acount in unauthorised manner to post invites and get them to click on same bogus $1000. off Ebay coupon. I reported it to myspace and Ebay. Not su...
Posted by Broge on Sat, 08 Mar 2008 02:43:00 PST

OK So you want to be a designer. Heres an EZ way to start with t Shirts

design T shirts and get paid...If your good Legitimatee company looking for talent. What do you have to lose?
Posted by Broge on Wed, 05 Mar 2008 12:35:00 PST


I wonder often why things, fashions, colors, and things we think are so impotant today...don't matter at all tomarrow? Better yet I wish someone could tell me what fad or desire awaits peolple so that...
Posted by Broge on Sun, 02 Mar 2008 07:59:00 PST

life size Bronze sculpture deveopment from the origional wax moulds Broge Kilrain

I’m posting in my photos actual life size wax moulds of the items I will make into bronze life size sculpture so check my photo files. ..
Posted by Broge on Fri, 22 Feb 2008 12:03:00 PST


T-Rex Skull " target="_top">T REX SKULL As our Historic or should I say prehistoric dinosaur fossils have been so sucessfull we will be making many new styles including a dolphin, cave bear, gri...
Posted by Broge on Fri, 23 Feb 2007 12:17:00 PST

New Items to make in 2008

Bronze sculpture, statues,children,animals and classics bronzesI will make an item that will probably make it into the Guiness book of world records due to the size of this bronze art. thats all I wil...
Posted by Broge on Sun, 25 Nov 2007 07:37:00 PST